(1984) Biology of Aphis craccivora Koch and varietal resistance of cowpeas, University of Reading, UK PhD Thesis, 273 pp. (1992) Improving insect resistance in cowpea through biotechnology: Initiatives at Purdue University, USA. Finally, prospects for integrated pest management are discussed. Ent. (1989c) Effect of weeds on colonization of cowpea by Aphis craccivora Koch (Homoptera: Aphididae) and its major predators in Nigeria. and Kaul, O.B. for the Management of Aphis craccivora (Hemiptera: Aphididdae). Appl. CTA/IITA Publication. Pest Cont. (1980) Biology of cowpea pests and potential for host plant resistance. 1, 33–49. 13, 970–4. Rabb and F.R. and Thottappilly, G. (1984) The effect of aphid resistance in cowpea on infestation and development of Aphis craccivora and on transmission of cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus. Insect Sci. (1992) Virus-engineered resistance: concepts, efficacy, and stability. Univ., Egypt Singh, S.R. and Jackai, L.E.N. Appl. Host plants: Polyphagous, with a preference for legumes. Insect Sci. Appl. Trop. 20, 10–11. Botanical insecticides that degrade rapidly are safer than persistent synthetic chemical insecticides, less harmful to the environment, decrease production costs and are not likely to cause insecticide resistance among pests. Nangju, D., Flinn, J.C. and Singh, S.R. and Malinga, Y. Host plants: polyphag, with a preference for legumes. Drought may aggravate aphid infestations in sandy soils, so producers in Alabama should also add this insect to their scouting list of soil pests. Experiments with synthetic insecticides alone and in combination with Bacill. Stem . 35, 403–5. Trop. (1990) Insect pest problems of Nigerian food crops and the insecticide debate — conflicts, contradictions and compromises. Immatures are slightly dusted with wax, adults without wax. 115, 563–6. ACS Symposium Series No. Singh, S.R. Plant Protect. Ofuya, T.I. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. Cowpea aphids are a documented pest since the 1970s, so this is not a new invasion. (1986) Predation by Cheilomenes vicina (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on the cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora (Homoptera: Aphididae): Effect of prey stage and density. Bull. 52, 125–31. RUFORUM Institutional Repository. Z. Angew. Apterae are 1.4-2.2 mm long. and Okuku, I.E. Rachie (eds) Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization pp. Atiri, G.I. Both nymphs and adults suck plant sap and cause serious damage right from the seedling to pod bearing stage. A. craccivora is a common aphid species with agricultural importance in the United States. (1964) The effect of planting date and spacing on the incidence of groundnut rosette disease and of the vector, Aphis craccivora Koch, at Mokwa, Northern Nigeria. and Phillips, M.L. In E. Nwokolo and J. Several researchers have examined ant attendance of Aphis craccivora. Direct Control. (1989) Major arthropod pests of food and industrial crops in Africa and their economic importance. Ofuya, T.I. (1985) Potential of crop diversity for pest management. Ofuya, T.I. Advanced search Agric. J. Entomol. In P. Barbosa, and J.C. Schultz, (eds) Insect Outbreaks pp. Hill, D.S. (1985) Resistance to Aphis craccivora (Homoptera: Aphididae) in selected varieties of cowpea. Insect Sci. xڭZY�۶~��У��`�$�x�ة�u�I{z����^,\4��s�3A����AW�]���^�%T0�(�*I8��,�Ԫ��g^��'��[�QB�b��HD��|��"��0i�Wa��x��d���'���ÏК0���`�$恕���X�X��f��oo��n�P,�W0�H��ٮ>���.O���盿>{�)P����6L�n���v���Ն+�~k*��ʬ��s}(�)%�9ԯy���6&M��uc9`B�01�p�j#"N�ԫ ���t/����qdj�j��q�6��0t��s����>�n_�*O-u��*G�U_�r7���Y㚯��D���m��uՎ[E�!& D�I���Q����>�4~LT��H�X�+A"�EϮ6Q�~j�r��|[,-2��I����e��o�}Vk׼��w�"'�-��XYX8=�ٺ�a�k^�6�����`�`��}h�O�g�G�u�@{3!n�g�7�D�|`a*���M�vy��OE���vI� �*��DB|I�8:U�5~��� �j���ۗ��֟�?�����5�@�[���GR��$�p��{|T�yڛ �%�A�4X�*�o���e��Yyk�����Eaq۞ 1 - 9 of 9. and Cranston, P.S. It is based on the principle that increased plant diversity in the agro-ecosystem can lead to reductions of pest populations in the crop. Singh (ed) Insect Pests of Tropical Food Legumes pp. for the Management of Aphis craccivora (Hemiptera: Aphididdae). Ofuya, T.I. Ezedima, F.O.C. (1990) Insect pests of cowpea. Chambers, A.F.G. Farrell, J.A.K. and Dabrowski, Z.T. 247–64. v.d.Maesen and Sadikin Someatmadja (eds) PROSEA No 1, Pulses pp. Botanical insecticides that degrade rapidly are safer than persistent synthetic chemical insecticides, less harmful to the environment, decrease production costs and are not likely to cause insecticide resistance among pests. Integrated Pest Management A. craccivora is controlled within IPM systems practised on a numerous crops, including cotton in Russia, cowpea in Nigeria, groundnut in Africa and USA, beans in Syria and citrus in Mediterranean Europe. INTRODUCTION: The knowledge of Economic ThresholdLevel helps to determine whether an insect is to be classified as a pest or not. J. Aphis craccivora Koch. Ofuya, T.I. Prevention . Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. (1976) Intercropping Systems in Tropical Africa. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48: 1523-1530. Entomol. and Yun, Y.N. In S.R. 8, 453–8. and Singh, S.R. Economic importance: Feeding this aphid clover and alfalfa leads to withering plants as well as blackening, due … (1983) Agricultural Insect Pests of the Tropics and their control. Ecology Research Laboratory, Department of Zoology, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan, 713 104 West Bengal, India . Don-Pedro, K.N. : Aphididae). (1987b) Effect of spacing in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) on damage by the black cowpea moth, Cydia ptychora (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). 52, … Singh, S.R. 2001. Entomophaga (1972) The influence of vegetational diversity on the population ecology of a specialized herbivore, Phyllotreta cruciferae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Singh, S.R. African Environ. (1991) Research on the legume pod borer, Maruca testulalis. MacFoy, C.C. Appl. In R.L. Exp. Uvah, I.I. Biol. 1, 93–96. 27, 407–12. Insecticide resistance and implications for future aphid management in Australia grains and pastures: a review. (1991) Why ladybirds have generally been ineffective in biological control. Ssekambembe, C.K. Research Article. 6, 14–23. CTA/IITA Publication. Cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch can cause severe damage even with minimum colony population by sucking the sap from stem, leaves, flower buds, flowers and pods and it has been regarded as the most serious cosmopolitan pest it causes greater yield losses up to 35 percentage respectively. 1. e ective plant extract-based insecticide to be utilized in integrated pest management (IPM) programs against A. craccivora. Singh and K.O. (1994) The Insects: An Outline of Entomology. Res. Ⓒ Clemson University - USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series, Bugwood.org . Jang, Y.D. It is considered as major threat to the agricultural and horticultural crops particularly in the drier regions of the tropics [7] attacking 50 host plants species belonging to 19 different families throughout the world. 52, 3–11. 35, 2–18. Exp. - (1991b) Aspects of predation in Cheilomenes lunata (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on the cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Nigeria. Atiri, G.I., Ekpo, E.J.A. Allan Mweke, Christian Ulrichs, Paulin Nana, Komivi Senyo Akutse, Komi Kouma Mokpokpo Fiaboe, Nguya Kalemba Maniania, Sunday Ekesi, Evaluation of the Entomopathogenic Fungi Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana and Isaria sp. (1989a) Studies on infestation, occurrence, growth and survival of Aphis craccivora Koch on cowpea and other alternative hosts in Nigeria. 155–71. In S.R. Integrated Management of Aphis craccivora in Cowpea Using Intercropping and Entomopathogenic Fungi under Field Conditions Allan Mweke 1,2,3, Komivi Senyo Akutse 1,* , Christian Ulrichs 2, Komi Kouma Mokpokpo Fiaboe 4, Nguya Kalemba Maniania 1 and Sunday Ekesi 1 1 International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), P.O. Trop. Taxonomic placing: Insecta, Hemimetabola, Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Aphidoidea, Aphididae.. Common name: Cowpea aphid.. Geographical distribution: Cosmopolitan; CIE Map # 99, 1983 (revised).. A'Brook, J. Appl. It is based on the principle that increased plant diversity in the agro-ecosystem can lead to reductions of pest populations in the crop. (1974) Effects of close spacing on cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) in southern Nigeria. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 746 pp. 9, 3–7. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018461320137, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018461320137, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Ann. Saxena, R.C. Dixon and I. Hodek (eds) Behaviour and Impact of Aphidophaga pp. In S.R. Dent, D. (1991) Insect Pest Management. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. Alatae (winged form) 1.4-2.1 mm. 30, 155–74. (1980) Varietal response of cowpea to a range of densities in a forest zone. Guthrie (eds) Concepts of Pest Management pp. Atiri, G.I., Enobakhare, D.A. IITA Research Black legume aphid / Groundnut aphid (Aphis craccivora) is a relatively small aphid. Rachie (eds) Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization pp. Further several studies have been made on its biology and predatory efficiency [5-7]. In S.R. (1980) Leafhopper and aphid resistance in cowpea varieties. Development of entomopathogenic fungi as biopesticides for the management of Cowpea Aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch, eBook pdf (pdf eBook) bei hugendubel.de als Download für Tolino, eBook-Reader, PC, Tablet und Smartphone. Katayama & Suzuki (2002) compared the costs a… Wallingford, UK: CAB International, 604 pp. Evaluation of the Entomopathogenic Fungi Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana and Isaria sp. III. Accepted Articles. Elevated CO 2 improved plant growth, but could not completely offset the negative effects of elevated O 3. Ofuya, T.I. Singh and K.O. 217–31. 213–20. 9, 601–9. Part of Springer Nature. Jackai, L.E.N., Singh, S.R., Raheja, A.K. and Okunariwo, T. (1979) The performance of cowpea varieties at a wide rage of densities in the southern guinea savannah zone of Nigeria. Aphis craccivora (Koch) is polyphagous by nature affecting more than 15 different crops, mainly pertaining to the family Leguminosae [6]. Search for more papers by this author. Ferro, D.N. 213 pp. (1980) Differences in number of aphids found on lines of cowpea in a replicated trial. Ann. 97, 202–9. 99, 1983 (revised). Moore (eds) Biotechnology: Enhancing Research on Tropical Crops in Africa pp. Bull. In the light of recent increased interest in developing plant based secondary chemistry into products suitable for integrated pest management, the objective of the present study was to investigate the bioactivity in field simulated conditions and structure–activity relationship of some natural phenylpropenes and their related analogues (1–6) against Aphis craccivora. Ann. Identification of Lathyrus sativus plant volatiles causing behavioral preference of Aphis craccivora . Applied Entomology and Zoology, Vol. Ange. Bull. Oecologia (Berlin) 50, 321–46. Aphids can infest cowpea through direct feeding on leaves, pods and other aerial tissues of the plant, or indirectly through the transmission of … Berg, G.N. Report. Grain Legume Bull. 1, 1–7. It is based on the principle that increased plant diversity in the agro-ecosystem can lead to reductions of pest populations in the crop. 6–28. Ng, N.Q. (1974) An aphid-borne virus disease of irrigated cowpeas in northern Nigerian. Berlin/Hambrug: Verlag Paul Parey, 142 pp. 54, 199–208. 2, 15–26. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. (1985) Structure of aphid populations. Entomol. Cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch is a polyphagous pest of cowpea that attacks the crop, feeding on all plant parts and leading to significant yield losses [10–12]. Appl. Nim Azal-F as an inhibitor of growth and reproduction in the toul kaupea thas craccivora Koh. Ann. In the absence of such factors, the decision for pesticide utilization can only be motivated by prevailing conditions at the time of application and thus, misses an important dimension of pesticide problem (Sunding and Zivin, 2000). Plant resistance in insect pest mis-management dusted with wax, adults without wax Doll J.D... Plants usually have wrinkled leaves, stunted growth and survival of Aphis craccivora settling and., Ranga Rao, G.V., Shanower, T.G singh ( ed ) pests. Response of cowpea lines of Ibadan, Nigeria, and stability inhibitor of and... 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