Here are just some of the random acts of kindness that you wanted to celebrate… 1. The most heartwarming acts of kindness from (a kind of bad) 2020. 3 comments. Just arrived here? You know, what mischievous … Kindness has continued to flourish, no matter what, in times like these, when the world needs the most is hope and love. Birds may want to bath and foxes might want a drink. Your email address will not be published. Headteacher Sandra Muir contacted staff at the hospital to see if the NHS still needed personal protection equipment. Stand up for the underdog, or defend someone who you think people are being mean to. Messages, food deliveries, fixing the washing line, mowing the lawn, but most especially kindness and taking time to talk – at a distance. Volunteers at the Swindon Night Shelter shifted their operation from running a homeless shelter, to providing fresh food parcels to families after restrictions in response to the Covid-19 pandemic meant the team had to radically change their services. A fundraising campaign by Brighter Futures to raise money for snacks and other treats for GWH workers battling coronavirus has hit almost £3,500. Many across Swindon have come together like never before. And there are small groups springing up all over Swindon helping out people who need shopping, or someone to check on them.”. To their surprise the students recorded their own video by way of thanks. OUR HEROES: 30 amazing acts of kindness during the coronavirus lockdown. Smile at someone when you cross paths on your daily exercise. Joanna Heaven, of Dunsford Close, said: “I don’t want to sound like Martin Luther King Jnr but I did have a dream.”, Lawn off licence the Liquor Store handed out free packs of toilet rolls to NHS workers. Damian and I thought that week 3/4 would be when things would change; when children realised this … These adverts enable local businesses to get in front of their target audience – the local community. Create a silly video for social media – designed to make people smile. My kids made cards for our elderly neighbors the first week on lockdown and we let them know we’re happy to assist them with groceries, pharmacy pickups or anything else they needed help with. This blog is a 'pop up' archive that records how people living in South Africa are supporting one another through acts of kindness during lock down. By Lewis Clarke. (You could also go for chocolates, pizza or something you just know they’ll like!). Yes, so … He looked at our house and gave a great smile and thumbs up to my six year old. A total of 21 rough sleepers were given accomodation. Michael Keenan of homelessness charity Threshold said: “The gents at GW Hotel are donating a hot feast of fresh cooked food each day for dinner and working with Threshold, SBC Rough Sleeper Navigators and all our combined friends to source and provide a hearty brunch each day as well.”. As a subscriber, you are shown 80% less display advertising when reading our articles. (Uh huh, there’s still plenty of ways you can be nice to people, without getting close to them!) Thanks so much for sharing this! Lisa told the Adver: “My daughter loves rainbows and I explained to her that the rainbows signified that we’re all in this together and want to spread hope.”, People living in a Swindon street introduced their own traffic light system to help each other through the pandemic. What acts of kindness have you seen during lockdown? Churches across the north-east have carried out almost 80,000 acts of kindness since the start of lockdown. Receive our latest posts, straight to your inbox, every other week. Do a household chore that is normally someone else’s responsibility. IT'S the little things that make the difference in these extraordinary times and West Fifers have been doing their best to bring smiles to … Write a positive comment on three of your favourite blogs. Like we believe in that. 18 November, 2020 17:44 . When Lockdown was first announced my social feeds were full of positivity; talk of embracing this period and slowing down, time with family and just people generally trying to find the positives in the situation. Send a gratitude email to a co-worker who deserves recognition. “After years of working in our local community, I have seen countless examples of this, and at this time of greatest need, I am reminded how glad I am to live here and to be a local MP too.”. So there we have it – 50 acts of kindness, you can do right now, today, from anywhere in the world. I love the post it note car idea and that’s an easy idea that will make someone feel good. By Nisha Kotecha on May 7, 2020 0 Comments. Director Matthew Morrison-Clarke said: “We are receiving an increasing number of calls from older local residents asking for advice and support to enable them to live safely at home, particularly through the current situation which is likely to continue for many weeks to come.”, Toddler Freya McIntosh, two, did her bit to brighten up Morrison street in Rodbourne. set up a virtual storytime session for children, Rainbow drawings have been cropping up in people’s windows, donated vegetarian curry and rice to pep up GWH staff spirits, were given hotel rooms to live in by the council, Royal Wootton Bassett Academy donated more than 1,000 pairs of medical grade gloves, gave a rousing rendition of Monty Python’s Always Look on the Bright Side of Life, living in a Swindon street introduced their own traffic light system, the Liquor Store handed out free packs of toilet rolls to NHS workers, Swindon DJs are coming together to play free sets on Facebook. Send a gift card. I’m going to share this post everywhere! Did you know that flowers are at an all-time low price? “It wasn’t a surprise but it was great to see hundreds of thousands of people immediately sign up to volunteer to help the NHS. During these challenging times, we asked readers to share stories of sweet, unexpected gestures from friends, neighbors and strangers. “It’s always important to be kind to people and kindness is needed now more than ever. Acts of kindness. Hayley Marie Ridgewell said: “My son, who is six, put a thank you note on our black wheelie bin and the lovely bin man saw it when collecting our rubbish. 28 May 2020. Spend an hour litter picking in your local area. Psychologists have suggested several ways to help combat this during lockdown, and perhaps one of the most interesting suggestions is performing acts of kindness. Don’t snap when someone snaps at you. 4. By InYourArea. Acts of kindness and charity, especially at a community level, provide a real space for children to explore these issues in a proactive, positive way. a recipe to a friend who loves something you cook but isn’t close enough to enjoy it in person. Susan said: "I received an unexpected Stephen's the Bakers delivery courtesy of one daughter and a new pair of slippers from the other. Last Updated: 30th March, 2020 11:36 IST Coronavirus Crisis: People Show Random Acts Of Kindness Amid Lockdown Coronavirus cases have skyrocketed and so has the fear, however, people all around the world are showing acts of kindness during the fight against COVID-19. Random acts of compassion and generosity have taken place throughout Wales and communities have pulled together to provide support to those that need it most. He said: “I’m just helping them because they’re working all hours, they haven’t got time to go to the shop. It was so rewarding and a few of them wrote us back. Our drivers are available for free of charge errand running during this difficult time for anyone who may need it. Whether this is food shopping, picking up prescriptions or anything else we can do, the Barnes team will be happy to help.”, Sammie Mumford launched a group called Helping Hands For Those In Need on Facebook to bring the community together and to help the needy. I do tech as a professional so whenever I see someone who needs the help… I can’t help it! Volunteers help vulnerable in self-isolation. Inspire them to surprise you: let them know that surprises are a really great act of kindness and that you would appreciate a surprise bath or a handpicked bunch of flowers from the garden? We will be continually updating this blog with all of the kind and compassionate acts taking place around us Ava Notton-Barrett, 10, and sister Poppy, 8, decided to paint a huge rainbow on a kitchen wall at their Old Town home and dedicate it to frontline medical staff following the clap for the NHS event last week. We’re curious to hear from you about any acts of kindness that you’ve seen and find the areas that people might be struggling with the most. Nurturing our relationships during the Coronavirus pandemic. Gloucestershire is proving that even during lockdown, random acts of kindness are happening all the time. We’re all experiencing a difficult time and a simple greeting or help goes a long way! She’s constantly scolding the kids playing downstairs and everyone used to avoid her. During these challenging times, we asked readers to share stories of sweet, unexpected gestures from friends, neighbors and strangers. Mr Tomlinson’s mother is well-known borough and parish councillor Vera Tomlinson. The Stay Home Sessions will be streamed every Sunday at 4pm on the Men’s Mental Health Swindon. SCOTTISH social enterprise Social Bite has transformed its operations into a nationwide delivery centre and is distributing more than 3000 fresh food packs each day to the … Read: Cycling, Pool, Meditation Keep 'Go Corona Go' Ramdas Athawale Busy During Lockdown. 6th May 2020 Sarah Burns Leave a Comment. Photo: Matt Crossick. There are definitely some unique ideas! Be super pleasant on phone calls with providers – even if you’ve had to wait a while to speak to someone. Forgive people who have hurt you and make amends for the things you’ve done wrong. Swindon’s two MPs Justin Tomlinson and Robert Buckland said they have been gladdened to see the way people have come together to look after their friends and neighbours and those people they don’t know, who need support and care. Houses are different, and in Swindon, we have a lot of graduates who come here to work, but then move about quite frequently, and it’s a more transient population. This is a great idea, my favorite one is #42 Help a technophobe – I have done this before, especially with the older generation and they have trouble with all the new techie stuff! Staff at Lawn Manor Academy donated all 250 pairs of glasses to the hospital to help protect staff during the coronavirus pandemic. Today, the Adver celebrates 30 amazing acts of kindness. Leave a note on someone’s car, telling them how awesome they parked. Hi! gloucestershirelive. Thanks for sharing! If … The worst of times can bring out the best in people. One woman sent us a picture of three bin men from the borough’s team three: “So many people thanking them and leaving lovely notes on their bins. Leave out water for the wildlife: during this beautiful weather that we have been having during lockdown, some of your wildlife would be appreciative of a water bowl! What started as a few donations to a foodbank in South Tyneside, quickly snowballed into a mass student effort to ensure food parcels were delivered to … Offer to mow your neighbours lawn, or even just run an errand! Joking! Take time to check in with a friend who you haven’t spoken to very much for a while. It’s Mental Health Awareness Week, and we can probably all agree that it’s come at one of the most strange and difficult times any of us can remember. This shouldn’t just be a one-off thing however. I am in love with your list! I’ve seen neighbors setting up an evening block party bingo games with toilet paper as prizes. Play cupid – introducing two people you think would get on really well. ABC Radio National / By Erica Vowles for Life Matters. Remember, it’s not their fault. Acts of kindness. Because it doesn’t cost you anything, but it can mean far more to others than you may even think. Paloma Faith reveals act of kindness during lockdown The star was working on her latest album, Infinite Things, from a home studio. NatWest workers are helping vulnerable people during lockdown with incredible acts of kindness. Remember a friend or relative’s birthday with an actual in-the-mail or in-person card, rather than just a “Happy Birthday” on Facebook (though that’s nice, too). “My mother moved down to Swindon to be near me about 13 years ago, but if she hadn’t, she’d be alone in Kidderminster and I know how difficult that would be, so I’m aware of what some people are facing. 7 Instances Of Kindness During Coronavirus Outbreak That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity. Latest amazing acts of kindness in Hull and East Yorkshire amid coronavirus chaos. We’ve found that social distancing doesn’t mean having to break our ties with friends, neighbours, family and work colleagues. Returning to school after the coronavirus lockdown. Students' acts of kindness help struggling families during lockdown. There’s no shortage of reasons to be stressed and afraid nowadays, but there are spots of hope worth savoring, too. Send photos or videos to your parents or grandparents if you’re not living with them – I guarantee it will make them smile. LOVE THIS!!! Add message | Report. Pop a note next to your mirror with a positive affirmation – being kind to yourself counts too you know! Nine acts of kindness to lighten the UK coronavirus lockdown, from secret book exchanges to headteachers ferrying across roast dinners ... so during … Let people know you are on a mission to spread kindness and they will be inspired to do the same too. Sometimes we just need some ideas the kickstart our hearts. Submissions may be in any of the official South African languages, or in French or Portuguese. They found that helping others: might promote physiological changes in the brain linked with happiness; can improve our … And Great Western Hotel, Station Road, donated meals for the homeless and the support workers looking out for them. 4. Let someone who seems in a rush, or looks uncomfortable, go in front of you in a shop queue. The eight anecdotes below were chosen from nearly 90 submissions — look closely, and you can spy … Inspire others to do more good! Pop a baked treat in the mailbox for your postman or woman. Hey, I'm Ell. For Jolene Breslin from Stratton, it was an opportunity for her and her three children Ronnie, four, Sean, six, and Tyler, 11, to express their gratitude to the NHS workers. So many great ideas, I particularly loved #44 about doing someone else’s household chore, I’m going to to do that! It has been lovely to see them springing up all over Rodbourne. We will see opportunities every day to be kind, but we are not great at then acting upon that emotion. 6th May 2020 Sarah Burns Leave a Comment. Flowers, Flowers & More Flowers. Princess Eugenie. But then one day she went door-to-door, distributing besan ladoos she had made herself at home just to cheer everyone up.” – Neha Mathur, Mumbai I like to believe that we all have kindness within us. If you don’t need it, give it! Place a positive body image note in the jean pockets of any clothing stores. There’s a lot of people who can’t go shopping for themselves, so I put this group together to let people know that we can help.”, Charity Age UK Wiltshire took on the provision of Meals on Wheels to the elderly or vulnerable on a seven-days-a-week basis. Rough sleepers were given hotel rooms to live in by the council to help them self-isolate during the coronavirus outbreak. Certain individuals, such as the elderly and those with … Water manufacturer aQuellé has launched the aQuellé Kindness Map, an interactive digital map which aims to keep tabs on national acts of kindness towards those impacted by … Read This Instead, 10 Signs He’s Not Ready For Something Serious, 40 Cosy Home Date Ideas | Winter Date Ideas At Home, The Different Types of Love Languages | Understanding Your Love Language, How To Become Comfortable With Uncertainty, 50 Questions To Get To Know Yourself Better, How To Feel Confident About The Way You Look, 50 Simple Things That Make You Feel Good For a Little Boost of Happiness, How To Accept The Things You Don’t Want To, 10 Relaxation Techniques To Help You Calm Down When You Need To, Welcome to Forgetting Fairytales! I hope this helps and inspires you, or at the very least – get’s you thinking about some other things you could do! Practicing kindness to your colleagues during lockdown. And while loo roll shortages, fights in the supermarket and “coronavirus coughs” have stolen headlines, most people have risen to the challenge of lockdown life. KC Archana Updated on Mar 19, 2020, 17:13 IST. Doing more acts of kindness should be part of daily life. It is hard to gauge the full impact that the coronavirus and subsequent lockdown is having on children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Don’t take out your frustrations on them. Updated: December 20, 2019 6:33 AM. Don’t! Across Melbourne, residents have been committing acts of lockdown-induced kindness. Make a photo collage then post it to a friend – to remind them of all the good times they’ve had and the good times which will soon come again! Know that flowers are at an all-time low price, Meditation Keep 'Go Corona go Ramdas. Virtual get-together for someone who you think it ’ s an easy idea that will make their relationships much!. 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