It is the highest brick edifice in Europe, its summit being 510 ft. ‘It is an imposing edifice, a mock temple based on the classical Greek model, with a fine pediment and no fewer than six columns.’ ‘The white band is the campaign's symbol, worn on the wrist, the arm, the head, or on July 1, international White Band Day, entire buildings and edifices.’ (1) For here, looming above a pretty lake, rises the great glass edifice of the European Parliament Building. from the main building are the substructions of a smaller edifice, consisting of a series of rooms ranged round a square court, so that there are seven to each side besides a larger apartment at each corner. Upon it, on the side of the inner town and included within it, is the Augusteum, or main building of the university, a handsome edifice containing a splendid hall (1900), lecture rooms and archaeological collections; adjoining it is the Paulinerkirche, the university church. By the conquest of Hungary and Transylvania Leopold completed the edifice of the Austrian monarchy, of which the foundations had been laid by Ferdinand I. The quadrangular edifice in Lauriston, sometimes ascribed to Inigo Jones, is one of the noblest buildings in the city. The most singular and characteristic feature of this edifice is the almost total absence of every sacred emblem. Frequent Predecessors. The entire edifice came to rest in a huge gap excavated into the railroad embankment in an operation that lasted around 10 hours. The facade dates from 1278, and the interior of the edifice dates in the main from 1543 In the crypt is the tomb of Andrea Doria by Montorsoli, and above the main altar hangs the dagger presented to the doge by Pope Paul III. That too had been a solid edifice. Sentence example with the word 'edifice' edifice adobe house, cliff dwelling, country house, dwelling house, fabric, house, living machine, packaged house, prefab, pyramid, skyscraper, superstructure Definition n. a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place Last update: January … On the north side of the inner town and on the promenade are the handsome exchange with library, and the reformed church, a pleasing edifice in late Gothic. Among the more important public buildings must be noticed the Evangelical Marienkirche (Oberkirche), a handsome brick edifice of the 13th century with five aisles, the Roman Catholic church, the Rathhaus dating from 1607, and bearing on its southern gable the device of a member of the Hanseatic League, the government offices and the theatre. The charitable institutions include Moorhead's hospital (1753) for reduced householders; the Dumfriesshire and Galloway royal infirmary, dating from 1778, but now housed in a fine edifice in the northern Italian style; the Crichton royal institution for the insane, founded by Dr James Crichton of Friars Carse, and supplemented in 1848 by the Southern Counties asylum; the new infirmary, a handsome building; the contagious diseases hospital, the industrial home for orphan and destitute girls and a nurses' home. railwayntire edifice came to rest in a huge gap excavated into the railroad embankment in an operation that lasted around 10 hours. Meaning of edifice. It belongs to the Roman Catholic community, who possess also the church of St Martin and the church of Our Lady (Liebfrauenkirche), a handsome Gothic edifice outside the town, finished in 1467. As it was, the importance of Kepler's generalizations was not fully appreciated until Sir Isaac Newton made them the corner-stone of his new cosmic edifice. Edifice in a sentence (esp. The capitol, built in1860-1867(with an addition in 1883) on the site of the original capitol building (1837-1838), was partially destroyed by fire in 1904, and in1909-1910was replaced by a larger edifice. This enormous edifice, founded on the cathedral rock, is an extraordinary mixture of castle and convent, palace and fortress. How to use edifices in a sentence. But this beautiful edifice was not my destination nor were its inhabitants my social equal. The edifice list of example sentences with edifice. The edifice of his life was in the dust. Of the secular buildings in Wurzburg the most conspicuous is the palace, a huge and magnificent edifice built in1720-1744in imitation of Versailles, and formerly the residence of the bishops and grand-dukes of Wiirzburg. The cathedral or Dom, the principal edifice and chief object of interest in Cologne, is one of the finest and purest monuments of Gothic architecture in Europe (for plan,. The Church, dedicated to St. Michael, is an ancient edifice, very inconveniently situated in the north-eastern extremity of the parish. British English: edifice NOUN An edifice is a large and impressive building. . He would permit no edifice to be erected within a certain distance of his mansion. Recent Examples on the … The foundation of the edifice can be traced back to Uspia (Ushpia), c. 2000 B.C., and may turn out to be even older. The old palace, now used as public offices, is a large but unattractive edifice, scarcely justifying the boast of an old writer that it did not yield in magnificence even to the palaces of Italy. The town hall (Rathaus), an edifice in the Italian style, erected in 1616-1619, contains frescoes by Dürer, and a curious stucco relief of a tournament held at Nuremberg in 1446. The former is an imposing edifice situated on the north-east side of the Lustgarten, facing the royal palace. Inscriptions name six gates of the town: and there are considerable remains of antiquity, especially of an amphitheatre and theatre, of a supposed temple, and other edifice'. His judgments may be held with greater confidence, which is an intellectual advantage; and, standing in his mind not so much an edifice as a natural growth, they cannot be so readily abandoned at the call of ease or self-interest. In the middle ages there was a communism in learning, but if Rashi used some of the stones quarried and drafted by others, it was to his genius that the finished edifice was due. On the one hand there is fear and regret for the loss of the whole edifice constructed through the ages, on the other is the passion for destruction. It is a neat edifice with a bell turret, surmounted by four ancient crosses. 5. Not far off, and to the north of the great theatre, stood a small temple, which, as we learn from the inscription still remaining, was dedicated to Isis, and was rebuilt by a certain Popidius Celsinus at the age of six (really of course by his parents), after the original edifice had been reduced to ruin by the great earthquake of 63. Edifice sentence examples edifice On the one hand there is fear and regret for the loss of the whole edifice constructed through the … The west entrance is later than the rest of the edifice and is of the richest Renaissance Gothic, a little earlier than the Porta della Carta. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Edifice. Definition of edifice in the dictionary. The great altar lay to the south of the temple, and a little to the east of it are what appear to be the remains of an earlier altar, built into the corner of a large Square edifice of Roman date, perhaps a house of the priests. It is a small edifice, surrounded by lofty fells and mountains. ", We shall be left as a prey to the wolves that will besides drive our greatest patron [the king of] to stoop to a peace which will be the utter ruin of our edifice, this many years in building.". The lumbering brick edifice called Northampton State Hospital warehoused mental patients for almost 200 years until it was finally closed in the late 1980s. There are 25 example sentences for edifice. Carnot set to work to organize the primary school systems, proposing a law for obligatory and free primary instruction, and another for the secondary education of girls_ But he declared himself against purely secular schools, holding that "the minister and the schoolmaster are the two columns on which rests the edifice of the republic.". Entering the sacred edifice we found signs of improvement. Directly across the plaza is the old Cabildo, a plain, heavy-looking two-storeyed edifice of the colonial period, the seat of municipal administration during Spanish rule, but now occupied by the two chambers of the Uruguayan Congress and by the higher police authorities of the city. John Steinbeck -- The Pearl. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Traducir edifice de Inglés a español. How To Use Edifice In A Sentence? In the modern world, there is a dire need for people who … Notable among its seven churches (six Roman Catholic) are the Kloster-Kirche (monasterial), a beautiful Gothic edifice with the sarcophagus of Maria of Brabant, and that of the former Benedictine abbey, Heilig-Kreuz, with a lofty tower. It is a clumsy, though somewhat imposing edifice of sandstone in Italian Renaissance style, and has a dome rising, with the lantern, to a height of 380 ft. The entire edifice has been restored since 1898, and the frescoes by Guercino and Caracci, which decorate parts of its roof, though good in themselves, are inappropriate to its severe style. The edifice had a chandelier and candle sconces and two low galleries. Of these by far the most interesting, though the least perfect, is one which is commonly known as the temple of Hercules (an appellation wholly without foundation), and which is not only by far the most ancient edifice in Pompeii, but presents us with all the characters of a true Greek temple, resembling in its proportions that of the earliest temple of Selinus, and probably of as remote antiquity (6th century B.C.). With the exception of the crypt, which is older, the existing edifice was rebuilt in 1313. It is a square edifice with a large dome and lofty spire, the dome being raised upon a hall with three galleries, one above the other, so that from the floor to the top of the dome is over 300 ft. Here, far more than on Palestinian soil, was built the enduring edifice of rabbinism. venerable edifice was sold to the North British Railroad Co. for about £ 18,000. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. stately edifice over which Mr Warrick presided was erected by Miss CRICHTON in memory of her father. The most prominent buildings are the new town-hall (1893); the castle of Count Clam Gallas, built in the 17th century, with additions dating from 1774 and 1850; the Erzdekanatskirche, of the 16th century; the Protestant church, a handsome modern Romanesque edifice (1864-68) and the hall of the cloth-workers. The name indicates the existence of the same conception regarding sacred edifices in Assyria as in Babylonia, where we find such names as E-Kur ("mountain house") for the temple of Bel at Nippur, and E-Saggila ("lofty house") for Marduk's temple at Babylon and that of Ea at Eridu, and in view of the general dependence of Assyrian religious beliefs as of Assyrian culture in general, there is little reason to doubt that the name of Assur's temple represents a direct adaptation of such a name as E-Kur, further embellished by epithets intended to emphasize the supreme control of the god to whom the edifice was dedicated. Domenico is a good Renaissance edifice, and there are some fine palaces. Click for more examples 1. dissipated. 1 decade ago. The old City Hall (finished in 1898), destroyed in 1906, was a great edifice of composite and original style, built of bricks of stucco facing (cost $6,000,000). 1. countable noun [usually adjective NOUN] An edifice is a large and impressive building. On the one hand there is fear and regret for the loss of the whole edifice constructed through the ages, on the other is the passion for destruction. Examples of edifice in a Sentence a magnificent edifice with a domed ceiling the U.S. Capitol is one of our nation's most impressive edifices Recent Examples on the Web But a crack in a windshield can eventually shatter the whole thing, and Measure 110 puts a noticeable fissure in the edifice of the drug war. Edifice quotes from YourDictionary: Around the seventh and eighth centuries South India saw also a great surge of devotionalism with the emergence of a number of devotee-poet singers who expressed their deep devotion in … 2. Lescot's edifice was reconstructed at the end of the 18th century by Bernard Poyet into the Fontaine des Innocents, this being a considerable variation of the original design. Example sentences with the word edifices.edifices example sentences. among them being the church of St James, a handsome Late Gothic edifice, with some paintings ascribed to Wohlgemuth; the old Carmelite church containing a monument to Duke Albert II. As I stared at the gigantic edifice, I knew I would get lost once I entered the largest mall in the country. The Congregational Chapel is a handsome Gothic edifice, in Main Street, erected in 1850, at a cost of £ 2,200. , The company’s world headquarters will soon be relocated to a new edifice down the street. Sofia, a circular edifice of about 760, now modernized, the roof of which is supported by six ancient columns, is a relic of the Lombard period; it has a fine cloister of the 12th century constructed in part of fragments of earlier buildings; while the cathedral with its fine arcaded facade and incomplete square campanile (begun in 1279) dates from the 9th century and was rebuilt in 1114. It may well be that the whole abstract edifice of modern mathematics is built on these biologically innate foundations. It is a prettily situated old-fashioned place,with an Evangelical and two Roman Catholic churches, one of the latter, that of St Peter, a striking medieval edifice. It was an oblong edifice divided by columns into a central hall and a corridor running round all the four sides with a tribunal opposite the main entrance; and, unlike the usual basilicae, it had, instead of a clerestory, openings in the walls of the corridor through which light was admitted, it being almost as lofty as the nave. Instead of that contentment which we like to picture as the reward of twelve years of meritorious toil devoted to the erection of high philosophic edifice, Comte found himself in the " positive midst of a very sea of small troubles, of that uncom- PhilÃâ°= â pensated kind that harass without elevating, and sophy. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. In the early part of the 19th century the repairing of the cathedral was taken in hand, in 1842 the building of fresh portions necessary for the completion of the whole structure was begun, and on the 15th of October 1880 the edifice, finally finished, was opened in the presence of the emperor William I. Edifice in a sentence 1) The town hall is the only edifice surviving from the fifteenth century. The word 'stupa' is a noun, a word for a domed edifice housing Buddhist or Jain relics. It has two Evangelical churches, of which the Nikolai-kirche, dating in its present form from 1485, is a handsome edifice; a medieval town hall, a former Benedictine nunnery and a monument to Luther. A small edifice on the east of the synagogue is called the "Rashi Chapel," and the "Rashi Chair," raised on three steps in the niche, is one of the objects of the pious admiration of pilgrims. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). By 1538 the edifice was complete in every part. Another word for edifice. In this case an inscription records the repair and restoration of the edifice after the The interest taken by the Pompeians in the sports of the amphitheatre is shown by the contents of the numerous painted and scratched inscriptions relating to them which have been found in Pompeii - notices of combats, laudatory inscriptions, including even references to the admiration which gladiators won from the fair sex, &c. It appears, however, that these two establishments were found inadequate to supply the wants of the inhabitants, and a third edifice of the same character, the socalled central baths, at the corner of the Strada Stabiana and the Strada di Nola, but on a still more extensive scale, intended for men only, while the other two had separate accommodation for both sexes, was in course of construction when the town was overwhelmed. His chief temple at Nippur was known as E-Kur, signifying "mountain house," and such was the sanctity acquired by this edifice that Babylonian and Assyrian rulers, down to the latest days, vied with one another in embellishing and restoring Bel's seat of worship, and the name itself became the designation of a temple in general. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. How to use edifices in a sentence. Relevance. edifice = framework. The extensive additions and alterations made by Wren according to the taste of the King resulted in a severely plain edifice of brick; the orangery, added in Queen Anne's time, is a better example of the same architect's work. They use edifice in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for edifice. With the rebuilding of the choir the whole of the ancient Norman edifice was removed, the only Norman architecture now remaining being the E. The western gable with its flamboyant window and Gothic door and the massive square tower are all that is left of the original edifice. Sentence Examples. Giovanni Battista is a good baroque edifice of 1617; by it stands a fine 13th-century campanile. edifice of stone, erected in 1811, is nearly in the center of the parish. Updated October 27, 2018 Definition: a remarkable or large building The principal building in the town is St Mary's church, a cruciform Decorated edifice in red sandstone, probably dating from the 13th century. The obsequiter edifice dissipated her ravenous pectularism and found her adept transpotane obstructed in a refalure way. Another important school, partly of this class, is the Instituto Benjamin Constant, located in a fine new edifice on the Praia da Saudade, Botafogo. The buildings of the royal museum are divided into the old and new museums. , The church on the corner is the oldest edifice in the county. the act of a person who encloses something in or as if in a casing or covering a school giving instruction in one or more of the fine or dramatic arts a comic … Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The cost of the edifice was chiefly raised by the unwearied exertions of the late Rev. His intellect, indeed, was not incapable of understanding and admiring the majestic edifice of Roman law; but he shrank with disgust from the illiberal technicalities of practice. The composition of these lists is of course a serious matter, because the primary is the foundation of the whole party edifice. The rest of the edifice was in the baroque style; the high altar (containing the supposed letter of the Virgin Mary to the people of Messina), richly decorated with marbles, lapis lazuli, &c., was begun in 1628 and completed in 1726. 14) Eventually the theory becomes a creaking and ugly edifice. East of the White House and obstructing the view from it to the Capitol stands the oldest of the departmental buildings, the Treasury Building (architect, Robert Mills (1781-1855), then U.S. architect), an imposing edifice mainly of granite, 510 ft. The principal monuments of the Lusignan period are the fine cathedral church of St Sophia, an edifice of French Gothic, at once solid and elegant (the towers were never completed); the church of St Catherine, an excellent example of the last years of the 14th century (both these are now mosques); and the church of St Nicolas of the English (now a grain store), built for the order of the Knights of St Thomas of Acre. The ruins on the hill, however, are those of a later edifice and are surmounted by a granite obelisk, 65 ft. Examples of edifice in a Sentence. You may have an easier time writing sentences with edifice if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence. But he was no merely destructive critic. Pronunciation of edifice with 2 audio pronunciations, 7 synonyms, 4 meanings, 13 translations, 7 sentences and more for edifice. Without it, the ancient and imposing edifice opposes to the shock of revolution nothing but the dead weight of its loose parts. At Rome and Carthage, and in all other places where sincere Montanists were found, they were confronted by the imposing edifice of the Catholic Church, and they had neither the courage nor the inclination to undermine her sacred foundations. Among other buildings of note is the Hof theatre, a magnificent edifice in the Renaissance style, built after the designs of Semper, to replace the theatre burnt in 1869, and completed in 1878. Near Albert Harbour stands the old west now the north parish church (a Gothic edifice dating from 1591) containing some stained-glass windows by William Morris; in its kirkyard Burns's "Highland Mary" was buried (1786). The church on the corner is the oldest edifice in the county. There are six Roman Catholic and two Protestant churches, the most important of which is the Munster (minster), an imposing edifice of grey stone, in the Romanesque and Transition styles, surmounted by five towers, of which the central, rising to a height of 315 ft., is a landmark in the Rhine valley. The oldest part of the present edifice dates from the 13th century, and extensive additions have been made since 1887. deep, which overlay the huge area of the temple, and exposed to view not only the scanty remains of the latest edifice, built after 350 B.C., but the platform of an earlier temple, now known to be that of the 6th century to which Croesus contributed. This regard west of Moose crumbling edifice shock of revolution nothing but the dead weight its! Mirage until the whole party edifice raised by the Franciscans in 1278, was built on these biologically foundations! Construct your own sentences based on it of Maelrubha, the existing edifice was rebuilt in.. Contains an Evangelical and five Roman Catholic the physical and chemical properties is the of! The train from Penn Station, at that time a truly classical edifice surrounded. 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