Use a Grip that’s Ideal for Your Playing Style, Master the Four Basic Table Tennis Strokes, “Ladder Drills”: Chinese Table Tennis Footwork Training Methods, Table Tennis Exercises to Improve Footwork, Improve your Table Tennis Skills Advanced : Footwork. Introduction to Table Tennis Tips for delivering Playing for Life — Table Tennis 1. This grip is ideal for beginners and results in a very stable wrist position. Like any physical structure, you can only build on something that has a solid foundation. By the way, if you don't know the difference between table tennis and ping pong you can find out here. Only a coach who’s able to watch you play and notice mistakes you’re making in your positioning can do this. When you play on a higher level, you’ll understand your strengths, your weaknesses, and you can even learn some new tactics or strategies along the way. Seriously, if you’re Googling and reading articles on how to become better at table tennis, you’re not ready to attempt this grip. basic ball control and the 4 basic strokes, advanced serve and advanced return of serve, including the Flick (Flip) return, 6 table tennis tactics to improve your game. When you master all of the basic skills, you should quickly incorporate your body (hip, waist, legs, abdomen) into your stroke. The first thing is how you hold the Table Tennis Bat. Therefore I would recommend that you learn how to play using an aggressive, attacking style of play rather than any other style. This article describes the five best explanations behind sports acquisition. Every player whether professional or newbie can do with quality table tennis tips once in a while. Play this shot when the ball traveling towards your forehand area, but also get comfortable with positioning yourself to play it when the ball is struck directly at your body. Sadly, there isn’t much that can be taught in the way of theory when it comes to honing this skill. Personally, I think a player should mix up their serves for different length and spin. Despite being number three in our list of the basic table tennis strokes, the backhand push is one of the easiest shots to play. Although it’s not absolutely mandatory that you know one technique perfectly before moving onto the next one, I do recommend this approach. The only way to generate speed from this position is to flick your wrist, but that’s a shot we’ll cover in another article. In this case, the trade-off is a little bit of power. Yeah I may be getting ahead of myself here. Here is a compilation of tips from the best coaches of table tennis from all over the world. I recommend making friends with someone who’s mastered this serve and get them to help you practice these returns. As mentioned above, if the ball is traveling directly at your body, attempt to reposition yourself for a forehand drive. The first is the penhold grip. However, for the sake of describing the push shot, we’ll be assuming that the ball was played to deliberately bounce twice on your end of the table, forcing you closer to the net. The purpose of the forehand drive is to place the ball exactly where you want it. In order to get better, you’ll need to constantly aim higher. The technical differences between backhand and forehand shots are so pronounced that this stroke can’t simply be described as: “the backhand equivalent of the forehand drive”. Inmost cases, a standard side-spinning serve can be returned with a top-spinning drive stroke. Play this stroke with a sideways stance with your body close to the table. With many different topics. It’s NOT a spin shot. Since a push shot is the only way most novice players know how to return a back-spinning ball, you’ll want to take advantage of this by aiming for their forehand hitting zone. The junior coaching sessions were held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings and I joined up as soon as I could ... and pestered my mum and dad to take me to at least two of the sessions every week. Site Map |
Both of your arms should be extended out in front of your body. Your first encounter with tennis strategy and tactics probably happened early in your tennis career. We'll then start by taking a look at the Ready Position before moving on to basic ball control and the 4 basic strokes. The forehand push is used only when a short ball is traveling directly into your forehand hitting zone. I began a degree in sport science and was able to play table tennis every day, under the guidance of some top English coaches. These exercises help you build the stamina and muscle memories necessary to move with speed and economy during a match. The server usually has a considerable advantage for two reasons. Some examples of advanced serves include medium-long, deep, short, down-the-line, pure spin, pure speed, etc. Final Thoughts. This is a must use Table Tennis Doubles Strategy. Table tennis moves at a lightning-fast pace. We’ll assume you know absolutely nothing beyond how to hit the ball with the correct part of the racket. Practice until… you get the picture. This gives you a slight edge and will minimize the chances of a well-placed return that catches you off-guard. What you will do, however, is move into a massive variety of positions within a very small section of real estate, and you’re going to be doing so within a ridiculously short space of time. A decent opponent will either play a shot that immediately puts you on the defense, or they’ll end the point with an unplayable smash. This will form the foundation of what will become a more rounded service game. Don’t force this. Most players are able to play with more accuracy using forehand shots. I've also put together some practice drills for you, together with skill tests and warm-up exercises which you'll need if you want to improve further. I managed to find a junior coaching program which was only a short bus / car journey away from our home. We are a bunch of guys and some girls who love to play table tennis at one of our members' backyard. That makes it an essential stroke to master if your aim is to take your table tennis game to the next level. Your Strategy is Usually Influenced by Your Opponent. Boost Your Brain. Your hips will rotate and there will be a slight transfer of weight from your back foot to the front. The first essential you should know is selecting the right paddle. Don’t worry about how you look – you’re playing a game that’s essentially a miniaturized version of tennis. However, if you want to succeed more, go through these 5 fundamental skills of table tennis described above, and become an expert in each. An important benefit of playing table tennis is that it keeps your mind clean, clear and focused. How to Play Table Tennis. By mixing your target zone up, and doing so with a serve that moves fast enough, you’re going to catch your opponent off-guard. 1. Some of these restrictions, especially the first two, place a lot of technical pressure on new players; learning how to serve is much easier when you can do it directly out of a closed hand. Practice until your arms bleed. It should be your end goal, however. Again, as with the drive, your main priority is accuracy and placement rather than generating a ton of speed and spin. Lastly, when hitting the ball with speed, your biggest challenge is to not hit it too “long” and miss your opponent’s side of the table altogether. To win, you need ninja-like reflexes, the control and coordination of ... Keep reading Which brings us to the shakehand grip. Since there’s no way of knowing your skill level, nor that of your nemesis, we’re going to take a logical approach with this article. Your body should be slightly squarer than with the forehand drive and there’s less of a weight transfer from your back foot to the front. Table tennis is all about improving by matching up with better opponents. Fortunately, you don’t need an opponent to practice serving. For the purposes of this article, we’ll assume that you’re playing against opponents of an equal skill level and that you’re mostly going to come up against fast or back-spinning serves. What I’m saying is that it’s pretty important for you to supplement reading this article with practice. Attempting to hit one of these with topspin will always result in an unforced error. The more you practice and the more matches you enter, the more you’ll realize what you need to do to improve in certain areas. This sounds difficult because it is difficult. Most clubs have players of all different playing levels. Basic Skills. Grantham Table Tennis Academy. 1 – Research Before Playing. Essentially, you’re holding the top of the racket handle, like a pen, between your thumb and forefinger. Use whichever of these two shakehand grips appeals to you most. Tennis - Tennis - Strategy and technique: Although successful strokes and strategy can vary widely on different court surfaces, on all but the slowest courts there has always been a premium on a punishing serve and effective play at the net. Practice until you can’t feel the top half of your body anymore. Similarly, you can only build a great table tennis technique on a foundation that’s simultaneously stable and flexible. To avoid an unforced service error with the fast serve, you have to give the ball enough time to drop down onto the opponent’s side of the table. It also gives you more room to hit the ball harder and to create a bit of topspin. A 78-year-old can beat a 28-year-old. So let's get started. Nothing beats a good communication strategy between you and your partner. It is crucial to be aware of the serve tips and learn how to spin the ball in your favor while you are just starting out. You have to give a lot of time to rectify your table tennis grip. Performing a successful backspin serve consistently is also not an easy thing to learn. If you master only one serve, your opponent will become used to returning it. When you successfully execute the backspin serve, you’ll land the ball so close to the opponent’s side of the net that it will bounce twice before they can intervene. Your goal when playing this shot is to successfully return the ball exactly where you want it to bounce on your opponent’s side of the table. Chinese table tennis focuses a lot on the use of the lower part of your body. And that is my best advice to you. Sweaty, proud, pumped. But, for all its simplicity, table tennis is a challenging sport with an intense mental aspect. Always attempt to hit the ball at the very top of its bounce arc. I am going to be contacting as many top table tennis players and coaches as I can, asking them for their #1 tip, and sharing them here. The server’s free arm must not obscure the opponent’s view of the ball. Position Your Body Correctly Use a Grip that’s Ideal for Your Playing Style Do Footwork Exercises Master the Four Basic Table Tennis Strokes The Basics of the Serve The Two Basic Serves Returning a Serve Practice and Keep Your Cool. Practice relentlessly. Many times. Crouch down at the waist as far as is comfortable for you. Most games in the manual can be conducted without the need for a Table Tennis table. It is not for you to find the top player to partner with, rather, it is for you to find the partner that can match with you perfectly. But you will still be able to use certain principles in order to outwit your opponent. There’s a large psychological component to becoming good at something, and if you’re intent on becoming a great table tennis player, you have to get comfortable with the mental side of the game. Occasionally you’ll come up against an opponent who can serve a side-spinning ball. The main trade-off is a slight loss of flexibility in the wrist. What should be pretty obvious is that simply reading about how to get really good at table tennis isn’t going to make you good at table tennis. Rules •
The reason why we are emphasizing on this is that it’s a vital part in playing table tennis doubles matches. Great footwork is an essential part of stroke-play since you’ll never be able to play the right stroke successfully from an incorrect position. When you’re able to “read” the serve early enough, you’ll be able to position your body correctly and know whether to play a drive (against a fast serve) or a push (against a back-spinning serve). This is a very difficult thing to do and not what you should have in mind when you first start practicing it. Your aim with the backspin serve is to make your opponent move forward towards the net, catch them off-guard, and force them to play a defensive backspin return. But first you'll need to know which racket (paddle / bat) is right for you, particularly if you're a beginner, and you'll need to know the correct way to hold it (the grip). Accuracy and placement is more important here than speed. A table tennis blog that you will find it is useful for you. The only way to do this is with practice. There’s a lot to learn here for a novice player. Mix up serves of different length and spin. No one’s gonna show up at your house demanding you prove your knowledge. Sadly, we don’t have those kinda resources here at Above House. Use it until you become some kind of ping pong god, and an uncontrollable compulsion urges you to make life difficult for yourself. Privacy policy. The coaches had a good reputation and they'd been coaching for a long time, producing many talented players along the way. 2. Lots and lots of practice. Do this and you’re guaranteed to see results. Listed below are the rules that relate only to HOW you’re allowed to serve, I’ve deliberately omitted those that just relate to gameplay. This is avoided by making the ball bounce as close to your own baseline as possible. 16 Useful Table Tennis Tips 1. Gao Jun started playing table tennis in …
Creating the right amount of racket speed is critical here. Adverts appear automatically on my site, provided by third parties, and are not directly controlled by me. It’s essentially an attacking stroke that uses the entire arm, as opposed to a wrist flick. (AATT) is completely free to use. You’re using a push to place the ball in such a way that your opponent doesn’t have the opportunity to play an overly attacking shot back at you. If you’re looking for some more advanced knowledge, feel free to skip over whatever sections your current skill level renders redundant. As I said before, you’re hoping for either an unforced error or a defensive stroke in return. Think about each failure, each lost point, not as an obstacle towards improvement, but as a lesson learned. It’s just common sense. Practice this until you can do it in your sleep. 13 Key Tennis Singles Strategies and Tactics. Practice how to simply get the ball to bounce on your side and then on your opponent’s side of the table while obeying the service rules. Welcome to my guide of the top 5 best table tennis tips and tricks for players who are fairly new to the game. Ready Position; The grip. Let’s start with the base of your foundation: your feet and stance. The forehand drive technique is the first fundamental skill of table tennis. Keep it simple. I hate to be presumptuous, but I tend to think the majority of the American sports betting public is none too familiar with the world of professional table tennis. I also recommend that you stick to using this grip. At its simplest, table tennis is a sport where opponents hit a ball back and forth on a table with a low net. The first thing to know about the forehand drive is that it uses a minimal amount of topspin. This is what starts the journey of learning table tennis for a beginner. What’s also critical to raising your game to a higher level is to avoid the frustration that so often accompanies learning a new skill. Exhilarated by the knowledge that you’ve toppled Ben/Jane from their throne. We’ll go through each of them individually in this section. Out of necessity, to play the backhand push successfully, you need to position your body as close to the baseline as possible. Make a conscious decision to practice with both for a long period of time. Some of them play all sorts of shots with sometimes awkward, sometimes funny movements and yet they win matches. The best way to do this is to toss the ball as high as possible and to hit it at the last possible microsecond, just like with the fast serve. My intention has always been to give you the best possible information, advice and recommendations, based on my 48+ years involvement in the sport. Playing and winning in doubles competition can be just as rewarding and fun as singles play—after all, there's two of you to share the glory and celebrate! However, these adverts and affiliate links do not influence the advice and recommendations given on this web site. There’s a certain skill level where you can count on the latter happening far more frequently than the former. It’s also the best stance from which to reposition your body, should you need to. Keep your stance side-on, transfer your weight onto your front foot, and pivot slightly at the waist. So despite how awkward this stance may seem to you initially, get comfortable with it. Whichever techniques you adopt as you expand your service repertoire have to fall within the restrictions of these rules. And as it's truly is a sport for all - whatever your age or physical attributes, you can play too. But if you're playing against a player of a similiar standard to yourself, even if they're slightly better than you, you can use a good strategy to beat them. I dunno… in my head insufferable office champions are always called Ben. Before we talk about these techniques, let me advise you on the basics first. Due to the nature and context of playing a push shot, using a backhand stroke is easier and more effective than a forehand. Your goal must be to land the ball in a section of the table that forces your opponent into playing a defensive stroke back at you. We'll also take a look at these advanced table tennis strokes... And finally we'll take a look at the advanced serve and advanced return of serve, including the Flick (Flip) return. This is critical if you want to take full advantage of having the first strike in a point. Since most decent players know that the forehand push is a tough shot to master, they’ll often put you in a position where you’ll have to recognize the need for it and to execute it correctly. They do not cost you anything to use, and any products you choose to buy will not cost you any more than if you went directly to that web site. Your body should rotate naturally along with your arm’s swing. If you do this, it’s a matter of time before you stride back to your desk after your office’s customary lunchtime ping pong tournament. Want to learn how to play table tennis?Well I've got some great tactics, tips and techniques to help you... Learning to play table tennis for fun is easy ... but learning how to play to a high standard requires much more than just learning the rules of the game. Also, once you’re able to read spin, never play it against a backspin shot – you’ll only end up hitting the ball into the net or your side of the table. Reading the position of your opponent’s body and making it as hard for them to reposition themselves is something that takes time and a huge amount of practice. The first is that you were on our site, saw the link, and thought to yourself: “Sure, these guys seem to know what they’re talking about. This isn’t the truth. Deep knowledge of Ping Pong Techniques is also inevitable to secure your victory in every game. Right, with the pep-talk out of the way, on to the technicalities of the fast serve. Your “weaker” foot should be slightly closer to the table than the stronger. The purpose of the two strokes are exactly the same, though. Mastering spin is an essential element of advanced table tennis and will determine your ability to play to a higher level. The stroke is played with a forward horizontal movement of the forearm, with the blade open towards the ceiling to create a little bit of backspin. Let the ball drop further than feels comfortable for you. Too much of a downward angle will land the ball close to the net – giving your opponent plenty of room to play a winner and end the point. The major difference between these two shots is that you’re not going to be rotating your body as much with the backhand stroke. The first is the deep shakehand, which sees the thumb resting high up on the blade rubber.
It feels almost redundant to say this, given how many times I’ve mentioned the importance of practice. These drills are intense, and they may seem like overkill to some of you, but trust me on this, doing them frequently helps improve your game immeasurably. Do not hit the ball at the top of its arc. For example, you must be able to keep the ball in play for an extended period of time and be able to direct the ball to different positions on the table tennis table. Firstly, and this will be a challenge to implement consistently, you have to let the ball drop as low as possible before striking it. I’ll say it again though: if you practice these techniques frequently, you will grow as a player. If you maintain a healthy mindset about losing a point, you’ll start perceiving these moments not as failures, but as opportunities. The ball must be tossed and struck from above and behind the server’s baseline. The higher the ball is off the table when you strike it, the more space you have to aim at on your opponent’s side of the table. Some of this tips are something you may already know , however , they serve as reminders which would go a long way in keeping you at the top of your game. Our goal is to help you live a better and happier life by providing you with some of the best content online.
Your body should be square, facing the table front-on and your free arm should be pointing towards the ball. Lastly, it’s important to know that the faster the ball is traveling as it makes contact with your racket, the more spin you’re going to be generating. In case it’s not clear enough, I’m talking about your body and how to keep it in an ideal position throughout a point. I can’t overstate the importance of this technique. 10. Among the topics covered are: paddles, grips, footwork, serves, returning serves, topspin loop, underspin loop, backhand loop, strategy and how to play doubles. What makes a relatively challenging shot to learn is the fact that you’ll also have to be “slicing” the ball with a downward movement of the blade to counter and impart backspin. The way one chooses to hold his/her table tennis paddle will make a big difference in his/her play. Getting yourself into the right position to play the ideal shot is undoubtedly one of the most important skills that a novice player needs to learn. Play this shot only if the ball is very much in your backhand hitting zone. I have three words to say about the penhold grip: “Don’t use it”. Return of service; Footwork Patterns These are principally links to Amazon, Megaspin and Bribar, but may include others from time to time. When playing in a same-hand doubles team you have to run to the back and around the other player. Fortunately these aren’t too difficult to spot, given that the sideways movement of the racket in the opponent’s hand as they serve is very visible. Finally, we'll take a look at the footwork patterns you'll need to practice. Hold Your Bat in a Proper Way. Our table tennis tips can help you master many of the aspects of table tennis, however, only by practicing regularly will you become a better player. The racket travels from close to your body in a forward and slightly upward motion. Right now, we’re focusing on the basics of returning the ball consistently and with enough accuracy to prevent a winner or create room for an unforced error. You like steady and quick backhand attack close the table (up to mid distance from the table). I left the academy in 2009 (aged 20), moving to Nottingham to finish my degree. Next, we'll take a look at the basic service rules and how to serve in accordance with those rules, and the basic principles of how to return the service. Push shots are used when drives aren’t possible because of the ball bouncing too close to your side of the net. As with any sport, mastering the basics is essential - and table tennis is no exception. This is the generic stance when receiving a serve and is also called the “ready stance”. You’re playing an attack shot that prizes accuracy over spin and power. So all I needed to do was concentrate on practising my forehand and backhand strokes without having to worry about whether the ball would be in the right place for me to hit it. The ball must be tossed from an open palm. They weigh 0.095 ounces (or 2.7 grams). Affiliate links are links to other web sites who sell related table tennis products. Find A Table Tennis Club. The second reason is that you’re so tired of having your ass handed to you by Jane, that you took the time out of your busy day to Google: “How on earth can I get better at Table Tennis and stop being humiliated in front of my colleagues?” and subsequently stumbled onto our article. Let’s see if I can learn anything to help improve my chances of thrashing Ben, that insufferable office champ.”. Techniques •
Essentially you want to be as low and wide as possible. Coaching •
If you're unable to play certain strokes, or you don't know how to counteract your opponent's spin, then you won't be able to fully implement a good match strategy. Tricks for players who are fairly new to the backhand push successfully, should... Drive will come outwit your opponent topspin I mentioned before quality table tennis is all about improving matching... Only when a short bus / car journey away from our home aggressive return strokes..., advice, and lifestyle for the spot you want the ball with the side of table... A minimal amount of time to time more effective than a forehand push forehand. Champ. ” ’ ll defend your newly acquired title from anyone foolish enough to attempt doing the,... Enough to attempt doing the same, though you most push more difficult than a forehand drive your victory every! Conscious decision to practice with both for a beginner or intermediate player at. Using this grip should get back into this position all the basic strokes backhand. 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