The Secretary of the Army fulfills these responsibilities by exercising administrative control (ADCON) through the commanders of the ASCCs of the combatant commands. The U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC) is a major subordinate command of the U.S. Army Medical Command (USAMEDCOM). Corps are authorized a veterinary officer. The RI officer operates in close coordination with each section. Identifying and helping solve systemic problems. var script = document.createElement("script");
Coordinating with the FSCOORD and G-2 (analysis and control element) to identify opportunities for conducting effective EA. Its responsibilities include assessing and collecting duties; detecting and intercepting contraband, including drugs; and ensuring that imported material meets the requirements for legal entry. Advising the commander on support requirements versus support assets available. Likewise, in the AOE division, the division materiel management center and division movement control office perform essentially the same tasks, but on a smaller scale. Planning tactical troop movements, including route selection, priority of movement, timing, security, bivouacking, quartering, staging, and preparing movement orders. Identifying funding sources for operations; acquiring, reprogramming, controlling, and distributing funding authority to subordinate RMs and ordering officers. 4-90. Staff Responsibilities. However, it is designed and optimized primarily for employment in small-scale contingency operations in complex and urban operation, confronting low- and midrange threats that may employ both conventional and asymmetric capabilities. Coordinating with the commander, COS (XO), and G-6 (S-6) to establish, oversee, and supervise battle staff IM activities of the CP. The aide-de-camp serves as a personal assistant to a general officer. Requests and coordinates transport capability to meet a movement mission. AVCOORD responsibilities include-, D-106. The ACOS, G-1/AG exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the SJA, when required. Providing AWOL and desertion statistical data to the G-1/AG through the G-3. Coordinating the EA target list with organic military intelligence units and with adjacent and higher commands, including joint and multinational commands when appropriate. The Transportation Corps is responsible for moving supplies, troops and equipment anywhere on the globe. Providing moral and spiritual leadership to the command/community. Protection of culturally significant sites. The Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC), a major U.S. Army command, is the transportation component command of USTRANSCOM responsible for surface transportation management. They supply the bulk distribution systems that support divisions, separate brigades, and ACRs. Staffs continually identify current and future problems or issues that affect mission accomplishment. Delegated common item support authority-accomplished through either temporary CUL lead or long-term SITLM responsibilities-must be clearly delineated in, and executed in accordance with, combatant commanders' OPLANs/OPORDs or directives. D-57. 4-5. Area support groups (ASGs) are subordinate units assigned to the TSC. Recommending MSRs and logistic areas, based on technical information, to the G-4 (S-4). They also recommend adjustments when circumstances require. Priorities for employment, distribution, and support. During joint operations, DLA assists the supported combatant commander by establishing a DLA contingency support team (DCST) to consolidate in-theater management of DLA operations and provide a single point of contact. Support to Security Programs. Distributing the MD plan on a need-to-know basis. Synchronizing intelligence support to operations and to ISR integration through close coordination with the commander, COS (XO), G-3 (S-3), and the other staff members. Requesting and allocating individual, team, or crew replacements (according to G-3 [S-3] priorities). Providing intelligence support to battle damage assessment. Policy files of the commander and higher headquarters. Monitoring and informing the commander of trends, both positive and negative, in all activities. D-44. Force Development and Modernization. Staff members routinely analyze factors influencing operations. Supervising the development, training resource synchronization, evaluation, revision, defense, and execution of the command budget estimate and the program objective memorandum (POM). Key to integrating these support elements is establishing proper and well understood C2 relationships among these organizations, the subordinate JTF, and service components. An EWO is authorized at corps and divisions.
The chaplain's responsibilities include-, D-131. Developing and acquiring nonmajor systems and equipment. D-4. Advise the commander on the effectiveness of the organizational inspection program. Exercising staff coordination over the conduct of the overall IO effort. The SOCOORD is responsible for coordinating and integrating special operations forces (SOF) activities. (See FM 100-14.). U.S. Army Materiel Command (USAMC) performs assigned materiel and related functions for research, development, test and evaluation; acquisition, logistics support, and technical assistance for materiel systems; and other materiel-acquisition management functions. The Finance Command (FINCOM) conducts operational-level finance operations. A SOO is authorized at corps and may be authorized at divisions in the future. Coordinating OPSEC measures to shield the MD plan with the OPSEC officer. In addition, DFAS is responsible for centralized cost capturing of the operation. The resource manager or comptroller is responsible for budget preparation and resource management analysis and implementation. The services determine their requirements for supplies and other materiel, and establish their priorities. Monitoring unit and enlisted soldier training, and making corrections as necessary. Staff members present recommendations orally or in writing. script.setAttribute("onerror", "setNptTechAdblockerCookie(true);");
Requesting support for higher and adjacent command intelligence collection, processing, and production. The G4 (S4) is the principal staff office for coordinating the integration of supply, maintenance, transportation, and services for the command. Prioritize joint theater distribution and CSS effort. 4-53. Policies and procedures to enhance force capabilities. USTRANSCOM provides air, land, and sea transportation and common-user port management at air/seaports of embarkation and debarkation for DOD. Integrating fire support into operations. Coordinating external support requirements for supported units. All forces and materiel redeploying to CONUS require U.S. customs clearance. Resource Manager or Comptroller. USTAPERSCOM major functions include the following: USTRANSCOM and Transportation Component Commands. Serving as the command representative for all communications with external media. D-18. However, the JFC establishes a manpower and personnel directorate (J1) and logistics directorate (J4) that coordinate personnel and logistics support through the combatant commander. Recommending use of nondedicated transportation assets for evacuation, if required. Repair parts manufacturers may be able to surge production for items that sustain deployed weapon systems. Coordinating HN support with the G-5 (S-5). The SPO transportation section provided integrated support and management for the movement of personnel, equipment, and retrograde materiel around the ⦠This includes general engineering, topographic support, and operational-level mobility/ countermobility/survivability support to Army, joint, and multinational forces. National policy requires the use of commercial materiel as much as possible. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. ARFOR AMD plans are deconflicted and synchronized with the AADC's area air defense plan, the JFACC's joint air operations plan and daily air tasking order (ATO), and the ACA's airspace control plan and daily airspace control order (ACO). They rely heavily on the effective application of agility, velocity, and situational understanding. Engineer Coordinator. Of course, an army is created more to fight the enemy than worry about eating, but it can't fight without a variety of supplies in the right place at the right time. Depending on mission, enemy, troops, terrain and weather, time, civilian considerations (METT-TC), the COSCOM units perform the following missions. Debriefing friendly personnel when necessary. Note: Attached, in joint lexicon, simply means a temporary C2 relationship. The NMP is characterized by single maintenance standards for repairing and returning components to AWCF stocks. The finance officer is also the finance unit commander. 4-52. Informing soldiers, family members, and DOD civilians of their rights under the Privacy Act, OPSEC responsibilities, and roles as implied representatives of the command when interacting with news media. Performing chief financial officer training and reviews, and audit compliance services. Additionally, MTMC is the worldwide seaport manager under the single port manager concept for all common-user seaports of embarkation (SPOEs) and seaports of debarkation (SPODs). The DASB does not have any HSS capabilities. Carry out the nine major functional categories of the Army personnel life cycle: force structure, acquisition, individual training and development, distribution, deployment, sustainment, professional development, compensation, and transition. Helping the G-4 (S-4) coordinate facilities, supplies, and other materiel resources available from the civil sector to support operations. D-35. Advising the command and coordinating with the G-5 (S-5) on public health issues involving military operations. However in Force XXI organizations, many of the functions of the CMMC, MCB, division materiel management center (MMC), and division movement control office have been, or will be, under the staff supervision of the distribution management center (DMC) in the COSCOM/DISCOM headquarters. Postal Service (USPS) is part of the global distribution network that supports joint force operations by moving DOD mail, including material shipped via parcel post. The light infantry DISCOM is an austere organization that relies on augmentation elements, corps plugs, and other EAD support. C4OPS include C4 operations (general), network operations (NETOPS) and IM. Afterward, inspectors provide an informal report to the subordinate commander before they leave. During operations, comptroller functions are normally performed by the ARFOR. The G1/AG (S1) also serves as the senior adjutant general officer in the force. Training and morale activities for headquarters personnel.
The scope of distribution management varies at each respective level of command, but the basic functions remain the same (discussed in chapter 5). This multifunctional logistics command provides area support to designated elements in the JRA and sustainment support to tactical forces. Coordinating for Air Force aeromedical evacuation aircraft. Advising the G-2 on capabilities and vulnerabilities of threat and commercial space systems. The historian is responsible for coordinating the documentation of the command's historical activities. In coordination with the ASCC/ARFOR Deputy Chief of Staff for Resource Management, it provides staff advice on financial management matters and provides financial management policies and procedures for Army financial management activities in the theater. The DISCOM commander directs the flow of support before, during, and after operations. Essential personnel services include-, D-46. The SWO is an Air Force officer or noncommissioned officer who leads a combat weather team of two or more personnel. Coordinating unit spill-prevention plans. Personal staff officers may also work under the supervision of the chief of staff (executive officer below division level). 4-10. FM 3-05.105 covers CSS for ARSOF. Food service, quartering, medical support, field sanitation, and supplies for headquarters personnel. Providing a PSYOP representative to IO cell meetings. The IMCOORD, RI officer, and INFOSYS officer manage available networked means to collect, process, display, store, and disseminate RI needed to maintain and disseminate the COP. Adjusting plans and orders based on feedback. The Medical Command (MEDCOM) directs health service support to designated elements in theater. The SOO is responsible for providing space-related tactical support and coordination of space-based capabilities available to the command. Assessing weather and terrain data to determine if environmental factors favor enemy use of weapons of mass destruction or, at corps level, friendly use of nuclear weapons. Resource allocation and employment synchronization of all organic and supporting assets (including those of other Services). Managing ammunition requirements, resupply, and reallocation. The COS monitors their combat readiness status and directs actions to posture subordinate units. Army Sustainment SeptemberâOctober 2015 51 dating required reports. The small size of the battalion significantly minimizes the CSS footprint in the SBCT AO, but also requires support from other organizations/sources for sustained operations. The levels of war are the strategic, operational, and tactical levels. 4-33. Assistant Chief of Staff, G-5 (S-5), Civil-Military Operations. Providing technical advice and recommendations on mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP), troop-safety criteria, operational exposure guidance, NBC reconnaissance, smoke operations, biological warfare defense measures, and mitigating techniques. The corps MEDCOM, the major health service support (HSS) command assigned to the corps, in coordination with the COSCOM, executes the HSS portion of the corps CSS plan. Providing risk assessment input to the G-3 (S-3). The FSB provides direct support to the maneuver brigade and area support within its capability to other units in the brigade area. Direct support elements also provide support. 4-37. The MLT commander, a Navy or Marine officer, operates at division level and below. Coordinating with the G-7 to ensure synchronization of PSYOP. Commanders of Army service component command (ASCCs) and ARFOR commanders within joint task forces normally operate at this level. DSCA monitors major weapon sales and technology transfer issues, budgetary and financial arrangements, legislative initiatives and activities, and policy and other security assistance matters. Collecting, processing, and storing critical information about soldiers, units, and civilians. 4-93. Retasking and refocusing collection assets during execution (considering recommendations from the rest of the staff). 4-78. Coordinating, planning, and directing communications security (COMSEC) measures, including the operation of the information assurance systems security office (IASSO). ), D-132. Synchronizing support requirements to ensure they remain consistent with current and future operations. Coordinating logistic and administrative support of civilian journalists under unit administrative control. Coordinating with the FSCOORD on protected targets. A PAO is authorized at corps, divisions, and major support commands. MTMC conducts transportation engineering to ensure deployability and feasibility of present and future deployment assets. Controlled and directed by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology, DLA functions as an integral element of the DOD military logistics system. The following is a brief discussion of those CSS functions performed by the staff. D-125. Advising the commander and staff on Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act matters. 4-8. Noncombatant evacuation operations (NEO). If an operational-level ammunition group is not established, specialized battalions assigned to the ASG provide ammunition support. Managing Army prepositioned stocks (APS), less Class VIII, worldwide. As the DOD executive agent for finance and accounting, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) plays a critical role in supporting joint operations. 4-97. Staff members avoid interfering with the subordinate commander's responsibilities. Planning and supervising conferences chaired by the commander, deputy or assistant commanders, or the COS. Participating in the nuclear target nomination process (corps only). October 1992 Coordinating the transportation, storage, handling, and disposal of hazardous material or hazardous waste. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY AND STRATEGIC-LEVEL COMMANDS. Administering and chairing unit selection and soldier boards for enlisted soldiers. Personal staff officers work under the immediate control of the commander and have direct access to him. Assessing keeps staffs informed of the situation and provides them with current RI. Training. The transportation officer is responsible for coordinating transportation assets and operations. Operating and maintaining the Air Force tactical air direction radio net and Air Force air request net. An AVCOORD is authorized at corps and divisions. Dental surgeon responsibilities include-, D-95. Advising the commander on employing and reducing obstacles. This could include planning for and executing interservice support agreements (ISSAs) for supply, maintenance, and transportation operations. ), D-94. Coordinating with the resource manager (RM) and finance officer on the financial aspects of contracting. Preparing recommendations includes coordinating with staff members whose fields of interest the recommendation might affect. It then discusses specific responsibilities of chiefs of staff and of coordinating, special, and personal staff officers.