In hyper turbos, with no likelihood of deep-stacked play and little by way of postflop play, the good player’s edge will be limited. What are your key strategy considerations? The heads-up battle in the $27 NLHE [6-Max, Hyper-Turbo], $15K Gtd event featured APZ19 taking on happyh1ghway.In the end, APZ19 emerged victorious and cashed for $3,011.77. Here the gap concept is your friend, when there is all-in action ahead of you then you are folding all but the strongest hands as a default. Tournament duration frequently stays in the single-digits, and edges are lower than Kerry Katona’s credit rating. Teacher: ok, today is behaviour card day, I am too lazy to explain the cards, so watch verygooduserz video, hear are the cards. Here you might not mind fighting with the smaller stacks, but want to avoid an all-in with another big stack, a small raise can find out whether the big stack wants to go to war (usually they will not) without risking everything. AdamLaw33 05 Aug 16, 01:25 #4. Advertising with PokerPlayer is the best way to get your brand in front of a huge audience of worldwide poker players. … Hyper Turbo SNGs. Right, on to the start of a game with 10 times the big blind (so, for the hypers BB = 50). Raising takes control of the hand and allows you to pick up small pots when both you a… In 6-max PLO games the value of premium pairs goes up compared to full-ring Omaha. Once you know the hand ranges of your opponents then you can use an ICM Calculator to work out your optimal play against them based on stack sizes and the number of players left in the game. #1 – The Gap Concept: Sure, you need to be positive and aggressive in these super-fast games, however there is still a huge gap between the hands you can raise with and those you can call a raise with. The UTG player folds and the hijack open-shoves. DEFINING RANGES FOR TURBO SNGs. Again, you should be watching the players – your job is to put them on ranges of hands that they will be pushing all-in with from the various positions, and those they would call an all-in with. Lottery SNGs; 888 is an easy top pick for me in 2018. It would be easy to infer that robotic, push-or-pass poker is the optimal strategy, given that mass multi-tabling is encouraged. On , PocketFives has recorded $96,522.85 in total cashes for APZ19. Smaller raises are ideal, with a mini-raise conserving chips (though see my important caveats on these raises once you hit 10 Big Blinds or fewer). The button, with 475, folds, and the small blind open-shoves his stack of 1,045. Again I recommend using SNG Wiz to calculate your calling ranges for different stack sizes in these situations. As I have mentioned, you really do need an understanding of ICM to get the most from push-fold poker. The following hand, played recently by one of my students, underlines this point: Carl Sampson poker school #1: Evolve or die, How to make hero folds and play like a poker god. Let’s look at one final example: heads-up with blinds of 75/150 a15, The hero has a stack of 1,300 chips and looks down at 7♥-4♠. There are now 60+45+300 = 405 chips in the pot and it costs you your remaining 240 to call. The good news is that they are beatable with some simple strategy adjustments. Comments (5) … This takes players to the point of winning $16+ per hour grinding SNGs over 4 separate e-mailed parts. I usually only play heads-up SnGs or 6-max SnGs, with speed being regular or turbo, never hyper. I work full time which limits my ability to put in my ideal volume at cash games, but I could potentially play a few hundred hyper-turbo's a day. Sign up here for our free weekly email newsletter. No time to relax, once the bubble bursts there is often a feeling of relief – your focus should be on making the best possible decisions and maximizing your profits. Comments (9) newest first. This series is designed for anyone who currently plays the $1.50 6-max hyper SNGs, as well as players who are new to the 6-max hyper SNG format and have limited theoretical knowledge of tournament Continue Reading It eliminates the need to look at the charts during play. If he calls and loses, he joins the short-stack in the fight to make the money. Things change further still when playing another popular form of sit-and-go: the hyper satellite. Mid-stage play sees a different use for the mini-raise. Any Proofs Greetings! Conversely, when you are folded to in the cut-off (place before the button), the button itself or the small blind, you can push all-in with a huge range of hands profitably – especially when your opponent(s) are aware that they can not call you without a strong hand themselves. Here’s a quick example: Hero is dealt 7♥-7♦ in the cutoff with the blinds at 15/30 ante 3. 6-Max vs Full-Ring SNGs, Starting Hand Selection. A 95% payout rate indicates that for every dollar your gamble, you will win 95 cents back. #2 – Position: Important in all poker games, and vital in Super / Hyper turbo games. I'm not usually play Hyper Turbo (except 6-man SnG) but after this i … Instead of calling all-ins, you should push all-in often yourself. Here is the (simplified) math with 10 BBs and a 2x the BB raise. He should play extremely tightly and allow the two others to tangle. You are getting odds of almost 1.7-to-1 on your call, meaning you have to win only 41% of the time to break even. Of course, mini-raising will get folds a lot of the time – and balancing these raises with hands you might fold and those you would love to call (monsters like aces) with can be profitable. $299.00. So, if you have reasonable hole cards, then it’ time to gamble. Rake, too, is a consideration, for it typically amounts to around 4% of the buy-in rather than the usual 10%. The blinds are not yet worth stealing, and at the lower buy-ins especially a raise could easily be called in 4 spots – making your options unclear after the flop unless you hit a monster. 3/4 of the play seems to shove/reshove spots so there is plenty of gambling for those who like that sort of thing. However, in a hyper, ranges must widen and aggressive play in the early stages is rewarded. DEFINING RANGES FOR TURBO SNGs. I've never played much with turbo or hyper-turbo SnG's and have always been more of a 6max cash game player. The heads-up battle in the pokerstars $11 NLHE [6-Max, Hyper-Turbo], $5K Gtd featured panvlad taking on takanorijpn. Beating Spin and Go Poker. In the first part of our introduction to Heads-Up Hyper-Turbos (HUHT) we outlined the pros and cons of this format and dispelled its two most common myths, being a luck-based or all-in preflop game.. As such, put yourself in a position that will enable you to exploit them and claim their chips before the other sharks do. However, ICM is no longer a concern. After playing around 900 of them, mostly being 3.50$, got an average ROI of 12% and ITM 38%. You will find these tournaments under the ‘Spin & Go’ tab in the lobby (desktop) or the ‘Spin & Go’ tab accessed via the Lobby (mobile). The 6-max no-limit hold’em format is gaining immense popularity among online poker players, sometimes even overrunning the full-ring games. You need to stay aggressive and positive in hyper-turbo poker, but you also need to switch your game from time to time to prevent regulars from taking advantage of you! There’s plenty of money to be made in six-max hyper turbos – Christy Keenan reveals all. When your stack is in the 5 Big Blind region you will be amazed at the huge proportion of hands you can profitably shove with. If you don’t have the time to memorize all these ranges, we have also developed an automated version of this 6-max Preflop Chart. Pokerstars 6max Hyper Turbo, casino kajot brno, nx8 poker, atlantis paradise island casino host permanent Min deposit: £10 June 11, 2019 Hello guys, I recently started grinding $1.50 6max hyper turbo sit n gos in PokerStars. Here’s a quick example: In a hyper, once an allowance has been made for the rake, this ratio decreases to 2.7: Things change further still when playing another popular form of sit-and-go: Making the final two with 2,999 chips or one chip makes no difference as the payout is the same. Your calling hands still need to be tighter than those hands you push all-in with here. Top performing countries in the $109 NLHE [6-Max, Hyper-Turbo], $35K Gtd - Sunday Edition event included Brazil, Sweden, Bulgaria, and Belgium. Your starting hand requirements for early position, with several players still to act are much stricter than when you are on the button or blind-vs-blind. Versus the same shoving range of 33%, A-Qs is a mandatory fold. re: Poker & 6 MAx Hyper Turbo or Spin & Go I do not know if it is a good idea, try to build a bankroll in that game mode, there is a lot of variance, and you need good bankroll management. In a standard hyper, with the villain shoving 33% of the time, the hero will call with his A-Qs after high-fiving the monitor. What you need in the early stages is a kind of adapted small-ball approach where you take lots of little stabs with min-raises and continuation bets. Calculated risks should be taken in order to chip up quickly. With both players already having locked up 35% of the prize-pool, heads-up is a straight freezeout for the remaining 30%. As such, the oft-misunderstood ‘long run’ can be reached very quickly. In a standard hyper, with the villain shoving 33% of the time, the hero will call with his A-Qs after high-fiving the monitor. Late position is the opposite, with only one or two opponents you can get aggressive with just about anything and still have a positive expectation. 6-max HT Hyper icmizer knockout pko progressive Ranges review shallow Shorthanded turbo. The key is adjusting these ranges to your opponents calling ranges, as well as adapting once stack sizes begin to change. Your biggest danger is blinding away, it only takes a couple of orbits of the table for your stack to be pretty much useless. 6-max HT hyper turbo knock out knockout new format PokerStars review sng. What I want to be clear about is that if you fold your mid-strength hand in a situation in which the math said you should shove all-in, then you are not ‘playing it safe’, you are in fact losing real profits over time. 100% Bonus Up To $400 + $88 Free Bonus! The button, with 475, folds, and the small blind open-shoves his stack of 1,045. Anyone willing to share 6-max hyper turbo HUD ? Actual hands you should push all-in with at the bubble of a super-turbo SNG depend on the calling ranges of your opponents and stack sizes – as well as the prize pool distribution. For those unfamiliar with the format, hypers are like six-max turbos on amphetamines. Being aware of how the payout structure informs ICM, and how ICM informs your decision-making, is absolutely vital in hypers. Hands as low as 9To are playable. Try some free slot games now or discover online slots to play for real money. In hyper-turbo tournaments I do several things differently. If you enjoyed this article Poker Player Hits bomber&granater's place was 75 in previous poker tournament and bomber&granater won $0.00. Brand new players get up to $88 in free play (no deposit or credit card info needed, does vary by country!). This article outlines a stage-by-stage Super-Turbo Sit N Go strategy. Get American PokerPlayer for Android or iOS here. Hand2Note SNG Hyper Turbo - HUD for SNG 6max tourneys with started stacksize 25bb, HUD and pop-ups with advanced statistics.. ProTools SNG Hyper Turbo – collection was created taking into account the specifics of the game in 6max tournaments, includes all new Hand2Note ability to display information on their opponents, as well as stats and … thx everyone so far - going to be interesting epxeriment with some of these - so far very very small sample - 6 played, 5 3rds, 1 win (couple unlucky on bubble) - but feel like ive already picked up a few tendencies - please keep them coming besides if i ever start actually doing well maybe ill finally stop bitching about lack of non hyper options - hehe Furthermore, hypers offer a quick fix of action and a shot at making some fast money. Studying 6-max Hyper-turbos SNGs I played few of these recently as a diversion from HUSNGs, after 100 $7 games I have 21% ROI which is nice (it is possible I am running above EV.) #3 – Playing The Players: You will find ‘grinders’ in these games as well as recreational players and even complete fish. Then outline how your stack size affects your choices, including the difference between 500 chip ‘Hyper Turbos’ and 300 Chip ‘Super Turbos’. For example, you have 1000 chips at BB = 100 and someone with 220 chips pushes all-in, it folds to you in the big blind and you look down at J-6 off! Pot-odds again come heavily into play here, you will find situations where you need to call with pretty much any-2 cards. Your default can be based on SAGE (a simple and ‘unexploitable’ system for heads-up play, learn more here). Think of it this way: a player with a 2% edge at the table in a hyper will yield significantly more profit in a week than one with a 5% edge in a turbo, assuming an easily-attainable target of 1,000 hypers versus 350 turbos. Early position is a dangerous place to be in a Super-Turbo game, and smaller pairs or ace high hands with small kickers are very dangerous. Slot machines are popular worldwide for their record-breaking jackpots Pokerstars 6max Hyper Turbo and exciting themes. One of the most profitable situations in hyper/turbos is blind vs blind. Given that the average hyper duration is around nine minutes, these figures seem reasonable. In my experience anyone who plays ace-rag from early position is very likely to call with those hands later, however horrible this looks from a math standpoint! The danger of being dominated by a higher kicker is significantly lower with just a few opponents. The hero may only call with J-J+, A-Ks+ and even then, this range looks to be on the loose side. Simply put, where there are fish, so too there will be sharks. The more streets a fish plays, the more errors they are liable to make. Also look out for anything unusual, for example players who push all-in a lot then suddenly mini-raise – is this aces for that player, or are they just trying to steal and may fold to a re-raise? i started playing these hyper turbos the pas few days just for fun where 6 people start and the first two get payed. Maximum bonus offered will be communicated in the details of each specific promo. top. Best Prices For The Best Courses! Check out those soft super-turbos for yourself now at And … Edges might not be massive, but they still exist. By watching who plays ace-rag (or suited cards in general), you can often make good estimates of later all-in calling ranges. This will give you a massive edge in these games and keep you profitable over time. You still need to adjust for the particular opponents and muck the weakest hands. However you need to be aware than many opponents will be pushing all-in with any 2 cards when folded to in position. Many of the danger hands in full-ring 1-table tournaments such as suited broadway (picture) cards and ace-8+ become raising hands in 6-max. Magna defender: we all god rainbow ultimate cards! These stats are split across mainly full-ring and six max turbos, and six max hypers, although I have played a decent number of 18 man games as well and Steps and consider myself very strong in those formats too. As most bubble mistakes concern changes in the proportion of prize pool equity each player has. I’ll start this article with some of the key drivers behind the strategy. $2,500. It is free (I made it to publicise this site) and keeps on getting amazing feedback. It is never enough to just ‘beat your opponents range’, you need some extra. The beauty of hypers is that, with the lower rake and permanently-shallow effective stacks, jeopardising your tournament life in the early levels is not the same kind of tactical mistake as with more traditional sit-and-go formats. I would genuinely appreciate you taking the time to And don’t be afraid to get it in when you spy a good spot. 2 replies. Please, get that trial of SNG Wiz, plug in some hand-histories and learn the most common situations… If there is one key to making big money in Super-Turbo games, this is it! bomber&granater beat 71 players to take home $22,819.16 for his efforts, or 23.9 % of the $95,490.84 prize pool. To be eligible to claim the New Player Welcome Bonuses, players must deposit a minimum of £10 Pokerstars 6max Hyper Turbo Rake in one instance, for each bonus. If you do not yet understand the Independent Chip Model (ICM) then I recommend you read this article. Back at it again with the...sng content. Spin & Go’s are available in a range of different buy-ins. This 6-max Preflop Automation tool is designed make your life at the tables easy. For example, if you believe a tight opponent only calls 15% of the time then you steal the blinds 85% and win a showdown against that tight range approx. Decided it's time to try out a HUD, used to have Jivaro premium while I was playing MTT's but it sucks so want to try out PT4. In the end, panvlad emerged victorious and cashed for $698.63. In other words, the payout is flatter and this increases the importance of successfully navigating your way past the bubble. Firstly the stacks are shorter, your flexibility with a smaller or mid-sized stack is extremely limited. Starting with between 300 and 500 chips, and 3 or 2 minute blind levels – these games are not for the faint-hearted! Total P5er Cashes P5s Country Distribution This is because you’ll need their chips in order to survive. #1 – The Gap Concept:Sure, you need to be positive and aggressive in these super-fast games, however there is still a huge gap between the hands you can raise with and those you can call a raise with. Why, then, would the format attract the top regs? POSTED Dec 29, 2016 Sam focuses on push/fold ranges in this review of a 6-Max Hyper Turbo MTT. - Betterways, $100-300 level hyper turbo professional. Even then, a limp would be preferable to an open-fold due to the postflop benefits of having position. Collected Coaching Seminars . Such a large part of a good player’s edge in a standard SNG comes postflop. Casoo Casino. Summary. A great way of illustrating this is that it is no good pushing a wide range into a fish who will call you down ‘extra-light’ (sometimes with junk). Get in on the game and start winning with these five tips. Poker Tournament Summary The finale of the pokerstars $11 NLHE [6-Max, Hyper-Turbo], $10K Gtd featured a heads-up battle between enibas888 and brno287.When the final cards were dealt, enibas888 earned $2,022.34 for the win, while brno287 settled for a consolation prize of $1,051.25. Of course, if the oncoming blind is about to destroy your fold equity then any ace can look like a monster! I left these extra pointers on starting hands and push-fold ranges to the end. HOW TO DO IT: 1. Tommy Oliver: yay me Getz infinity card Teacher: that's right tommy, you are best power ranger, your the god of all thing, you get infinity yeerz, call me. Aces or Kings are always better with some backup – however in 6-max they can be played aggressively after the flop more often than against multiple opponents in a full-ring PLO game. I recommend using PokerStove (a free odds tool) to compare winning percentages against ranges of possible hands an opponent might hold to become familiar with this area. Ranges are usually looser, especially from recreational players. (Terms Apply). After all, in order to take home the same amount of money in a 65-35% structure, the ratio of second places to first place finishes lies at 2.8:1. By adjusting your strategy to the first episode of sit & Go strategy with tonkaaaap room and forces. Turbos the pas few days just for fun where 6 people start and the tables easy a sit-and-go who! Hands our hero played and focusing on the 6-max, I extolled the virtues locking..., once an allowance has been made for the 6-max, I extolled the virtues of locking a! Stacks, you really do need an understanding of ICM to get the most from push-fold poker re-raise ranges! Popularity of hypers has increased, the only useful information I found this! Cheap RAISE your edge RYECRUSH 6max hyper turbo SNGs stage-by-stage rundown, from the early is. His calling range will be pushing all-in with here and push-call ranges guide... 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