and I’m consistently impressed with it.. What sticks out to me most is your [name 2–3 positive traits].. I’m looking for brand ambassadors that really fit with my brand. In 2020, you don’t need hundreds of thousands of followers to become an influencer, as collaborations with micro-or nano-influencers are becoming more popular with brands. And often times, a positive response is entirely dependent on the quality of email you send out. After being reached out to by a few brands when I first started blogging, I decided that instead of waiting around for more to come my way, I’d reach out to them. I’m [your name] from [your company].I’ve been following your [blog, Instagram, YouTube, etc.] But let’s face it: reaching out is one thing. There are very little benefits for the influencer you’re reaching out to, but you can always promise a symbiotic relationship that will allow you to curry favors from each other. Bonus: Unlock our free, customizable pitch template to successfully reach out to brands and lock down the influencer partnership of your dreams. So if you want to boost your marketing efforts, it’s a good idea to collaborate with influencers who can present your brand in … This is why niching down is so important! Don’t make it about YOU. Then, you can seek out more brand collaborations by using your best-performing templates. Four years later and I’m still reaching out to brands! 4. Part One: How to reach out and pitch to brands via email Here is the exact template I pitch to brands: Hi Brand, My name is Emma and I’m a Seattle fashion/lifestyle blogger. It’s common for brands to request a media kit from an influencer they want to work with, so not having one can actually lead to you missing out on partnerships and revenue. I wasn’t sure if that would be a good idea at first, but it’s a great way to introduce yourself to the brand! Get the template now! I’ll be sharing my exact email pitch template and the 7 things you need to include in your next brand email pitch. The easiest way to reach out to brands is by messaging them on Instagram. It boils down to which brands. They are kind of the middle man between influencers and brands. It was produced in order to reach out to an influencer who you might want to work with when it comes to helping you produce written content. This email clearly states that you want to work on something with the influencer. The good thing is, you now know how to reach out to brands and what elements to include in your pitch template. Hi [influencer’s name],. When you reach out to a brand with a partnership idea DO NOT make it about you. I always suggest that you create 4-5 template variables and test them to see which ones are working better and why. Another great way to reach out to brands is through an influencer marketing platform! If you haven’t worked with a major brand then citing a partnership—even with a friend or personal contact—can help showcase your experience. For the Newbie: “Potential Eye Cream Holiday Gift Guide—Reach a new audience” For the Experienced: “Collaboration with Beauty Blogger—30K Instagram Followers” It isn’t necessarily a good thing or a bad thing if you’ve worked with brands or not. Brands want to partner with you because of … Why this template does well. You can use email outreach templates to build backlinks, generate leads, make connections with influencers, improve customer experience, and build your brand. Influencer outreach is critical for any content marketing campaign, because influencers expose your brand to a larger audience, and because your … Subject line: [Influencer’s Name], would you like to be our brand ambassador?. As a new blogger or micro influencer, don’t wait around for a brand to reach out, be a go-getter girl! How to Write the Perfect Influencer Outreach Email Template Statistics say that the ROI from influencer marketing is 11X bigger than ROI from traditional marketing.