Jason Industrial MXV4-480 Kevlar Corded V-Belts, Super Duty Clutching, 48" Outside Length, 1/2" Top Width x 5/16" Thick x 40 Degree Angle. Belt Trade Number; 480H075: 480H100: 480H150: View catalog page. keep out of reach of children read safety directions before opening or using. They are found in drive systems in the automotive, agricultural, textile, printing, mining, and office equipment industries, among others. Gates manufactures power transmission and fluid transfer components and systems. Good for use in general purpose drive systems, these belts combine quiet-running … » more. The spray application details that must be recorded are: 1. date with start and finish times of application; 2. location address and paddock/s sprayed; 3. full name of this product; 4. amount of product used per hectare and number of hectares applied to; 5. crop/situation and weed/pest; 6. wind speed and direction during application; 7. air temperature and relative humidity during application; 8. nozzle brand, type, spray angle, nozzle capacity and spray system pressure measured during application; 9. name and address of person applying this product. » more. at a rate higher than 45 mL/100 L where a dilutespraying rate of 15 mL/100 L is specified).- For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry guidelines,undertake appropriate competency training and follow industry best practice. Aramite is a unique, IPM-compatible miticide for control of mice in fruit and nut crops. Message. $ 16.00. It is proposed to register BELT 480 SC INSECTICIDE (BELT 480), containing flubendiamide at 480g/L as a suspension concentrate formulation, and BELT 240 WG INSECTICIDE (BELT 240) containing flubendiamide at 240 g/kg as a water dispersible granule formulation. 500 g/kg Clothianidin (Group 4A). Belt Expert 480 SC 100 X 100 ml. Enter e-mail addresses in the fields below. MANDATORY NO-SPRAY ZONESDO NOT apply if there are livestock, pasture or any land that is producing feed for livestock downwind from the application area and within the mandatory no-spray zones. A maximum of three applications may be applied to any one crop, within a time period of not less than 14 days.Ensure thorough coverage of the target crop – refer to the “Application” section in GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS.The addition of an adjuvant will enhance efficacy of most spray applications of Belt 480 SC. No. Belt SC 480 is a suspension concentrate containing 480 flubendiamide g a.i./l Mode of … No realizar más de dos aplicaciones en la temporada, en intervalo de 10 a 14 días. Comments. Forward. )Rate: 75 or 100 mL/ha or Dilute spraying 10 mL/100 LWHP: 3 days, BRASSICA LEAFY VEGETABLES(field and protectd cropping systems)(Including Bok choy, Chinese broccoli (Gai lum/Gai lan/Kai lan), Chinese cabbage (Pet sai/Wombok/ Haksukai), Choy sum, Gai choy/Am soy, Kai choy, Kale, Mibuna, Mustard (leafy) including Indian mustard and Mustard spinach Komatsuma), Pak choy, Tat soy)Pest: Diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella), cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae), cluster caterpillar (Spodoptera litura), heliothis (Helicoverpa spp. Refer to GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS for information on insect resistance management strategies. Partially fill the spray tank with clean water and add the required volume of product to the water whilst agitating. На SuperAgronom.com ви знайдете інструкцію для інсектицида Белт 480 SC з дозволеного переліку в Україні. Belt 480 SC should be applied as soon as possible after mixing. Flubendiamide belongs to a novel chemical family of substituted phthalic acid diamides that have insecticidal activity. Refer to the “Adjuvants” section in GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS.Belt 480 SC is compatible with integrated pest management (IPM) production systems.Refer to GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS for information on insect resistance management strategies. Livraison rapide Produits de qualité à petits prix Aliexpress : Achetez malin, vivez mieux Dilute spray volume as determined above: For example 1500 L/ha2. 2020 popular roc box, 10mm titanium tube, rc boat udi001, john legend trends in Home Improvement, Tools, Automobiles & Motorcycles, Computer & Office with Timing Belt 480 and roc box, 10mm titanium tube, rc boat udi001, john legend. BELT EXPERT ® 480 SC Belt Expert® is an insecticide to fight parasites on cotton and fruit crops. Comments. If the dilute label rate is 15 mL/100 L, then the concentrate rate becomes 3 x 15, which is 45 mL/100 L ofconcentrate spray.- The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100 L of water, and the sprayer set up and operation may needto be changed as the crop grows.- Do not use at a concentration factor greater than 3X (e.g. ), tomato leafminer (Phthorimaea operculella)Rate: 100 or 150 mL/ha orDilute spraying 10 or 15 mL/100 L orConcentrate spraying Refer to “Application” section in GENERAL INSTRUCTIONSWHP: 1 day, LEAFY VEGETABLES(field and protectd cropping systems)(Including head lettuce, leafy lettuce, chard, cress, endive, rocket, silverbeet, spinach)Pest: Heliothis (Helicoverpa spp. The active ingredient contained in BELT SC Insecticide is active by insect larval ingestion leading to a rapid cessation of feeding followed by death of the insect. 0 out of 5 ( There are no reviews yet. ) Search by crop. Keterangan Review (0) Insektisida racun kontak dan lambung berbentuk pekatan suspensi. insecticide . Use only MEDIUM spray droplets according to nozzle manufacturer specifications that refer to the ASAE S572 Standard or the BCPC Guideline.If using rates per 100 L, aim to spray plants to “point of run-off” stage, thoroughly covering all plant surfaces.Application using rate per hectareThorough coverage of the target area is essential. Print. DO NOT apply by spraying equipment carried on the back of the user.Apply in sufficient water, with correct nozzles and pressure, and using suitable application parameters (boom height, speed etc) to ensure thorough coverage of the target area. BELT SC Insecticide is a Suspension Concentrate formulation. If you are growing edible produce for export, please check with Bayer CropScience Pty. CompatibilityBelt 480 SC may be mixed with the following crop protection products: Agridex®, Antracol®, Blue Shield® DF, Bayfidan® 250 EC, clorothalonil, Confidor® 200 SC, DithaneTM Rainshield, Kocide® 350 DF, Movento® 240 SC and Walabi® SC. … 08. Pack Sizes. FREE Shipping on your first order shipped by Amazon. Agral® 600) MUST be used when applying Belt 480 SC to brassica crops. How can we improve? No. Belt® 480 SC es un novedoso insecticida, de un grupo químico recientemente descubierto (diamidas del ácido itálico), y con un nuevo modo de acción. (Group 28). For potato moth (tomato leafminer), commence sprays when young larvae are first detected in leaves.Use the higher application rate during periods of moderate and high pest pressure or where extended spray intervals are used.Generally, spray intervals of 7 - 14 days are suitable. 3 Products. Fruiting vegetables (excluding cucurbits, sweetcorn) (field and protected cropping systems) Including tomato Learn more. Tomatoes: Belt is ‘soft’ on most beneficial species and pollinators (when used as directed), so it fits very well into IPM programs. L2065), Folicur® 250 EW (Reg. Apply a minimum total spray volume of 30 L/ha. Nurseries & Cut Flowers. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONSInsecticide Resistance WarningFor insecticide resistance management Belt 480 SC Insecticide is a Group 28 insecticide.Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Belt 480 SC and other Group 28 insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. Клас токсичності, діюча речовина, рейтинг, порівняння цін Детальніше! When applying using aircraft application methods use closed mixing/loading systems only. Belt SC. E-mail address (if you would like a response) Send Cancel. Only 8 left in stock - order soon. ApplicationGround applicationThorough coverage of the crop is essential for good pest control. Avoid high temperatures, strong winds, inversion conditions, imminent rain or any conditions that may reduce the quality of spray coverage or result in drift from the target area. Availability: Out of stock SKU: 4009150I. A maximum of three applications may be applied to any one crop, within a time period of not less than 14 days.Ensure thorough coverage of the target crop – refer to the “Application” section in GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS.The addition of an adjuvant will enhance efficacy of most spray applications of Belt 480 SC. To. MixingShake the container well before using. belt ® 480 sc. Ltd. for the latest information on MRLs and import tolerances before using Belt 480 SC. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if Belt 480 SC or other Group 28 insecticides are used repeatedly. A non-systemic insecticide used to control certain pests in a wide range of crops. Green Belt et Black Belt désignent un niveau avancé de savoir-faire en excellence opérationnelle dans le cadre du Lean Six Sigma. Agral at a rate of 0.01% v/v). IPM-compatible insecticide control of various lepidopteran pests in vegetable crops, strawberries and chia.Â. In brassica crops, a suitable adjuvant MUST be used when applying Belt 480 SC. $18.08 $ 18. ); cucumber moth (Diaphania indica)Rate: 100 mL/ ha or Dilute spraying 10 mL/100 LWHP: 1 day, FRUITING VEGETABLES(excluding cucurbits, sweetcorn) (field and protectd cropping systems)(Including capsicum, egg plant, peppers, tomato)Pest: Heliothis (Helicoverpa spp. Para evitar la aparición de fenómenos de resistencia, no aplicar Belt® 480 SC en forma repetida; alternar con otros insecticidas de distinto grupo quími-co y modo de acción. 480 g/L Flubendiamide (Group 28). L8829), No-Blite® (Reg. Export of treated produceGrowers should note that MRLs or import tolerances may not exist in all markets for edible produce treated with Belt 480 SC. Препарат Белт 480 sc, група Інсектициди. FRUITING VEGETABLES (CUCURBITS)(field and protectd cropping systems)(Including cucumbers, melons, pumpkin, squash, zucchini)Pest: Heliothis (Helicoverpa spp. Harga: Rp. (Additional record details may be required by the State or Territory where this product is used.). For insecticide resistance management Belt 480 SC Insecticide is a Group 28 insecticide. Link. L6714), Melody® Duo 69 WP (Reg. Belt 480 SC; Belt 480 SC Bion 50WG. To. The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has before it an application from Bayer CropScience Pty Limited to vary the registration of Belt 480 SC Insecticide to include control of Heliothis in capsicums, lettuce and tomatoes. Enter e-mail addresses in the fields below. Apply at egg hatch in crops with nil thresholds for damage. H Series Timing Belts . Gardens & Amenities. E-mail address (if you would like a response) Send Cancel. A suitable adjuvant, such as a non-ionic surfactant / wetting agent (e.g. Do not use adjuvants which may cause phytotoxicity to crops. Être certifié Green et Black Belt au sein d’une organisation, c’est d’abord maîtriser des outils et méthodes, permettant la chasse aux gaspillages (Lean) tout comme la mise sous contrôle des processus (Six Sigma). Send Cancel. BELT is compatible with Antracol® 70 WP (Reg. For control of insect pests and mites in nominated fruit and vegetable crops. Nurseries & Cut Flowers < back to products. )Rate: 75 or 100 mL/ha or Dilute spraying 10 mL/100 LWHP: 1 day, Pest: Soybean looper (Thysanoplusia orichalcea)Rate: 50 or 75 mL/ha or Dilute spraying 7.5 mL/100 LWHP: 1 day. Merek: Bayer Kode Produk: Belt01 Ketersediaan: Tersedia. The concentration factor in this example is 3X (i.e. Spray to the point of run-off.- The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and operation may also need to be changed, as the crop grows. Application should be timed to coincide with early threshold level in a developing larval population. )Rate: 75 or 100 mL/haWHP: 1 day. 250 g/L Bifenthrin (Group 3A). Apply at normal label rates for each adjuvant (e.g. Foliar Spray Applications Ground applications: A minimum of 10.0 gallons of diluted product/A. Its unique safe formulation offers maximum protection and healthy, high-quality crops. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Belt 480 SC and other Group 28 insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. The effectiveness of Belt 480 SC on resistant individuals could be significantly reduced. Wetters and penetrant type adjuvants have been effective with Belt 480 SC. Fruit, Veg & Viticulture. Belt 480 SC Crop Protection. Bagikan. Belt Trade Number. In brassica crops, a suitable adjuvant MUST be used when applying Belt 480 SC. Otherwise, apply at egg hatch or very soon after egg hatch to target young larvae. Get it as soon as Tue, Oct 27. No. Use adjuvants at normal label rates. How can we improve? Belt Extra. Nativo. L7628), which are registered for use on potatoes. No. ha -1 , Fame 480 SC (flubendiamide 480 SC) @ 60 g a.i. » more. Hunter. Avoid excessive run-off.- The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice.- Add the amount of product specified in the Directions for Use table for each 100 L of water. Belt Expert acts by contact and ingestion through systemic activity. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google + Email. L8470), Melody® Duo 69 WG (Reg. BELT 480 SC INSECTICIDE Australia - English - APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority) Patient Information leaflet (PIL) 20-06-2017. Curved Teeth. Belt 480 SC Crop Protection. AdjuvantsThe addition of suitable adjuvants may enhance efficacy. Adjust water volumes according to the crop growth stage.Application using rate per 100 L (dilute spraying)- Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of run-off and matched to the crop being sprayed.- Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Your chosen concentrate spray volume: For example 500 L/ha3. No-Spray Zones for Protection of International TradeFOR AERIAL APPLICATION, Wind Speed Range at Time of Application: 3 to 20 kilometres per hourDownwind Mandatory No-Spray Zone: 350 metres, FOR GROUND APPLICATION: BOOM APPLICATIONS, Wind Speed Range at Time of Application: 3 to 20 kilometres per hourDownwind Mandatory No-Spray Zone: 40 metres, DO NOT apply if there are aquatic and wetland areas including aquacultural ponds, surface streams and rivers downwind from the application area and within the mandatory no-spray zones, No-Spray Zones for Protection of Aquatic TradeFOR AERIAL APPLICATION, Wind Speed Range at Time of Application: 3 to 8 kilometres per hourDownwind Mandatory No-Spray Zone: 550 metres, Wind Speed Range at Time of Application: 9 to 20 kilometres per hourDownwind Mandatory No-Spray Zone: 600 metres, Wind Speed Range at Time of Application: 3 to 20 kilometres per hourDownwind Mandatory No-Spray Zone: 50 metres, BRASSICA VEGETABLES (Including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi)Pest: Diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella), cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae), cluster caterpillar (Spodoptera litura),heliothis (Helicoverpa spp. It sustainably controls and manages a broad spectrum of chewing and sucking pests from the early stage of the crop. High-Strength Ultra-Quiet Timing Belts . Tomates, Pimientos, Tabaco. For potato moth (tomato leafminer), commence sprays when young larvae are first detected in leaves.Use the higher application rate during periods of moderate and high pest pressure or where extended spray intervals are used.Generally, spray intervals of 7 - 14 days are suitable. For the control of various lepidopteran pests in vegetable crops and chia as specified in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE table. Ltd. accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Belt 480 SC to control resistant insects. Search. Print. Concentrate Spraying- Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is a sprayer which applies spray volumes lessthan those required to reach the point of run-off) and matched to the crop being sprayed.- Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen sprayvolume.- Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (See Dilute Spraying above) for the crop canopy. active constituent: 480 g/l flubendiamide Send Cancel. NOT TO BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OR IN ANY MANNER CONTRARY TO THIS LABEL UNLESS AUTHORISED UNDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION, WITHHOLDING PERIODSHarvestBrassica leafy vegetables, fruiting vegetables (cucurbits), fruiting vegetables (excluding sweetcorn and cucurbits), herbs, leafy vegetables, root and tuber vegetables and stalk and stem vegetables: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 1 DAY AFTER APPLICATIONBrassica vegetables: DO NOT HARVEST FOR 3 DAYS AFTER APPLICATIONChia: NOT REQUIRED WHEN USED AS DIRECTEDGrazingBrassica vegetables: DO NOT USE ON BRASSICAS GROWN FOR FORAGE OR FODDER.DO NOT GRAZE TREATED BRASSICA CROPS. Belt 480 SC is compatible with integrated pest management (IPM) production systems. Add adjuvant if required, then top up the tank with clean water to the required volume. Retrouvez toutes les promotions et réductions Belt 580 sur Aliexpress France ! Belt Trade Number. 1500 L ÷ 500 L = 3)4. Apply at egg hatch in crops with nil thresholds for damage. Active ingredient: FLUBENDIAMIDE … L6681) and Twist® 500 SC (Reg. 2 Products . US79397887F (121114Fv2) LABMC BELT SC (DEU) 480 1 GALLON APPLICATION GUIDELINES For all insects, timing of application should be based on careful scouting and local thresholds. IPM-compatible insecticide control of various lepidopteran pests in vegetable crops, strawberries and chia. From. Flubendiamide 19.92% + Thiacloprid 19.92% w/w SC (480 SC) Belt Expert, an innovative and highly effective crop protection product with the most modern chemistry. Fruit, Veg & Viticulture. Gardens & Amenities. L3587), Infinito® (Reg. Description Size Guide Pack Size Reviews (0) Description. New chemical class, the phthalic acid diamides that have insecticidal activity applicationground applicationThorough coverage of crop... Діюча речовина, рейтинг, порівняння цін Детальніше contact and ingestion through systemic.... A non-systemic insecticide used to control resistant insects of 10.0 gallons of diluted product/A and,! Management Belt 480 SC застосовують для обприскування в період вегетації кукурудзи, капусти, томатів соняшнику., en intervalo de 10 a 14 días an insecticide to fight parasites on cotton and fruit crops opening using... Very soon after egg hatch or very soon after egg hatch to young! Group Movento dans le cadre du Lean Six Sigma ) Send Cancel Expert ® 480 SC brassica. Unique safe formulation offers maximum protection and healthy, high-quality crops: example! Normal label rates for each adjuvant ( e.g 1 day temporada, en intervalo de 10 a 14.. 2 ) Forward Size Guide Pack Size reviews ( 0 ) description gallons of diluted product/A:! ( 0 ) Insektisida racun kontak dan lambung berbentuk pekatan suspensi a larval! Safe formulation offers maximum protection and healthy, high-quality crops opening or using properties... On cotton and fruit crops інструкцію для інсектицида Белт 480 SC застосовують для обприскування період. 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