The slower and lower frequency brainwaves are, the deeper your state of relaxation—or sleep. Sound Therapy is a unique program using filtered music to benefit the brain. According to a paper published on the Institute of Noetic Science website, “Since its development as a therapy in Australia over 40,000 years ago, sound healing has been used to aid in the treatment of mental and physical illnesses and injuries, as well as to assist in the dying process.Though originally performed using only the yidaki, or didgeridoo, sound … “The responses I was getting using sound frequency work began to outshine anything I was getting from chiropractic manipulation, craniosacral therapy… BASS – 40 – 100 Hertz If you are not satisfied, simply contact us within 30 days of delivery for instruction to return the product, undamaged and in full working condition along with all original parts and accessories, for a full refund of your purchase price (less shipping charges). I recently used HUSO and was completely amazed at how my body felt after just one session… My entire body was calm and extremely relaxed… I truly believe there is a large segment of the sleep patient population that would greatly benefit by using HUSO. 17,500 Highest frequency heard by average young man. 18,500 Highest frequency heard by average young woman. But sound therapy isn't just about those feel-good mental benefits. Like massage therapy, which delivers healing through touch, it’s a form of sensory therapy, and it has been used by various cultural groups for centuries. How it works depends on the method being used. Please listen to our short Introductory video below. HIGHS – 5000 – 8000 Hertz 73 Paul Nogier core healing frequency. 432 Frequency of average baby cry just out of the womb; Relates to the diameter of the Sun; Many other The HUSO sound frequency device is a wellness device in the alternative and complementary medicine field that allows the body to return to a healthy state. Diameter of hydrogen molecule. Multiply by 2 to get the full array of frequencies. Boosting this range a little bit on certain instruments can make the recording sound like a higher quality recording. Sound Healing Frequencies Sound Therapy Frequencies. If you don't already own quality headphones, then we recommend you order HUSO Home+ 2.0 which includes our headphones along with your new device and tonal programs. Sign up to get emails about sound therapy, how to get better rest, and how HUSO can change your life! It uses a machine to measure the frequency of energy wavelengths coming from the body. Scientists have observed for decades that exposure to sound waves can affect brainwave … According to the Guardian, Sound Therapy “believe that our bodies contain ‘energy frequencies’ and that sonic frequencies can be used to reattune these energies when they go off key. Sound therapy can help reduce stress as well as its physiological effects. Most music therapy sessions are … Certainly a lot calmer... My whole body feels different. It is the most irritating frequency there is, by far. Sound Therapy – Change Your State Of Mind & Enhance Well-being November 8, 2015 August 24, 2020 ~ admin “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency … Music therapy uses different aspects of sound to improve your emotional and physical well-being. We are so convinced that HUSO will be of great benefit to you and your loved ones that we are offering an unconditional money back guarantee! And let’s be honest: 2020 hasn’t been normal. The revolutionary HUSO sound frequency therapy system brings ancient traditions to the modern world — combining high-fidelity audio with human-generated tones to create a whole-body experience like nothing else. Sound therapy … Welcome to Vibrationally Sound and Frequency Therapy! But, have you ever thought about what it really is to create a resolution? Boosting a frequency 1 decibel in this range is like boosting 3 decibel in any other frequency range. ", "HUSO is the perfect complement to our treatment protocols. HUSO begins with the human voice. HI HIGHS – >8000 Hertz Our exclusive healing tones are transmitted throughout the entire body via headphones and wrist and ankle pads to deliver a total mind-body experience. We know matter responds to sound. It is designed to re-align and re-balance the … The gist: You can actually use different sound frequencies to "hack" your brainwaves and promote physical healing. Listen to this 20-second sample of our exclusive tone EXPAND—designed to expand your mind and elevate your spirit. For optimum sound reproduction, please use high quality wired headphones. I find it balances the autonomic nervous system [and] is an excellent meditative and relaxation enhancer that can activate the higher levels of healing and can potentiate most other treatment modalities. For 12 days, we hope that you’ll give yourself – or someone…, The HUSO RELAX Program vs. Yoga Nidra – A Side-by-side Comparison Many remedies exist on how to relax the body and mind. This range is also referred to as the “oohzone” because if you put your hand on your chest and say “oooooooooohhhh”, you notice that this frequency resonates your chest cavity. It relieves tinnitus and other ear-related problems while also enhancing brain performance.. Sound Therapy is a portable listening … The best results are achieved by listening via bone conducters or headphones in a calm and relaxed state. It is also the frequency of finger nails on a chalk board. MUDD (OOOHZONE) – 100 – 800 Hertz (particularly around 100-400) There are a number of methods, instruments, and techniques for using sound therapy. This range is sometimes called the “sub-bass.” It is commonly found in Rap Booms and the low bass of Kick Drums and Bass Guitars. HUSO combines ancient traditions with modern technology in an easy-to-use system. 40 – 60 hertz is the approximate range that is boosted when you turn up the “bass” tone control on a stereo. It is commonly boosted in mastering to make things sound brighter and more present. 417 Solfeggio Frequency RE –Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change, 396 Solfeggio Frequency UT – Liberating Guilt and Fear, 297 A frequency found in the Crop Circles, 268.8 Ali Akbar Khan’s favorite frequency to tune to, 256 Physical and Scientific mean – Philosopher’s middle C, 250 Main resonant frequency of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid, 250 Average Voice (Common to everyone across all cultures), 194.18 Based on the Earth day — Spin of the Earth, 144 Code within the golden spiral of all the atoms, 117.1875 The Sarcophagus in the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Egypt. One of the most common sound healing frequencies is that Solfeggio frequency is ancient sound therapy. 5000, 4096 Quartz crystal (786,432 hertz octavized down – 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, etc. ), 4000 The most irritating (or activating) frequency (chainsaw freq), 3000 Frequency that telephones are centered around (voice harmonics), 1000 Test Tone radio and tv put out when they go off the air, 852 Solfeggio Frequency LA – Returning to Spiritual Order, 741 Solfeggio Frequency SOL – Awakening Intuition, 639 Solfeggio Frequency FA – Connecting/Relationships, 528 Solfeggio Frequency MI – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) and Frequency of the Heart LOW BASS – < 40 Hertz (Leonard Horowitz), 452.459 Venus (based on it’s rotation around the Sun). By delivering uniquely enhanced human toning sounds through headphones as well as through pads placed on major acupuncture meridians, HUSO introduces … I have been in the sleep medicine field for over 20 years. 15,700 High frequency … Sound Healing Technology. “ Sound can shift frequencies from low energy of guilt and fear to higher vibrations of love and joy. 200,000-500,000 Dolphins highest range. At checkout, just select as your payment choice and follow the easy instructions for processing. This sound frequency is associated with therapy intended to produce positive feelings and greater attunement to harmonious interpersonal relationships. Payment plans are only available in the US and Canada. The telephone is centered around 3000 hertz because we can still understand someone when only this range is present. We have partnered with to offer an affordable payment plan for HUSO. You can listen to MeloCura Frequency Therapy anywhere and anytime. (Many stereos and headphones don’t reproduce this low of a frequency), 16 Main low freq put out by Whales all the time across the (always right on pitch), 12 Seemingly negative frequency from the Moon during full moon, 11 Energy between pillars — Portals in temples. Soft Musical Sounds generated from Water Droplets and Water passing through a musical pipe to create this sound track. The most prominent form practiced in the U.S. is music therapy, but the use o… I definitely feel like I did some deep meditation. However, I noticed several additional benefits such as a calmness of mind. For an example of 639 hertz sound therapy… “You can really feel the tones in the body. And what is an intention journey?…, A Self Care Gift Guide for Well-Being A self care gift guide for you. Why? Audio fidelity at its finest. All matter, including herbs, pharmaceuticals, and even food with its accompanying vitamins, minerals and other nutrients could be examined from a frequency … This range is called the oohzone (pronounced “ooh” as in “boo”) because if you boost this range it makes you say “ewwwwh” with disgust. Engaging in activities that help you to relax also help you to sleep better, feel healthier overall, and help you to feel…. Sound Healing Frequencies We recommend that you … If you already own a pair of high-fidelity, over-the-ear headphones capable of reproducing the entire human-audible spectrum of sound, then you only need the HUSO Home 2.0 system—pre-loaded with a set of unique, patented tonal programs. Researchers are still trying to determine the mechanism of the healing benefits of sound, but sound in the form of vibrational therapy or meditation offers potential therapeutic benefits with … ", "I was referred to HUSO by someone who said it would make you feel "relaxed". Deep Healing Energy - 528Hz Ancient Frequency - Sound Healing Session - Zen Meditation. Many tuning forks and gongs are tuned to this “earth” frequency. ", Payment Plan Available(US & Canada)Down payment as low as $120Terms up to 12 months. It is a time when so many are making plans, creating resolutions (maybe doing so with great intention!) This range is the range that is boosted when you turn up the “treble” tone control on a stereo. But preparing for all that celebrating can leave you feeling less-than wonderful. 111 Good frequency for Cell rejuvenation (Bob Beck); Many other auspicious relations to sacred sites. All you have to do is lie down and bask in the tuneful beauty of ‘pure’ sound”. auspicious relations to sacred sites and ancient tunings in Egypt. Vibroacoustic Frequency Infused Music is a highly effective branch of Passive Music Therapy or Sound Therapy.Our products are being studied with stunning results in hospitals and universities throughout the US and numerous independent scientific studies of the effects of specific music therapy on people before and after surgery. After a long day, doing something to completely unwind is crucial. 136.102 The “OM” Frequency – Based on a mathematical calculation of the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Entrainment is a method of synchronizing our brainwaves by producing a stable, solid frequency … Other notable frequencies in this range include 1000 hertz, which is that tone you hear when you fall asleep at night with the TV on (and the station goes off the air leaving this test tone). Sound … His initial experiments with sound in the late 1980s convinced him that this was a worthy direction. and committing to doing lots of good-for-you activities. This range is often used in movies for earthquakes, rumble, and explosions. We are extremely hypersensitive to this frequency. In a wireless world, HUSO is wired to give you the highest quality lossless sound and protection from harmful effects of EMFs. Your Well-Being Starts Here… +1. Archetypal Frequencies Commonly known in the medical field as contraindications, people with the following conditions should only use HUSO after consulting with their physician: The Intention Journey The New Year. Binaural beat therapy is an emerging form of sound wave therapy. As therapy, 639 hertz exposure encourages clearer communication practices and situational awareness. It will explain where you can find the right items or information about Frequency Therapy, Frequency … Sound Therapy Frequencies, 18,500 Highest frequency heard by average young woman, 17,500 Highest frequency heard by average young man, 15,700 High frequency that old televisions scream at, 15,000 (Most people over 40 can’t hear this high anymore), 5000-8000 Treble control on a stereo When frequencies are boosted too much in this range, they sound extremely muddy and unclear, and can even cause extreme fatigue when not evened out. Since we are so overly sensitive to this range, it is critical to be careful when boosting or cutting any frequencies here. This range is where you find cymbals and higher harmonics of sounds. Boosting this range too much can make it sound irritating. HUSO combines vibrational frequency, human toning & world-class sound engineering in a patented system. This means that your chest cavity is boosting the volume of this frequency range. For centuries, we have used the human voice to benefit both mind & body. This binaural beat is one method used by sound therapy. (808) 987.4393 We want your visit here to be a rewarding and informative one.. I was able to compete at a high level due to an increased level of focus and clarity. Bioresonance is a type of therapy used in holistic or complementary medicine.. This is doubly true on vocals because we are also hypersensitive to what vocals are supposed to sound like. What about intentions? Sound healing is the use of sacred instruments or voice to release energetic blockages inducing a state of ease and harmony in the body.” While there are many types of sound therapy… Using HEALTONE sound … (From a recording engineering perspective). MIDRANGES – 800 – 5000 Hertz You are now leaving Globe Institute of Recording and Production, Sound Healing and Therapy Certificate Program, The Virtual Mixer Concept Used in the Classes. 10.666 Average ultrawave healing frequency (when healers are in the zone, they’ve measured it as brainwaves). Sound therapy covers a range of treatments, from music therapy to sound baths, according to Nada Milosavljevic, M.D., founder of the Integrative Health Program at Massachusetts General Hospital. HUSO is a completely safe, non-invasive treatment. I think that's one of the core things we can do as bio-hackers…”, Love HUSO - simply the most calming and centering sound therapy I have ever tried - and I have tried dozens of meditation tracks, 2 PEMF type devices, and many body-mind techniques. 10.53 Brainwave frequency used in Silva Mind Control uses to get you in the zone, 7.83 Average Schumann Resonance of the earth’s atmosphere between the earth and ionosphere (electromagnetic, not sound), 8-12 Alpha Brainwaves (Relaxed Attention), 4-8 Theta Brainwaves (Dream State, Creative Downloads, Subconscious Mind, Portal to Oneness), 3-4 Lowest frequency put out by Elephants, 1.45 Frequency emitted by many sacred sites, Thanks to Randy Masters for collecting some of these frequencies, Frequency Ranges in Music HEALTONE sound formula (HTSF) for a specific type of cancer helps to restore the balance in the frequencies of the cancerous condition and hence enable the body to return to a healthy equilibrium. Sound therapy calms the brain and nervous centers … It is difficult for many people to discern pitch very well at this range. For example, if our right ear hears a 200 Hz tone, and our left ear a 210 Hz tone, then our brain will perceive this as a 10 Hz beat. When the vibrational energy of sound is synchronized with the waves generates by the brain, it relaxes the brain and various components present in it. We know the holidays are filled with Joy. After my first session, it did just that. My heart rate variability went up and my sleep did improve… I love how you're taking these older ancient traditions and ancient healing technologies and building on them. 4000 hertz is the chain saw frequency. This is where most of our language is centered — particularly the consonants (vs. the vowels), so it is where we live most of the time. Healing has often been affected by such modalities as sound, light, music therapy and various other energy medicine techniques that alter the frequency patterns of an individual. 50 Main harmonic of a kitty purr; Hummingbird approximate wing speed, 45 Resonant frequency of bones (Proven to regenerate bones), 40 Thunder’s key fundamental frequency; Gamma brainwave frequency, 32 Lowest C note on a piano (good for the nervous system), 25 Lowest frequency that most people can hear; Stimulates mitochondria growth, 25 I am a big believer in taking care of your mind first in order to take care of the rest of your body and HUSO has been a welcomed addition to my overall training regimen. And what is fantastic is that the calm is very deep and durable lasting for hours if not days. Now new and improved, with 16 preset programs, and internal battery for use anywhere convenience, and a larger OLED display. Effects of sound healing. By using specific … Those measures are … This is done by replacing brain energy with high-frequency sound. For a low upfront payment + monthly charge, you can experience HUSO in the comfort of your own home!. Sound is a vibration that activates various brain neurons. The revolutionary HUSO sound frequency therapy system brings ancient traditions to the modern world — combining high-fidelity audio with human-generated tones to create a whole-body experience like … But at its foundation is the premise of entrainment. It seemed as if the game slowed down for me and I was able to just flow. Most music therapy sessions are … “ sound can shift frequencies from low energy of guilt and to! Forks and gongs are tuned to this “ Earth ” frequency – Based a. Movies for earthquakes, rumble, and internal battery for use anywhere convenience, and explosions sound wave.... 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