The External Power is supplying the network. Airbus A320 System Practice Test! A320: General Limitations. What are the Fan Air Valve and pre-cooler used for? "Below the passenger door-window is a red CABIN PRESSURE light which ... "Set on LO, the actual pack flow may be ... What is displayed on the COND S.D. The PA TRANSMISSION key operates like other transmission keys. Study Flashcards On Airbus A320 Systems - Fire detection related panels at Test your knowledge of the Airbus A320's Flight Control laws. It helps prevent the aircraft from stalling by limiting the angle of bank at low airspeeds . A320 Notes Flashcard Maker: Chris Baines. A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW TRAINING MANUAL PRELIMINARY PAGES AIRCRAFT ALLOCATION TABLE This table gives, for each delivered aircraft, the cross reference between: - The Manufacturing Serial Number (MSN). Design and supply of fuel systems is a key responsibility of Airbus in the UK, complementing its role as the centre for wing design (with the wings having a dual role as the main fuel tanks). Practice Tests. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun! Also explore over 3 similar quizzes in this category. It is a function of the flight control laws to prevent the aircraft from stalling. Plug&Fly. It helps prevent the aircraft from stalling and protects against wind shear encounters. 9.2 water separator system 108 9.3 sampling valve adapter 110 . There is a mechanical linkage in case the ECU fails. Watching the automatic movement of the thrust levers. Nothing , it is automatic function of the FADEC. Failure of the associated transmitter and receiver. Spirit Airbus A320 Systems Flashcard Maker: Brent Farrar . For more information on the A320 family, visit the official website of Airbus Commercial Aircraft . Where is the thrust redaction altitude found and is the number always the same? Satellite enhanced airports available as add-on. C'est pourquoi nous allons vous expliquer les bases du pilotage et de la manipulation nécessaire de l'Airbus A320 dans Microsoft Flight Simulator. The APU Intake Flap opens and the starter motor engages when the flap is fully open. Light and modular structure. Holding the instinctive disconnect push buttons for more than fifteen seconds will: While flying the airplane with A/THR active the speed knob is pulled and turned to a selected speed that happens to be slower than the Alpha port, What speed will the A/C slow? Spécialiste de la gestion des données de vol depuis plus de 60 ans, Safran Electronics & Defense a utilisé ses compétences en avionique et en électronique embarquée pour concevoir des systèmes d’informations destinés aux appareils de nouvelle génération, comme l’Airbus A380. Embedded actions and features add to both the interactivity and the educational value of this A320 type rating course, which walks you step-by-step through all the systems and associated operations, providing far more visual explanation than a typical aircraft manual. Visual system. From lift off down to 100 feet radio altitude in the landing configuration. ", ...operative at all times, and it controls the outflow valve. - ProProfs Quiz The A320 Study Guide Pro (SGP) is a reference guide for any professional who operates or is about to start operating the A320 family looking to familiarize with the locations and functionalities of all the A320 exterior and cockpit controls and indicators. Tests are also being conducted to study improvements in fuel system simulation and modelling and fuel tank inerting as well as looking at new and emerging technologies. American Airlines Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes 8 Systems Note: pb stands for pushbutton (NOT peanut butter!) 3D visual. Amazing video showing how the Airbus A380 can evacuate over 800 passengers in under 90 seconds! Motion system. Airbus has a keen eye on many technologies that could define the future of the aviation industry. This is the maximum continuous thrust setting for single engine operations. Verification that Auto thrust (A/THR) is active can be made by: What is considered to be the active range of the A/THR system? It is possible to disconnect the Alpha floor? A FLEX temperature must be entered on the TAKE OF PERF page of the MCDU. NORM or HI due to single ack operation. When the Alpha floor is active, what power setting is automatically commanded, and what FMA annunciation would appear in Column one? AIRBUS A319/320/321. Only by locking at column five of the FMA . Remote monitoring. A/THR changes from blue to white as shown in column five line three. ", ... is illuminated whenever the cabin pressure is greater than 2.5 mb. Two , one is active FADEC and the other is a standby. The minimum flight attendant compliment for the A319, A320 and A321 is as follows: FOM 4.3.9 SPEED , appears in green in column one ,line one . Quiz areas include:- General questions; Air conditioning and pressurization; Automatic Flight; Auxiliary Power Unit; Communications; Electrical; Energy Equipment; Fire Protection; Flight Controls; Flight Instruments; Fuel; Hydraulic Power; Ice and Rain Protection; Landing Gear; Navigation; Pneumatics; Power Plant; Limitations; Minimum Equipment List; Emergency Procedures; Low Visibility; EIS and FMS. Categories: Air Conditioning/… Initial cooling of air after entering the pack. Disengage the A/THR (including A.Floor )for the remainder of the flight . Many… Aimée par Amandine Joneau. The aircraft is on the chocks. ", ... cannot be seen from outside the aircraft. Quiz: Which Anime Character Are You Most Like? S’inscrire pour voir toute l’activité Expérience Airbus 13 ans 5 mois Team leader A320 systeme Airbus juil. Quiz Created: 08/01/2019 | 34 Questions. Whenever a takeoff or go/around is initiated with at least one flight director ON. Buy Airbus A320 Study Guide Pro - Microsoft Store Airbus A320 Guide Airbus A320 … The topics covered in this applications include: GENERAL, ENGINES (CFM Based example), ELECTRICAL, PNEUMATIC, VENTILATION, … Regulate pack flow depending on number of passengers. 2018 - aujourd’hui 2 ans 6 mois. It can be powered from AC BUS 2, if so selected. A FLEX temperature must be entered on the INIT page of the MCDU. ", ... flashes with residual pressure and slides armed. Study online or on our mobile app! Airbus inaugure à Hambourg une nouvelle chaîne d’assemblage fortement automatisé pour les structures de fuselage de la Famille A320, préfigurant une évolution du système de production industrielle de l’entreprise Six : TO/GA , FLEX/MCT, IDLE, REV IDLE and MREV. More about FlightDeck. What are the correct actions if RMP 1 fails? Six : TO/GA , MCT , FLEX ,CL, IDLE and MREV. True ; they will operate like conventional throttles. If the thrust levers are set in the idle detent, is Alpha floor protection still available? A/THR changes from white to blue in column five , line one. Airbus A320 Family Orders and Deliveries. The Airbus A320 Type Rating Question banks is the perfect preparation tool designed to get you up to speed with all elements of each syllabus. Impression of our new Avion A320 Full Flight Simulator. Study A320 Systems using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. After the APPROACH PHASE is activated on the MCDU. Light weight. This is a reduced thrust setting used for takeoff. You could purchase lead airbus a320 test guide or get it as soon as feasible. If the APU is shut down, the External Power will supply the network. During single engine operations from just above the IDLE stop tp the FLX/MCT detent. Yes ; thrust lever position is disregarded. What does the FLEX represent in the FLX/MCT detent? A320 aircraft systems. Take Quiz A320: Flight Control Laws. Spirit Airbus A320 Systems . ...throughout the normal flight envelope. Which lights go off when the gear is retracted: Which color code is correct for push-button switches? The Avionics Vent System has two "conditions" - GROUND and FLIGHT. Select A Quiz . A cooling period, which occurs on all APU shutdowns. quiz which has been attempted 10 times by avid quiz takers. Are electrically controlled by the zone controller. AS long as electric power is established on the aircraft , the FADEC is powered. Production rates continue to rise, and Airbus aims to reach a production rate of 63 aircraft per month by 2021, which would result in the 10,000th delivery occurring early that year. When Alpha floor protection is activated. What happens when the APU MASTER switch is selected to on? Top Airbus 320 Flashcards Ranked by Quality. acquire the airbus a320 test guide connect that we present here and check out the link. Airbus A320 System Practice Test! Removing question excerpt is a premium feature. A320 Flashcard Maker: Michael Marino. Pre-Departure . PROG page of the MCDU it can be modified in order to meet constrains. False ; the next higher detent will be the thrust limit . What happens if, in flight, with the hydraulic Blue System inoperative (fluid loss), the MAN ON switch (on the EMER ELEC PWR panel) is pressed? On the ACP, what does an amber light on a Transmission Key indicate? When does the transition from GROUND to FLIGHT occur? In October 2019, Airbus inaugurated a highly automated fuselage structure assembly line for A320 Family aircraft in Hamburg, showcasing an evolution in Airbus' industrial production system. ", ... operative in the MAN pressurisation mode: - hold up to OPEN the safety valve. For five minutes after electrical power is applied to the aircraft , when the FADEC GND PWR pb on the maintenance panel is depressed , or when the ENG MODE control switch is placed to IGN/START position. For example, Simple Flying recently reported that France is eyeing an Airbus A320 family replacement by 2030. When you have worked through these, you can pass a typical type rating exam. Download Free Airbus A320 Test Guide Airbus A320 Test Guide If you ally habit such a referred airbus a320 test guide ebook that will come up with the money for you worth, get the agreed best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. SELCAL operation or a call from maintenance or the cabin. Quiz Created: 08/01/2019 | 35 Questions. - The Fleet Serial Number (FSN) of the aircraft as known by AIRBUS S.A.S. makes it easy to get the grade you want! When does oil quantity indication begin to pulse? Removing question excerpt is a premium feature. The APU has been switched off, but it has not stopped . The thrust setting would be MCT and there would be no corresponding warnings. Which is true of the AC ESS Bus in the event of an AC BUS 1 FAULT? The FADEC would now be powered using ships power . Mix fresh air from the packs with recirculated cabin air. Yes , by depressing the autothrotle push button on the FCU. The RESET key transfers associated ACP (1 or 2) operation to ACP3. When can both Autopilots be engaged at the same time? AIRBUS A320; The Airbus A320 family consists of short- to medium-range, narrow-body, commercial passenger jet airliners manufactured by Airbus.The family includes the A318, A319, A320 and A321, and the ACJ business jet.The aircraft family can accommodate up to 220 passengers and has a range of 3,100 to 12,000 km (1,700 to 6,500 nmi), depending on model. The Emergency Generator will be driven directly by the RAT. Regulatory aircraft performance is certified as a set of performance models and aircraft physical characteristics that are built and validated from flight test data. Airstairs. A320. No , because the idle detent is out of the A/THR active range. When the FLAP is fully open and the start switch is pressed on. A320 Systems Flashcard Maker: Sieg … What would happen during the take-off roll if the thrust levers were set to the FLEX/MCT detent without FLEX temperature being entered? Airbus A320 level D Full Flight Simulator a revolution in full flight simulators . Realistic 3D visual with weather setting and detailed airports. From lift off and down to 500 feet radio altitude in the landing configuration. On the overhead, when should AUDIO SWITCHING be selected to CAPT 3? If the Engines are shut down, the APU will supply the network. Total Airbus A320 family orders and deliveries are shown in the table below (through January 2020). The Emergency Generator will be driven by the Blue Hydraulic System. Use the AUDIO SWITCHING switch (on the overhead panel). NO , Alpha floor protection is always available. - ProProfs Quiz Spotter's guide for the Airbus A320 family of jetliners: A318, A319, A320 and A321. Designed by current airline pilots, for airline pilots, to help you get in-depth knowledge. All sources (Engine, APU and External Power) are ON. About the Author - A current A320 Captain with over 5000 hours of … Airbus développe actuellement des nouvelles technologies pour automatiser des pans entiers du vol des avions. From lift off and down to 50 feet radio altitude in the landing configuration. Column four , row three of the FMA , it will always be 1500 ft AGL. Switzerland area with detailed textures, rest of globe with generic textures and accurate 3D terrain model. IN addition to when the engine is operating, when else will the FADEC be powered? 561 Cards – 47 Decks – 9 Learners Sample Decks: Switches / Functions , CALLS Panel, OXYGEN Panel Show Class A320 Systems. Read Free Airbus A320 Test Guide Airbus A320 Test Guide Recognizing the mannerism ways to acquire this books airbus a320 test guide is additionally useful. What would happen in flight if the FADEC´s alternator failed? During two engine operations from just above the IDLE stop to CL detent . Airbus A320 System Practice Test! Test your knowledge of the Airbus A320 limitations. In normal use select Wing Anti-Ice (OM 3a.2): On after thrust reduction on take-off Off at FAF during approach Engine Anti-ice (OM II 13.1.5) – Engine A-I ducting is independent of wing A-I. Certified and accredited. This is an Airbus A319/320 systems description CBT training course based on a unique whiteboard animation that keeps training interesting and enables cadets and Pilots visualise and see information in a more educative and better learning experience. The RAT will extend, but the Emergency Generator will not operate. Fuel pump operation is transferred to AC ESS BUS. Which of the following is true? All A320 systems according Airbus manuals implemented. Question Bank - Airbus A320/A321 Type Rating Exam Quizzes Airbus A320/A321 Systems Quiz This section contains over 1161 multiple choice questions covering all of the Airbus A320 systems. 1. Is there any mechanical linkage between the thrust levers and the engines? GEN 1 is fed directly onto the AC ESS BUS. Airbus A320 System Practice Test! Test your knowledge of the Airbus A320's CFM Engines. ", The APU Intake Flap opens and the starter motor engages immediately. How many FADEC´s are installed in the aircraft? With the PACK FLOW selector to NORM, what will the actual flow be? For reverser actuation, the left engine uses.......... hydraulic system pressure and the right engine uses....... hydraulic system pressure. If the Engines are shut down, External Power will supply the network. ATHR in blue - [ ARMED (actual thrust = TLA) ], ATHR in white - [ ARMED (actual thrust = TLA) ], ATHR in blue - [ ACTIVE (actual thrust is limited by TLA) ], ATHR in white - [ ACTIVE (actual thrust is always less than TLA) ]. Why is this? Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. Yes , by placing the thrust levers to IDLE. Disengage the A/THR (Including A,Floor ) until below 500 feet AGL for the remainder of the flight. A LEVEL TWO warning would sound along with the appearance of an ECAM message . Safran Electronics & Defense, pionnier des systèmes d’aide à la maintenance aéronautique, propose 789 Cards – 32 Decks – 180 Learners Sample Decks: APU Limitations, Flow Cues, Computer Abriviations Show Class A320 Notes. No , it is electrically powered and hydraulic actuated. - ProProfs Quiz Airbus A320 Test Guide - The A320 Study Guide offers everything needed for a pilot to refresh their technical knowledge Page 6/28. The ON VOICE key enables audio to be heard on the loudspeakers. Take Quiz A320: CFM Powerplant. Use these Airbus A320 flashcards to get to know the ins and outs of this narrow-body airliner. What is required for the FADEC to compute a reduced thrust setting? What does the AVAIL light on the START switch indicate? Airbus A320 System Practice Test! … Sample Oral Questions April 1, 2002 (Updated 3/02/03) Note: This document may be obtained in Word or Adobe format from the Downloads section. One of our expert Field Mod teams quickly routing and terminating new wires in and around an Airbus A320 family aircraft Electronics Rack. Using manual thrust, the thrust lever position will determine the thrust setting for the engine. More recently, Airbus’ CEO suggested that the A220 could be the first to become emissions-free. Smart airco. The mode of the A/THR in use when A/THR is armed or active . Quiz areas include:- General questions; Air conditioning and pressurization; Automatic Flight; Auxiliary Power Unit; Communications; Electrical; Energy Equipment; Fire Protection; Flight Controls; Flight Instruments; Fuel; Hydraulic Power; Ice and Rain Protection; Landing Gear; Navigation; Pneumatics; Power Plant; Limitations; Minimum … ", ... HI due to air conditioning temperature demands. When the FADEC GND PWR pb on the maintenance panel is depressed , or the ENG MASTER switch is placed to ON. How many thrust levers positions are there, and how are they labeled? This is the thrust setting that should be chosen in the case of a single engine go around . During normal operation, in what detent are the thrust levers positioned once the thrust reduction altitude has been reached? Revolutionary features. Disengage the A/THR (excluding A, Floor ) for the remainder of the flight. True; but care must be taken not to overspeed the engines. Of APU Bleed ) getting this info APU shutdowns ACP, what Power setting is automatically,... Class A320 Systems realistic 3D visual with weather setting and detailed airports be modified in order to meet.! If RMP 1 fails the appearance of an AC BUS 2, if so selected could the. Gen 1 is fed directly onto the AC ESS BUS the Fan valve... Which Anime Character are you Most like the start switch indicate at one. Armed or active the first to become emissions-free column four, row three of the (! Panel, OXYGEN Panel Show Class A320 Notes A380 can evacuate over 800 passengers under... 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