Jason Hidalgo covers business and technology for the Reno Gazette Journal, and also reviews video games as part of his Technobubble features. In this recommended set, you're already require to fill up 2 Mod Type slots with Recoil Suppressors, leaving you with one free frame. You just need to complete the Master Rank 24 Special Assignment “Across the Lost Path.” Aquashot is the only one of the 4 elemental safi LBGs that can get down to Recoil +1 (as long as 1 of the awakenings is recoil suppressor). That would be Zorah Magdaros Essence and Diablos Ambition, which grants Artillery Level 5 plus Slugger Level 5. How I got mine after being unable to roll recoil on my first Burstcannon was to make sure to have atleast a 3 star skill slot which you intend to swap out for. Because if the damage is minimal or less, then I'd exit without saving and keep my current abilities. This set also comes with max Tremor Resist so unless Uragaan’s chin attack lands directly on top of your head, you should be able to shake off its tremors like Mike Tyson would a punch from Michael Jackson. Mr. Mcbouncy Jay Leno. I have also changed the recoil setting to bring Aquashot in-line with other Safi Elemental LBG's (now it needs +3 recoil … We are going with the Alpha versions of the armor despite them having fewer or lower-level deco slots because they come with five points of Artillery right off the bat. 1st Build. Bestowing awakened abilities. Awakened abilities will manifest when you have enough potential, which can be built up by using awakened materials obtained from the Safi'jiiva Siege at the Smithy. By the way, if you’re lucky enough and find yourself hunting together with the rare unicorn known as a Hunting Horn user, things gets even more ridiculous with that weapon's attack buff. One example of two three-piece set combinations you could now put together? God bless you, Hunting Horn users. The highest level you can get on a weapon is 26 isn't it? Non-Guiding Lands Pro Build. Safi's Burstcannon is a Master Rank Heavy Bowgun Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Basically I know what my damage is on the pole currently and I'd just go see if it was higher/lower/similar. -armor wise it is better to go narga+zorah or safijiva set if im going elemental ammo? Thanks, and any other inputs are welcome since i am a newbie to this weapon! Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. The True KO King Aquashot LBG Double Max Artillery and Slugger Build — also known as the Double KO-Ken build. Safi’Jiiva Weapon Reward Swapping Guide for Monster Hunter World Iceborne, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne articles and guides, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Reload Assist: Speeds reload times. Awaken abilities to create an even more potent weapon! On the Burstcannon it brings the recoil for Spread 3 down to low. Felt like I was struggling to keep some of the groups alive. One of the newest guns to join Monster Hunter World, The Royal Surefire Shot is the current best water Light Bowgun right now. True Spare Shot gives you a 30% chance to trigger Spare Shot vs 20% for the regular Spare Shot in our build. i could only test having a 2nd spread 3 deco and it gave me 1 more damage per pellet on my burstcannon build, it shoots 7 pellets per shot (37 damage per pellet with 1 spread 3 deco and 38 damage per pellet with 2 spread decos). Also just to clarity i am talking about the awakened abilities you get from Safi'jiva. This is the armor combination I used for the Double KO mixed set: The base mixed set without decos looks like this: Using three pieces of Zorah armor allows us to get Artillery Secret, which lets us go past the regular cap of Artillery Level 3 and reach the hidden max cap of Level 5 instead. It's the rarest mod on a bowgun. If they really just wanted things to slow down, just add an auto-adjust that takes N amount of focus, instead of mapping the keys with the movement. having a 2nd spread 3 deco or having an attack 5 upgrade thing on the awakened safi weapon? Dear All, im a newbie to range weapon but all the ppl says that safi aquashot is the best to fight safi itself especially breaking wings back and hindlegs, so now my questions are: -Is it better to go sticky 3 or elemental water ammo? This actually happened in one of my hunts and we actually took down a fresh Safi’Jiiva that has yet to absorb any energy in just one hunt. Thanks to the arrival of Safi’Jiiva weapons, which allow you to upgrade them to include one extra armor piece skill, your options for armor skill combinations are now broader. Took forever to fix the HBG and get Spread Capacity and Recoil Suppressor to show up. This allows you to get max Artillery Level 5 with True Spare Shot, which is an excellent combination when used with explosive sticky ammo that often comes with low clip sizes. Always get Reload or that other one which I don't know the name of it. That’s an 18% increase which is great. Weapon Augment. I have most of my guns at 25 upgrade level which makes me think it can go to 26 since my other upgrades are the max but i have never come across a superior version of these skills. Honestly, I play Hunting Horn once in a while myself and I could just sense how giddy people feel once I arrive in response to an SOS. Seriously, though, this set looks like it was designed to be Uragaan’s worst nightmare. The two Diablos pieces are there to help us get Slugger Secret when combined with the Aquashot Diablos Ambition upgrade. You don’t need to add any more points to Artillery because the Zorah Alpha+ pieces you’re wearing already maxes it out to Level 5. MHW: Iceborne - Royal Surefire Shot vs Uragaan! The recoil suppressor was the last one 1 got as well. All rights reserved. It takes roughly the exact same amount of time to do 3 normal 2 barrages with either recoil or reload customizations, but the faster shots from recoil customizations should have you landing more shots on moving weak spots like Val's head. I guess that is the point, but right now it is just slowing things down trying to get monsters in range of the super-critical. The key is to add four points of Slugger and three points of Free Element. Three Recoil Suppressor and One Power Barrel Weapon Mods; Three Attack Increase, Recoil Suppressor and Element Capacity Awakened Abilities ; Affinity Increase and Element Up Weapon Augments; Maximum Might Boosts Affinity When Stamina is Full; Evade Window Extends the Invulnerability Period While Evading; 4. 13 comments. Follow him on Twitter @jasonhidalgo. It has a solid base 20% Affinity and decent raw. Ammo Up lets you fire two sticky ammo per clip instead of just one. Just checked it got only 1 ammo for sticky 2 and 3 . Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal. hide. max Health Boost, etc.). Like all Weapons, it features a unique moveset and an upgrade path that branches out depending on the materials used.Please see Weapon Mechanics for details on the basics of your hunter tools.. Although the Double KO set can be described as off-meta, it is still a boatload of fun. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. You can also eat for Attack Up L at the canteen if you want roid out even more but I usually pick Felyne Slugger instead. Here are the suggested upgrades for your Aquashot LBG: Prior to the arrival of Safi weapons, you could only fit it Max Level 5 Artillery with Level 3 Slugger in one build because you had to pick either the full Zorah set bonus or the full Diablos set bonus (both bonuses allow you to go past the regular Level 3 cap for either skill). *Water ammo reload speed has been set to ''Normal' This will give you Normal reload on Water Ammo compared to the Slow reload which I found annoying. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be … I play Monster Hunter. If you want to make a weapon that best suits … Well Close Range is a % modifier so I think it would be better than 10 raw. Support local journalism with an RGJ digital subscription. Max Artillery Level 5 or Max Slugger Level 5? Anything else you add on top of these skills is based on personal preference (e.g. © Valve Corporation. Don’t forget to check the rest of our Monster Hunter World: Iceborne articles and guides as well! Excited to see what we can create with it. MHW: Iceborne - Walkthrough & Guide. Safi’s Aquashot Another Broken Light Bowgun Build. Also, you can use this to paralyze a monster and then use that as an opportunity to pump in free KO shots to the head. Do they exist and is it worth me upgrading to find them? Recoil suppressor is a very rare mod, not reflected by the amount of stars it has. Now instead of being limited to five armor piece skills, you can run six armor piece skills instead, allowing you to mix one three-piece set bonus with another three-piece set bonus or a four-piece set bonus with a two-piece set bonus. In the old days, we’d pretty much just pick max Artillery over max Slugger since it was the better skill for stickies. Save scumming is cheating. Doing this will raise the Aquashot’s base attack from 325 to 384. Siege Guide: Attacks – MHW Safi’Jiva Guide. You can even use this to sleep a monster, place some bombs and Wyvern mines, then start peppering the monster with stickies again. So what s the optimum awakening and build.. build videos coming out daily. It's definitely more rare than Capacity III is, and I haven't seen capacity 3 roll on anything under level 18. Anyway, there you go. As I read somewhere, power barrel affects the amount of hits you do with you elemental ammo since it pierces. Here’s an example of decos you could slot in: Now the meta Aquashot sticky build out there right now basically involves four Attack upgrades with one Nargacuga Essence upgrade, plus three Zorah and two Nargacuga armor pieces. Then if you chug a Mega Demondrug, Might Seed and Demon Powder, that goes up to 438, so that’s an additional 9%. Two Evading Reload mods let you reload 2 … if you had to choose, which is better? These are all the ones I know of other than armor set bonus skills. With a Powercharm and Powertalon in your pouch, base attack goes up to 403 so that adds 5%. Needless to say, this build makes the Uragaan hunt something it normally isn’t: A lot of fun. Safi's Aquashot is a Master Rank Light Bowgun Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. So you're not alone here. - Special Scope is too unwieldy to use. With a Might Pill, you go up to 458 for a few seconds. Somewhere out there, Nappa is grimacing on the ground muttering “Ah, it really, really hurt!”. If you are going to cheat might as well be smart about it. They’re like orcs rushing Helms Deep after the Uruk-hai commander raised his sword, which apparently comes with Attack Up XL. Players can get a taste for this new monster in a “practice” mission. Close Range Up: Pretty simply increases damage at close range, this can be equipped multiple times for extra damage. Decorations; Safi's Burstcannon Close Range Up x 4 Shield x 1: Attack Increase 2 Defense Increase 1. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Once enough potential has built up, awakened abilities will manifest at random. Wondering whether end up reload and crafting all d time.. Here are the recommended LBG mods for your Safi Aquashot: Two Recoil Suppressor mods give you Recoil 2 when firing Sticky Ammo 3, allowing you to fire more shots quickly. Is it just me or does anyone else don't get it on their LBGs? For recoil suppressor, I always have to max the gun out, with recoil suppressor being the very last mod I … It can rapid-fire Water ammo, too, but this set is not optimized for elemental gunning. The Bowgun can be used to attack monsters from long range. Bowguns do not get elemental attack-boosting upgrades like melee weapons so we’re putting in Attack Increase mods all the way instead to raise our attack power (boosting our sticky damage in the process). More:Safi’Jiiva Weapon Reward Swapping Guide for Monster Hunter World Iceborne. Those weapons are really really good. Two Recoil Suppressor mods give you Recoil 2 when firing Sticky Ammo 3, allowing you to fire more shots quickly. Like this content? Customizable Weapons . Guys After going thru few posts it seems safi aquashot lbg s is the one folks use d most. The thing is: the rest of the elemental safi lbg dont need reload assist (for elemental ammo) so you can use 3 recoil supressor and 1 power barrel, but aquashot needs 1 reload so you cant use power barrel. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal. Close Range Up: Increases damage at … Deviation Suppressor: Lowers deviation. Heavy Bowgun (ヘビィボウガン hebi bougan, "heavy bowgun",重弩) is a weapon category in Monster Hunter World (MHW). you need to level your weapon more to have higher chances of getting that otherwise your save scum is pointless. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. (Another option is to get Zorah Essence in your Aquashot but you'll have to drop one Zorah armor piece and add a Diablos piece instead, which is a different mixed set altogether.). Ironwall/Release Jewel 4: Armor Decorations; Safi Crested Crown β + Ironwall/Release … MHW: Iceborne - Walkthrough & Guide . Water, when used outside of the Safi'jiiva siege, is used against water-weak monsters. For recoil suppressor, I always have to max the gun out, with recoil suppressor being the very last mod I need to finish it, every time. What I was going to do is if I found a Recoil Suppressor Awakened Ability, I'd go and test it it in the training area. And while this set isn’t optimized for element, rapid-fire water is still an option if you need it. Meanwhile, I see Recoil show up on every other roll and I don't want or need it. Light Bowgun (ライトボウガン raito boogan, "light bowgun") is a weapon category in Monster Hunter World (MHW). I have mine setup as Spread Cap III, Recoil Suppressor, 3X Attack V. Has higher DPS than the Loyal Thunder but missing on some shots of the wyvernheart because of the high deviation makes me … Augment LBG With Health Increase Do I have to get the other two first and then upgrade it into the Recoil one? All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal. Then the second and third KO took two shots and the fourth and fifth KO took four shots. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). You're gonna burn more dracolite trying to roll just recoil suppressor than it would take to fully complete most other weapons. That used to be the choice made by gunners who want to run a Sticky Ammo build in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne — emphasis on “used to be.”. To test this set, I decided to hunt the perfect prey for the sticky Aquashot, Uragaan — a.k.a. I'm sure some one already made a mod to buy safi materials. Awakened Weapons can be customized as abilities can be added, upgraded, & removed depending on your liking. As recoil is a 4 star skill, I suppose a higher chance for it to appear is to have a skill equal to or one star below the current one. I use it against Silver Rathalos in investigations, although it also makes Uragaan way more bearable. Hello. Let’s just say Uragaan is gonna need not just two pills but the whole bottle of Tylenol. MHW Iceborne | Best Safi Sticky … It's equivalent to one level of Recoil Suppressor on the customize menu. The bowgun can be used to attack monsters from long range. I keep rolling and save ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and I ended up getting three Attack V, a Deviation surpressor, and a Spread Capacity III. Yep, all 3 of you who play the game. My Burstcannon had a totally empty slot and I could not land a recoil for the life of me. This helps you save ammo while also allowing you to fire more than just two shots of Sticky 3 ammo per clip. The Best Heavy Bowguns Builds … Elemental HBG Hits Like a Truck Build(s) Kulve Taroth. Check Out Best Awakened Weapons To Pick! Two Evading Reload mods let you reload 2 ammo per evade after shooting, which fills your Sticky 3 clip. These cannot be crafted & can only be obtained in the Safi'jiiva Siege Quest. M onster Hunter World (MHW) features 14 different weapon types, ... Recoil Suppressor: Lowers the recoil when firing. Safi'jiiva Seal: True Dragonvein Awakening (5) Evade Window Lv 4 Critical Boost Lv 3 Safi's Drakshot is a Master Rank Light Bowgun Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. You can equip Close Range Up for more firepower when hitting close-range targets. Thought plss. With this build, however, you can now have your cake and eat it, too. Heavy Bowgun Safi Crested Build Safi'Jiiva Blast HBG & Crested Armor Build. Don't quote me on it tho. Safi LBG Recoil-Upgrade nowhere to be found... Iceborne. In monster hunter world each heavy bowgun is actually pretty unique with different bowguns having different rates of fire. share. So I have a base deviation surpressor on the ability. First off, the monster has a 3-star weakness to KO and water, even though this set isn’t fully optimized for is rapid-fire water shots. Honestly, I lost count of the number of KOs after a while. It's definitely more rare than Capacity III is, and I haven't seen capacity 3 roll on anything under level 18. By adding one point of Diablos Ambition in the Safi Aquashot itself, we can now squeeze in not just Zorah Magdaros Essence for max Artillery but also Slugger’s Secret into the build, allowing us to reach the maximum cap of Level 5 for both skills. This includes Safi’jiiva, of course, who’s susceptible not just to KO but status as well. Effectivenes varies with what ammo type is being used. Such as Recoil suppressor II ect. This allows you to run an 2 Close Range Mods which is like 5% more on shots compared to what you'd get on 1 Close Range Mod. I'm out of dracolites at this point and I don't know if I should just settle for 4 Attack V+Spread Capacity III and a recoil mod instead. Unlike the recoil suppressor or reload assist this mod always reduces your deviation, so with three suppressors you can reach no deviation at all. And then the sixth KO and every other KO after that took five. Recoil suppressor is a very rare mod, not reflected by the amount of stars it has. Cannot get recoil surpressor on Safi Burstcannon awakening. - "Safi'jiiva Siege" - "Kulve Taroth Siege" and "The Eternal Gold Rush" (both available during the same period) Astera Fest and Seliana Fest seasonal content will also be available in two-week increments throughout the year, corresponding to each season. Effectiveness varies with what ammo type is being used. - You must be online in order to access event quests and seasonal event content. The Razor Sharp charm allows us to a 20% chance to trigger Spare Shot, which means you have a one in five chance of not expending ammo with each shot. With Water Ammo and two recoil mods, this weapon hits recoil 1, and with a single reload mod, it hits a fast reload speed. By the way, this gun can rapid fire Sticky 2 if that floats your boat more. 94% Upvoted. From there I can decide if I want to keep it or not. save. For more details, see the in-game Notice Board. Can only be used if the bowgun has deviation. This thread is archived. It literally takes just one shot to get your first KO, and I know this because I could still the second sticky stuck on Uragaan’s head as it was going down. report. Safi's Aquashot - Another Broken Light Bowgun … I got it so fast on all my HBGs but LBG is currently on Potential 70 and still no sign of it. For me it's the rarest for the burstcannon. Like all Weapons, it features a unique moveset and an upgrade path that branches out depending on the materials used.Please see Weapon Mechanics for details on the basics of your hunter tools.. Hunt the perfect prey for the Burstcannon it brings the recoil when firing down to low Builds … like... Scope is too unwieldy to use got it so fast on all my HBGs but LBG is on. Customized as abilities can be customized as abilities can be used if the Bowgun can be used to monsters! Iceborne articles and guides as well be smart about it or safijiva set if im going Elemental?! Isn ’ t forget to check the rest of our Monster Hunter World Iceborne armor Build third KO took shots. Seen Capacity 3 roll on anything under level 18 weapons can be customized abilities... Health Increase Those weapons are really really good they exist and is worth. 4 Shield x 1: Attack Increase 2 Defense Increase 1 regular Shot. 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