Filter by location to see Union Representative salaries in your area. I “lost” my most recent job because it’s part of a union. Lots of folks are here saying that union workers get to do WHATEVER they want basically, but that’s simply not true. Representatives are entitled to raise any concerns with management on behalf of union members. What will happen to the middle class. I’m actually going to stop paying my dues this month. 11. People may: 1. be good communicators and their work colleagues think that they would be good in the role 2. feel strongly about issues and want to change things for the better 3. be dissatisfied with something at work and want to have the rights of a representative to influence members and management 4. be persuaded to have a go by other union reps looking for strengthen the union team 5. be pleased with the outcome of a personal case that was handled by the union and want … Unions aren’t giving society nothing. Lol, Grammer is probably a union English teacher. You must have order among chaos, which is why labor unions were created in the first place, they were workers rising out of intolerable circumstances and creating an order and system among themselves, using the only resources they had in order to gain the advantage they have. I am pro-union for farm workers or factory workers that are put to work harder and not get paid as much as they should. Laws ending sweatshops in the United States About a year after that job, I got a call from a recently elected local president of that same local. Unions made the workplace better and some may take it for granted. I’m very unhappy and even had HR concerns with this job but i dont want to report it because it would go directly to my boss and she would see the complaints. I almost would have been better off skipping my post-secondary education to get the same pay I am getting now. Anyway, those are my big picture thoughts about unions. The whole reason for the invention of unions was to stop the advantages some people would use against the hard working employees. Set some reasonable rules for these work places, but don’t charge people for something that should already be happening. Last night we voted to give the hall this year’s raise to keep the doors open. The Union has nothing to do with it. Unemployment insurance That is not the only reason, but also because they receive better medical benefits for them and their family. Is the best union leader the one who takes no prisoners and fights for every inch of employee rights and convenience? Other than that, I believe that unions are beneficial because it offers more access to benefits, job security, better wages, and allows individuals to voice their concerns in a respectable environment/group that would more than likely understand. My emplyer keeps my hours at 35 hours a week so they dont have to legally provide with benefits such as PTO , Paid Holidays , medical and dental insurance. Corporations have sent so many good paying jobs over seas, that there are mostly low wage jobs now. All get attention from leadership that is committed to including the union in meaningful dialogue. So in essence, even though you may be at the same wage level as others, if you are lazy, you will not work as much and therefore you will not make as much as one who works hard. We can’t get our economy going cause the middle class is vanishing and fewer people have the money to spend, in turn that causes businesses to close down because there are not enough customers. One of the biggest drawbacks of an union is that it strays from performance-based compensation. I wonder what surprise they will spring on me next probably no work. Also not being afraid to speak up for something you feel is a huge plus because you can be the change in the work area, being arias to speak up is the worst feeling. In a nonunion a worker can be fired for any reason, even though it is unfair. Anyway- I think being part of a union is a benfit in the health care system. A trade union representative (‘rep’) is a union member who represents and gives advice to colleagues when they have problems at work. I work for a “non-profit” non-union employer who happens to be a well known health care monopoly. It keeps raising fees and has less power to negotiate for better benefits than ever. It’s not an easy task but the good wages, and health and retirement benefits are their reward for their years of school and work, and the acquired skills they bring to the job site. Once, an agency client approached me regarding their aggressively adversarial union leadership. This applies to both experienced supervisors transitioning from a non-union environment, and brand new supervisors. I would probably be more pro-union if not for the witnessing excessive taking advantage of by union employees. Not now. Sadly i have 26 years vested in a physically demanding job, and a union that has been over run by the entitled millenials. They recently held a vote and only contacted about 30% of the members to participate. It doesn’t take too much time! which leads to the unions taking their money and moving onto the next company. At one time, unions were relevant, but with current labour laws and standards, they are no longer necessary. Some abuse the system and some are held back because they good employee’s. like who won’t want that ? It was their choice to do wrong but besides that, the pros sound good. Child labor laws When I’m not working, you can usually find me running, climbing, playing field hockey, or plotting my next adventure. Besides the fact unions offer very positive things for their members and should continue to exist. The unions protect some of the people who should be fired. However, a union protects the workers and allows them to have a voice to stand up for themselves. Then you will have to go out and prove yourself to the next contractor you work for. So I’m left continuing to wonder about whether the pros outweigh the cons. How should they perform that function? The most important thing to people im sure is health insurance because if something happens unexpectedly you will be covered and surely save you money. I refused to sign it, but never got a chance to be vindicated. abor unions also have allowed us to go through the work process more sufficiently and that’s becasue of those who fought for this. Rataliation by bad management is an everyday occurance. We wouldn’t have breaks during the week, days off, or holidays off. The use of unionized firms is adhering to the growth of a society. There is a substantial amount of academic literature on the following benefits of unions and unionization to employers and the economy; economic growth. This is because the range of activities in which a trade union official can participate on behalf of the union is much wider than for an ordinary member. Is any person else experiencing this? I think i would be Pro-Union labor because many people this days lack the normal benefits they deserve and are not being taken into consideration. So ill choose to be a pro union. i work for loblaws and because im at the low end of seniority and hours in department have been cut, i havent recived hours in over a month. Today, 99% of the time, unions fight for a lazy worker who doesn’t pull their own weight to keep their job or make the supervisor scared to try to fire a bad worker for fear of red tape. Half of union reps believed their employer valued their role as a rep, but their greater concern was reflected in the fact that only 16% believed the government valued the role. $6,300 goes to the union from of 130 casual employees each and every month. If these workers are as bad as folks let on here, their evaluations should show as much, and it’s on management to take the corrective action necessary. If your union representative is not able to get justice for you and if you still believe you were fired unfairly and in violation of your union or employment contract, it is in your best interest to contact an experienced employment law attorney. If someone is looking for a place where things will be run exactly the way they want it, then they might as well consider running their own business. Just because it is difficult to get fired doesn’t mean you have to disobey the rules of the company. 33. The right to union representation in an employer conducted meeting or interview was established in the landmark decision in NLRB v J. Weingarten, Inc., 420 US 251 (1975).The Court held that an employee has a statutory right to insist on the presence of a union representative in an interview which the employee reasonably believes … Currently I am looking to work a non-union job, for less money and less drama. I think that working for a union is good because the benefits to outweigh the cons. I also think that being apart union has its good and its bad but the good about is that it has tons of things like health benefits and the ability to determine how much you get paid to help the family.some of the cons include being part of a group and being seen as one. I think it is very frustrating to watch people be rewarded when they really should be fired.Once your in.. your in.. so there is no really competition and improving whatever it is you do for a job. Along with everyone else, the union officials in question attended these cafeteria-filled events. Employment Standards does very little to protect people who ar not in a union. 15. I worked at a Walmart when I was a teenager. Wrong, Unions were much more instrumental in bettering days and hours of work. Who among those members runs or volunteers for elected office? As of right now, I work for my family’s company as a tree climber and am starting the process to achieve my certified arborist license and will be controlling every aspect of my work environment and how much money I bring in. You start to run into issues in office environments where the jobs are quite different and there is a large hierarchy. Wrongful termination laws But they do it to create economic growth for the 1% and that’s not what we need. The younger ones need to prove that they can bring a lot in for that union. In my state journeyman Union employees make $51.04 on check and around $38 per hour in bennifits. With many things there are pros and cons. If someone has worked their for a long time but are not a hard worker and don’t deserve to move up they get it before you if your a hard worker which would make me very angry if i worked at one. Unions would help the poor and give the benefits to those in need. Taking them at their word (perceptions of union leadership can are notoriously unreliable), I suggested they begin fostering a climate where more employees wanted to join that union local. For nonunion workers, it was $717. Being in business for myself and creating jobs for people is a plus, however, the union beats up on the Employer and makes it exhausting. At the end of the day, it was 100% clear that these folks were guilty. There really isn’t no reason not to support labor unions because they are really beneficial to the employees. With a union one has collective bargaining power at least theoretically while alone one does not. Union 287. 19. At least I know I’ll get a fair shake via third party arbitration should management ever decide to try to terminate me. Their is no judgement due to your actions and also to what you say ; you can speak your mind if something is not fair, and i feel that is very good to have everyone say their opinion. I am a former Labor Relations Specialist. At these Federal activities, labor representatives often advance into HR positions and supervisory roles, carrying with them a firm command of union perspectives and operations. Privacy rights I’ve worked in a few different union environments and find them to be very beneficial when the jobs are similar for the most part. The European Commission fined ThyssenKrupp $630 million, United Technologies’ Otis unit $295 million, Schindler Holding $189 million and Kone $187 million. I believe unions are a huge benefit to most people who are trying to enter the career. A portion of these required $4250.00 per month fees will help pay for the Union’s work preservation fund, these fees are used to financially help Union companies recover work by paying them a set monthly amount for every account they pick up from a non Union competitor. Labor Unions are beneficial for every worker. There is power in numbers and unions allow people to band together for a common cause. I think I prefer to have better paying jobs over here in the US even if it means Companies are a little less profitable, Unions help to keep better wages, and good paying jobs for more people. that leads to poor quality in the work environment. Minimum wage I am pro union because unions have helped people gain better working conditions as well as fight for better wages and shorter hours along with medical benefits and although it may seem like a bad trade off of having to pay them I think its good because they get paid to make sure everyone is ok. Labor unions give workers the power to negotiate for more favorable working conditions and other benefits through collective bargaining. It’s kind of like being uninsured. Sometimes union officers have access to leadership that has front-line supervisors soliciting their assistance in getting mission-related matters escalated. I feel other professions have more options, like opening your own practice, but we have to be in a unionized environment until we advance to management. My contact suggested that most bargaining unit (represented) employees were also turned off by the union’s leadership. He reported that the new local leadership was making a tangible difference and believed that their national union’s training and advice was more adversarial than useful. Family and Medical Leave Act Who has died for the union you personally know? Your Accreditation 5 4.4. Here is the history, and the facts. I have 12 years of experience in the field but since it isn’t at my current job those 12 years mean nothing. To be fair, these gentlemen (and in my day, virtually all of them were men) moved from one meeting to another day in and day out. however there are the cons to being a union, as of feeling demoralized by the work effort that you contribute. …and, perhaps most importantly, front-line leadership is not excluded from participating as well. I made sure my next job was non union. Teachers that shouldn’t be employed because of their low performance are protected by the union and the education system suffers because of it. -” I pay a lot in Union dues and I get passed over based on seniority only. I am pro union because of the amount of benefits that are being said such as better working conditions, worker rights and also protects workers from any harm. I know plenty of people who work in union environments and love it. There is no incentive to work harder than the guy next to you unless you are on an individual performance type of job where there is some sort of standards required. He is part of a union for a very large national company, and loves it. Labor unions are neither a pro or a con, they are simply a double edged sword, as is everything in this world. Health benefits are crucial to have in today’s world because they can be so expensive to pay for your family. Labor unions are good because we have all the benefits that they fought so hard for and we should be grateful of what they did for us. The company I worked at closed and all the union did was made sure you paid your dues instead of helping people find jobs. Maybe if the union comes in, they can negotiate some money to enroll you into an English class, so you can learn about grammar, spelling, and the use of a period. The working conditions farm workers or factory workers had before their protesting and strikes weren’t justifiable. My EX union (I resigned because of this) signed labor negotiation agreement with some of the largest corporations in the world. For example, a member of a union should not abuse it’s benefits by taking advantage of the difficulty level of getting fired. I would support a union or at least tne ideal of a union that is kept in check. Sign up for email updates: Sign Up While there are some cons to labor unions, overall they do more good than bad and people need to realize that. In 2009, 12 percent of American workers belonged to unions. It’s the whole purpose for why we fought to have them legalized. A present day union is so convoluted with ‘pay back’ for past unfairnesses that reality has passed them up. Unions are the most expensive ways to provide services to the public. Shall these workers not have fulfulling lives? The national average salary for a Union Representative is $116,593 in Canada. Since one of the reasons for unions is to actually have collective bargaining power, if I worked in a union job, I wouldn’t have to fight battles in my profession by myself. I’m a former Toronto Star (Moneyville) columnist, author of The Beginner’s Guide to Saving and Investing, and co-founder of the Canadian Personal Finance Conference. The union has run its self in the Elevator union and Laborer ’ s important to workers then! Is scamming thier members i could be of assistance in helping to marginalize is being a union rep worth it contain these unpleasant and people... On this subject the enemy and he is part of a union steward has a challenging position she. That those things are horrible but they may be things people don ’ t work in a oriented. Re having trouble at work the system and some are held back because good. We well-mannered have better education, insurance, quality of people who have serious conditions. 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