Why Us. tHIS THE THE SAME FOR 130/140MM BOARD 70/80MM ETC. Factory 2nd's of POLY ISO Insulation for sale Great for Insulating Houses, Barns, pole barns, garages and anywhere you would like to insulate. 2" X 4' X 8' $18 EA. New Factory Seconds - $750 per pallet (4' x 8' x 96" high stack) Reclaimed (Once Used) - $650 per pallet (2' x 4' x 96" high stack) Several thicknesses available. Several thicknesses available. This type of insulation comes in panels, which makes it great for secondhand use, because it can be easily cut down to fit the exact needs of your project. Brand New factory seconds ISO with foil. window.__lc = window.__lc || {}; Proudly created with Wix.com. Fits perfectly in a stud wall and provides great insulative value. Please contact us and we'll make arrangements to serve you promptly! window.__lc.license = 11986599; CALL us on 01544 260 500 . PLEASE CALL, EMAIL OR TEXT FOR OUR CURRENT IN-STOCK SIZES. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){. Better insulation value than 1" thick but still slim enough to be great in most applications. Delivery available for large orders - contact us for pricing. Essentially this is Spray Foam in Board Form! })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); Diverse inventory; Save 50-75% compared to new; Pallet or truckload quantities; Environmentally responsible; Mailing Address. Factory seconds are high quality products with minor imperfections. All sales are final and insulation is sold "as is." Just not quite as pretty as first quality boards. Log In. Icynene LDR-50-SpecSheet 2008 REV2.qxp:33318-Pour-wrk Flexible, all water blown polyurethane foam insulation manufactured by Icynene Inc. installation sensitive than factory manufactured insulation materials. Here at Eco-nomic Insulation, we can supply a full range of thicknesses of our insulation board seconds. . If you are interested in a great barrier against wind and cold this 3" rigid foam is an excellent choice. We can usually deliver the product within a few hundred miles of Buffalo, for a reasonable cost. Polyisocyanurate ISO panels provide the highest thermal resistance (R-value) of the three types of rigid-foam insulation.. Extruded Polystyrene Also known as ‘blue-board’, XPS consists of closed cells; offers improved surface roughness and higher stiffness, as well as increased thermal resistance (R-Value) at about R-5 per inch We are the largest stockist of seconds insulation boards in the South East of England, and have built a reputation for high quality SECONDS product at affordable price to private market. Off grade means that there is a manufacturing defect or damage that prevents the manufacturer from selling as "grade A". At GREEN SURPLUS, we have the following types of rigid foam insulation in stock on a regular basis: POLYISO - Highest R value insulation - Brand New factory seconds and SURPLUS stock. Thicknesses range from 1/2, 1, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.2, 2.5, 2.6, 3, 3.1, 3.5, 3.9 and 4" thick and sometimes we have other unique thicknesses. We specialise in purchasing insulation boards from companies like Celotex direct from the factory, and then grade them according to thickness and quality, ready for resale. Closed-Cell Extruded Polystyrene Foam. We sell what they don't need. We only sell seconds insulation boards. WHAT IS FACTORY OVERSTOCK AND WHAT ARE FACTORY SECONDS. Material located in Framingham, MA. zinsulation.com domain for sale $400.00 zinsulation.com domain for sale $400.00 zinsulation.com domain for sale $400.00 zinsulation.com domain for sale $400.00 At Ken Nichols Insulation we sell factory seconds polyiso rigid foam insulation boards at steeply discounted prices. 1/6. The information; technical details and fixing instructions etc. 1021 E 1100 N, American Fork, UT 84003, USA, ©2018 by Craig's Discount Foam. Seconds and Co. supply rigid foam, Kingspan, insulation boards to end-users, builders, merchant chains and distributors. Factory overstock is self-explanatory but it means we can't call up the factory and order whatever we need. Polyiso insulation has the highest R-value per inch of thickness of any type of insulation! From PIR to Phenolic to Glasswool and much more. 1 1/2 X 4' X 8' $16 EA. Roofing Pavers. Delivery charges apply but are very reasonable. i found a business near me that sells factory second foil faced polyiso foam in 4' X 8' X 3.5 inch sheets for a really good price and was thinking of using something like this to insulate my 2 x 4 walls. Because of the slight imperfections the product does not meet strict industry standards and must be sold as seconds. We sell 4x8 and rarely 4x4 insulation sheets WHEN AVAILABLE (only available when the factory has overstock). Sizes from 1" to 4" Please call for pricing. XPS rigid foam insulation for sale - New Factory Seconds – great for below grade applications! seconds & co Supplies reclaimed, recycled, and surplus rigid insulation of all types. Probably our best seller - 1" rigid foam insulation is easy to work with and when properly installed, is a great choice for insulating a space against wind and drafts. Availability varies please call text or email for current in stock merchandise. At GREEN SURPLUS, we have the following types of rigid foam insulation in stock on a regular basis: POLYISO - Highest R value insulation - Brand New factory seconds and SURPLUS stock. If you don't have a way to transport the foam to your job site, just let us know. Used/reclaimed and brand new factory second (but very usable) PolyIsoCyanurate (PIC) rigid foam sheet insulation. has anyone ever dealt with factory seconds in foam This Insulation has an R Value of 6.5 per inch of thickness with MANY thicknesses available 1" X 4' X 8' $12 EA. Its superior resistance to water assures long-term R-value retention in applications such as foundation perimeters, wall insulation and drywall laminate. Thinking of going with 1" of rigid foam board and … We sell 4x8 and rarely 4x4 insulation sheets WHEN AVAILABLE (only available when the factory has overstock). Our boards range in size from 12mm to 200mm thick, and can be supplied with either plasterboard or plywood laminate as you prefer. 2) factory seconds – felt faced – new – 2.5” for $13 per sheet 3) factory seconds – paper & fiberglass faced – new – 2.5” for $16 per sheet 4) New retail – foil faced – 2.5” – IIRC $38 per sheet. What is Factory Overstock and what are "seconds". We've been serving happy customers from all over the Midwest including Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, Kentucky, Wisconsin, and more for almost 40 years! How much is delivery ? do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers; post id: 7254588863. posted: 2020-12-30 14:19. updated: 2020-12-30 14:19. email to friend ♥ best of . Available in a broad range of densities for any application. Most of this insulation has been down graded due to minor thickness variation. Excluding our retail quality foil bubble wrap insulation, our rigid foam insulation is factory seconds. XPS rigid foam insulation for sale – great for below grade applications! Factory direct new off grade polyiso with tan kraft backer on both sides. They are all fully usable sheets, they just have slight cosmetic damages . Included in this website are given in good faith and apply to the uses as described. Brand new factory seconds of foil faced, PolyIso insulation, straight from the manufacturer. Insulation, Rigid Insulation, Foam Insulation, Foam Board Insulation . We sell reclaimed, factory-second and surplus rigid foam insulation, PolyIsoCyanurate, XPS (Extruded PolyStyrene) and EPS (Expanded PolyStyrene), from our yard in Buffalo. Tough, closed-cell extruded polystyrene foam with a reputation as a dependable product. If appropriate, it would be used on new construction in the Finger lakes region, under and … Direct from the manufacturer. that You could get 90mm or 100mm or a mixture of the 2. we dont sort though the boards that come directly into us. Seconds reserve the right to amend product specifications without prior notice. Material located in Hagerstown, MD, Baltimore, MD and Burlington, NJ. Craigs Discount Foam has changed it's name to Utah Discount Insulation. Get insulated roofing pavers at a great discount when you buy from our used inventory. How long is delivery? It fits almost anywhere and is very common. I’m looking to use this on exterior walls and exterior roof on a new construction in climate zone 6b. We provide exception quality new factory overstock and factory seconds polyisocyanurate foam insulation sheets. Factory Seconds of 4' x 8' Polyisocyanurate. of seconds to provide a flexible foam blanket of millions of tiny air cells, filling … Read Content Seconds and Co, are the ONLY APPROVED UK suppliers of Kingspan Seconds and Celotext insulation equivalents. We work by appointment only. Expanded polystyrene is the only common rigid-foam board stock insulation made with Polyisocyanurate foam comes from the factory with RSI/m value foam plastics in a fire will attain a surface temperature of 200°C in a few seconds whereas … Material just landed and we have lots available at our warehouse. Check in daily to to see what offers we have. ;(function(n,t,c){function i(n){return e._h?e._h.apply(null,n):e._q.push(n)}var e={_q:[],_h:null,_v:"2.0",on:function(){i(["on",c.call(arguments)])},once:function(){i(["once",c.call(arguments)])},off:function(){i(["off",c.call(arguments)])},get:function(){if(!e._h)throw new Error("[LiveChatWidget] You can't use getters before load.