Final Fantasy 8 Remastered: Triple Triad is Still the Best Video Game Card Game. Triple-decker X achievement: obtain 300 unique Triple Triad cards: Open and Shut I achievement: Rank 1st in an Open tournament. It's unbeatable there with an A on the left of the card and the bottom. This is a fan made set of Triple Triad cards from Final Fantasy VIII. They’ll only … The following list includes cards from pages 8, 9 and 10, which are the Guardian Force cards and the Player Cards. There is also a list of challengeable NPCs with their timer - if they have one - and cards they … This card can't be acquired until about halfway into the game. Once Balamb Garden is mobile, and all of the party is once again together, the story takes you to Trabia Garden. This is the only way to get Rinoa's card to appear, and it's worth the trauma of losing Ifrit. Seifer's card is unmatched when it comes to being placed in the top-left of the board with a rank A at the bottom and a 9 on the right. Triple Triad Master (haha master, huh) and King Elmer III. To best use cards like Cecil, orient him so that his weakest side (3) is facing the grid edge and can't be exploited by opponents, meaning you'd want Cecil anywhere on the bottom row to shield his weaker side. The Gold Saucer regularly holds Triple Triad tournaments that offer special and rare Triple Triad cards as rewards. Players take turns placing one card, each with four values, one facing each direction (Up, left, down, and right). Bronze Triad Card (520 MGP) Silver Triad Card (1,150 MGP) Gold Triad Card (2,160 MGP) Platinum Triad Card (Tournament Reward) Now we're entering the cream of the crop, the rare set of cards with total ranks adding up to 29. The Triple Triad card game in Final Fantasy 8 is one of the best mini-games in the Final Fantasy series by far. Watch in 1080p for best quality! Edea is perfect in the bottom left-hand corner, as she has an A rank on the top and the right. The following is a list of Triple Triad cards in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Due to specific rulesets, sometimes it was easier to lose cards than to gain them. To acquire the Sacred card, players have to go on an optional side quest near Deling City. By battling these brothers and winning, their GF is acquired, but as a bonus, their Triple Triad cards too. However, only a few cards have to be lost in order to win Irvine, unlike Doomtrain. The player with the most at the end wins. The cards in the player's inventory can be viewed in the Cards section of the menu. Triple Team II achievement: … If the player has had a card but lost/refined it, it will be grayed out. New player? All the cards names & stats are the same but the images and border have been recreated in a bold comic book style. A one-stop shop for all things video games. To acquire the Sacred card, players have to go on an optional side quest near Deling City. Personally, I use Terra, Susano, Hilda, Ysalye, and Lucia. In this video we show you our Final Fantasy VIII visual art and triple triad card set. But to compensate, Bahamut has above-average scores in every direction, bearing two 9s, a 5, and a 6. Play Guide FFXIV Collect … Last tip, buy the Gold Saucer cards asap. As for the best Triple Triad Deck, you can have all cards from page 1 to 5, with exception of the fourth card in page 5, which is special, plus Ifrit (if you … Dropped from Elastoid or Tri-Face (both from card abilities) or on in Triple Triad card battles. Dogs are pretty awesome. Only one copy of the level 8, 9, and 10 cards can be held at once. There Selphie finds an old friend and runs off together. So yeah, owning more cards = getting stronger decks. Levels 8 through 10 are the highest rated Final Fantasy 8 Triple Triad card set. Like before, try to circumvent that 2 by playing Cloud on the top row where it can't be exploited. Its ranks are a bit different than before, with a low upwards 8 (place on the top row for safety) but two 8s and an A. Bartz and his Chocobo form this powerful card, bearing the same values as The Opéra but slightly rotated. There is a little bit of a problem with triple triad and rare cards in particular in FF8, however - the system is rather obtuse, just like things like the FF8 … The infamous Buster Sword-wielding hero copies Kuja's values, just in different directions, with two 8s, a 2, and an A. Only one card with 4 star rating or higher allowed. Low-level run information. Like Wellspring Embrace, this card features a defining scene from FF6, where Celes masquerades as Maria the opera star. Other. Both are amazing to have, but if you've still got Ifrit at this time, having a Sacred with a 9 on both the bottom and left of the card is excellent. To get it, you have to go to the cafeteria in Balamb Garden, and at a few tables are the Trepe Groupies. The cards they use are based on their level, so higher level NPC's will have better cards. To get this card, you have to beat Laguna in Esthar City, which is on disc 3 or on the Ragnorok airship later if you forgot you to play against him back in the city. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. TRIPLE TRIAD MATCHES (WEEKLY OR DAILY) I wouldn’t say that I’m the best Triple Triad player, but I do complete my weekly challenge logs for Triple Triad every week. His values are 8, 7, A (10, the highest), and 3, meaning he's pretty hard to beat on all sides except one. Basically, higher numbers are better, but cards have higher values in some orientations, lower in others. Final Fantasy 8 features a mini-game called the Triple Triad. The best of the best when it comes to Triple Triad, the Card Club holds the rarest of cards and can be challenged throughout Balamb Garden. Place her anywhere on the right column to protect her weakest side while utilizing her other scores. From the Triple Triad representative in the Game Corner - "Triple Triad is a game from the Final Fantasy series. FF9's antagonist has an even weaker side than Cecil at 2, but his other values are great: two 8s and an A. Like all today's cards, Cecil's five-star rating indicates he's the strongest version of himself available. My Cards All Cards NPCs Decks Packs. With both 9 and 10 ranks, Noctis can easily capture multiple cards at once, but the downside are his weaker 4 and 5 values. With the release of Final Fantasy 8 Remastered, a new generation of players will experience the FF8 card … Don't worry though, because at Fishermans Horizon, a character called Martine has the Ifrit card that you can win back and reclaim as its original owner. This garden is where Selphie's home was before she got transferred to Balamb Garden, and due to reasons as part of the story, Selphie wanted to check on Trabia Garden. Each card is rendered beautifully in full color (red fronts & blue backs) All items are shipped via standard canada post lettermail unless I am messaged otherwise. Triple Triad is very popular and almost anyone in Skyrim will play you, as long as they're not hostile towards you. Rinoa is one of the trickier cards to get, but it can be obtained by sheer luck. We have noticed an unusual activity from your IP and blocked access to this website.. The Triple Triad dialogue won't show up if: 1. The Quistis card is one of the easiest rare cards to obtain early on. Triple Triad guide. You don't have a Triple Triad … Ifrit has an 8 on the left, 9 up top and a 6 to the right. Squall is one amazing card for your deck, especially when placed in the lower right-hand corner, with a 9 on the left and an A up top. But honestly, the best part of triple triad to me has always been working my way through the NPCs starting with 2.0 and collecting their cards and then eventually to the title for winning 1,000 roulette games. Once you've mastered the basics of Triple Triad, try the above variants (some of which can be combined with each other) to spice up gameplay, but for now, vote for your favorite card and I'll see you at our next Final Fantasy countdown. RELATED: Final Fantasy 8: Every City In The Game, Ranked. Please confirm that you are not a robot Each player can select up to 5 cards in their hand. Players could easily spend hours getting hooked on this card game and trying to collect all of the cards is pretty challenging. The two players then take turns putting cards onto the board. Squall has to go to the Tomb… Quistis is perfect to be played as one of your last cards, as she has a 9 up top, and an A down below, however, if placed incorrectly, she can be pretty useless, as she has a 2 on her left side. 10 Assassin's Creed Games With The Best Open-Worlds, 10 Best Triple Triad Cards In Final Fantasy 8 Remastered (& How To Get Them), 10 Pro Tips For Final Fantasy 8 Remastered You Should Know, 10 Most Powerful Weapons In Final Fantasy 8: Remastered, Ranked, The 5 Best Summons In Final Fantasy 8 Remastered (& The 5 Worst), Ranked, Final Fantasy 8: Every City In The Game, Ranked, 10 Awesome Side Quests Hidden In Final Fantasy 8 Remastered, 10 Craziest Glitches In Skyrim (& Why They Happen), 10 Biggest Challenges For Newcomers In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, 10 Games To Play If You Love The Walking Dead (Ranked By Metacritic), RuneScape 3: 10 Things You Should Know Before Grinding Completionist Cape, Dark Souls 2: The 5 Best Bosses In The Game (& 5 Worst), The 10 Most Dangerous Dragons In Video Games, Ranked, 15 Most Difficult Games From The PS4 Generation, Ranked, 5 PS5 Games You Didn't Know Were Coming In 2021 (& 5 Rumored Ones We Want), 10 Great Ghost Of Tsushima Memes That Will Make Any Samurai Laugh, 10 Most Competitively Viable Starter Pokémon, The 10 Best Horror Games Of The Generation (According To Metacritic), Every Grand Theft Auto Game (In Chronological Order), 10 Games You Can Play While You Wait For Persona 5 Strikers, The 10 Best FPS Games Of 2020, Ranked (According To Metacritic), 5 Open World Games in 2020 That Didn’t Get Enough Love (& 5 That Got A Little Too Much), WWE 2K22: 5 Fresh Ideas For It (& 5 It Should Take From Old Games). However, her weakest number is a 4 on the left, but she's more rounded than Quistis. Rare Card Locations Triple Triad. Last Edited: 30 Aug 2012 3:12 am. Play Kain anywhere on the rightmost row to both protect his weak side and use his left-facing A to great effect. Sidequests/Mini-Games Triple Triad. You can eventually win Edea from her, but this might take a few tries as she plays it rarely. Triple Triad Cards. A card … Welcome to your Triple Triad resource for Final Fantasy XIV! Put him on the left column to protect him, and use his upwards 10 to your advantage by placing him below an enemy card. However, this card has to be played strategically because its top and bottom are incredibly weak. This time, you'll want to play Bartz on the left column to take advantage of his better scores while avoiding that 3. Rinoa is perfect to use as one of your last two cards remaining as it has an A rank on both sides, so it's fantastic for center play. Doomtrain is a level 9 card, but it is essential to be one of the five cards picked to play a round of Triple Triad, as it's perfect in the top right-hand corner. Unlock + Elmer farm: Honestly, you can only beat two NPC’s at this point. Ifrit is one of the best cards to have early on in the game, but it's best to wait until you've beaten Ifrit at the Fire Cave to begin the addictive journey that is Triple Triad. Page Tools. Full Triple Triad Card Liast. Either way, the scores are similar to Shantotto's, just shuffled around a bit, with the weakest side still facing right. The objective is to capture enemy cards by placing adjacent cards of higher ranks; if you play a card with an upwards 7 beneath a card with a downwards 5, you steal that card. Hey, my name is Mark, I am 29, video game enthusiast! It's a fast yet strategic card game played on a 3x3 grid. However, if players want, they can explore this tomb and solve the puzzle to obtain a new GF, Brothers (Minotaur and Sacred). First appearing in FF8, Triple Triad was later remastered for FF14 and is now its own app. All three of these groupies have the Quistis card but its sheer luck on if it'll appear when challenging each one to a card game. You can also click on any of the level 8, 9 or 10 rare cards for information on how to obtain that card: Level 1 (Monster) Level 2 (Monster) Level 3 (Monster) Level 4 (Monster) Level 5 (Monster) Level 6 (Boss) Level 7 (Boss) Level 8 (Guardian Force) New cards can be obtained from the Triple Triad Trader NPC found in the Manderville Gold Saucer, as rewards from winning against various NPCs, and as prizes from Triple Triad tournaments. Not the expensive ones, but all of them under or around 20k. The fan theory is that Cid is Siefer's dad, and this is why he holds this card. The Irvine card is also part of the Queen of Card's side quest, so it's only possible to get it by following this tedious side quest. If the side quest has been followed after losing the Sacred card to the Queen of Cards in Dollet, once you get to Fishermans Horizon you can play cards against the Mayor's wife Flo, who has the Irvive card ready to be won from her. No cards have to be lost for Cid to have the Seifer card. 1 Ultima Stone. With an A at the top and an 8 to the right, she's a valuable card. It'll make more sense if her husband Cid had it. This website lists all available Triple Triad cards and will help you find them: achievements, dungeons, NPC drops, and more. Triple Triad is a Card based Collectable game originally starring in Final Fantasy VIII. Kuja Triple Triad Card 9. Here’s a few suggestions. Information on all characters, including stats and how to acquire all their weapons and limits. You can even steal multiple cards at once if yours beats multiple adjacent enemy cards, and you can reclaim cards that were stolen from you. Have fun! So how does one begin their Triple Triad journey? Each card is in mint condition, as soon as they were taken out of their package, they were placed into card sleeves and than into hard plastic sleeves. Triple Triad Trader via Bronze Triad Card 4 - 7 The Gold SaucerThanalan Mother Miounne Must complete the Quest: A Wild Rose by Any Other Name 11 - 13 New GridaniaThe Black Shroud Aurifort of the Three Clubs 4 - 7 The Gold SaucerThanalan The Queen of Cards and CC Group quests are closely related to Triple Triad; however, they are covered in their own sections, since they have their own mechanics that differ from simple Triple Triad play.. For more in-depth information about Triple Triad (including RNG … Laguna has Squalls and General Caraway has Rinoa's, so father to son, father to daughter. Another website for tracking your Final Fantasy XIV Triple Triad card collection. That's because you automatically get Ifrits card upon defeating him in battle. Selphie's friend is the one you have to challenge to get the awesome card. Information on min-maxing stats. (These opponents have decks largely consisting of 1* cards, and so you can face them reasonably with your starter deck and maybe one or two additional cards) Gold Saucer, Triple Triad Master: Spriggan (1) (You'll be going through the tutorial again each time however) Gold Saucer, Jonas of the Three Spades: Ixal (1), Moogle (1) Top Contributors: Mogg18, IGN-GameGuides, Mike + more. The following is the list of Triple Triad cards in Final Fantasy VIII. My earliest memory was playing Worms on the Amiga against my Godmother, yes the Amiga, massive box type thing, needed eighty-five thousand floppy disks to play one game, maybe a slight exaggeration, those were the days! Information on Triple Triad, including the location of every card in the game and how to best use them. However, the card is one of the hardest to acquire, as it requires you to lose specific cards to the Queen of Cards in a particular order and for her to travel to a specific place. A 3x3 spaced grid is placed as the board. Here you'll discover the best cards and how to acquire them. This can be won from Cid, either at Balamb Garden or at Edea's orphanage. These are the ten best Triple Triad cards in Final Fantasy! Edit (Classic) ... Best … This makes him incredibly useful early on when playing cards. Triple Triad is FFVIII's card game, and a highly rewarding mini-game. To acquire the full collection, players had to embark on a missable side quest to collect one of the games' rarest cards, Pupu. A mini-guide for Chocobo World. Click on one of the following links to jump to that section. However, the best odds in getting Quistis is by challenging the guy in the back. I love RPG's, and The Legend of Zelda series. Unlike prior cards that show one character, this one depicts an iconic moment from FF10 involving both Tidus and Yuna. However, there is a fan theory on why Cid has Seifer's card, as a lot of cards and who own them are heavily linked. RELATED: 10 Pro Tips For Final Fantasy 8 Remastered You Should Know. It's possible to win Doomtrain from the Queen of Cards near the end of the game. Infamous dragon summon Bahamut leads the pack with an interesting distribution, being today's only card without an A side. Still, it's occasionally smart to purposefully expose lower stats, as this gives you an easier recapture route if you expect your opponent to steal. Just wondering what cards people play with in Triple Triad. Normally, the protagonists get the highest-scoring cards from each game, but anti-hero Kain bests Cecil for this ace. FF8 Triple Triad Guide: Where to Find Rare Cards & Easy Wins Special rulesets can shake up gameplay, but those are the basics—which aces will guide you to victory? However, if you've won Rinoa's card from General Caraway, this means you've had to lose Ifrit. The Edea card can be won on Disc 2 when she is no longer under control by another sorceress and is back at her home, the orphanage. Generally, it's best to wait until after completing the Fire Cavern to begin playing Triple Triad (you'll also receive the Ifrit Card during this intro sequence). All you have to do is play against her, and eventually, she'll play herself as a card. A few of the rarest cards have conditions to fulfill before they can become obtainable, and without sheer luck, players would not have any chance of locating them. These 3 pages of cards collectively make up the high-level rare cards and each of these rare cards cannot be found through regular games against card … NEXT: 10 Awesome Side Quests Hidden In Final Fantasy 8 Remastered. RELATED: 10 Most Powerful Weapons In Final Fantasy 8: Remastered, Ranked. Best Sellers Customer Service New Releases Whole Foods Find a Gift Registry Gift Cards Sell AmazonBasics #FoundItOnAmazon Free Shipping Shopper Toolkit Disability Customer Support Triple Triad Cards (Final Fantasy 8 game card mixed lot) A rather simplistic game brought up to snuff by Square in Final Fantasy XIV where they have incorporated a various amount of rule sets which could very well be complicated to understand without some guidance (which the game really doesn’t provide). If you complete just the solo Triple Triad Matches you will get a minimum of 13,000 MGP, but if you participate in tournaments you bring that up to 18,500 MGP. Jeremy enjoys gaming when not working as a manager at the same college he graduated from. Filling the in-game card list has a gold star appear next to the Cards menu. To best use cards like Cecil, orient him so that his weakest side (3) is facing the grid edge and can't be exploited by opponents, meaning you'd want Cecil anywhere on the bottom row to shield his weaker side. Also note that in some versions of Triple Triad (like the FF14 rendition), your deck has limits on the number of high-star cards you can include, so you'll want to collect several three-stars to support your five-star aces. For those who love to play Triple Triad, here are the best cards in Final Fantasy 8 Remastered and where to find them. It doesn't come up that much but it'll appear if you continue to challenge her. Irvine is a little worse than Doomtrain, but until Doomtrain is acquired, Irvine is a vital card to have, as he has an A on the left and a 9 at the bottom. Squall has to go to the Tomb of the Unknown King to collect an ID number, just in the entrance of it, to get further ahead in the main story. RELATED: The 5 Best Summons In Final Fantasy 8 Remastered (& The 5 Worst), Ranked. Sadly, in the remastered version of Final Fantasy 8, converting character cards only give you 3 Moon Curtains unlike in the original where each character card gave you some truly amazing items. There is another way to get it if this side quest is forgotten. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. He's pretty much unbeatable. The Triple Triad card game requires 10 cards to be played, 5 from each player so if you want enough to play with a friend, be sure to order 2 sets of these. It's pretty weird in all honesty. No important cards have to be lost to her, like certain acquired cards. Shantotto's scores are similar to Bahamut's, taking his 5 down to a 4 in order to bump one of the 9s up to an A. To get it, you have to lose your beloved Ifrit card to General Caraway, Rinoa's father, in Deling City. Selphie is very much like Quistis, but Selphie is a much better card. 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