What is X? (b) it is heavier than air (d) both (a) and (b) are incorrect. CBSE Class 10 Science Lab Manual Experiment 2. Acids react with most metals and, when they do, a salt is produced. They take notes on their notes graphic organizer while I present information on the PowerPoint.. > If an acid dissociates partially, it is called a weak acid, e.g., acetic acid and citric acid. 6. Magnesium metal and hydrochloric acid solution The ribbon and lab materials, the solution. Answer: X is a base. To prepare for your observations and data collection, you must complete the pre-lab activity worksheet that goes with this lab. Zinc metal displaces hydrogen when reacted with acids. Chemical Properties of Acid and Bases 1. Question 9: Neutral solutions (like distilled water) with a balanced number of H+ and OH- ions have a pH of 7. The magnesium metal ribbon placed in the solution. Question 1: The class will be broken up into 8 groups. 28. When a powder was treated with dilute HC1, a gas was produced and when lighted matchstick is shown to it, the flame was put off and the gas also did not burn. The correct observation would be: Observation: The freshly prepared lime water turns milky. Answer: > It turns blue litmus solution red. The burning splinter will extinguish, because carbon dioxide gas does not support combustion. Recall that an activity series is a list of metals in descending order of reactivity. (d) Acids react with it. Dry litmus paper does not show any colour change when brought close to dry HCl gas. 3. Acids and Bases: Their Reactions, Conductivity, Base Indicators. Procedure: Activity 2.5 asks us to react metal carbonates and metal hydrogen carbonate with acids and see if any gas evolves; check also if gas gives a precipitate with quick lime. 18. > Chemical formula of hydrochloric acid is HCl. The blue litmus paper turns red when it comes in contact with dil. Which gas is liberated when sodium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid? (b) the gas will bum explosively with pop sound This file has the activity series of metals. 25. For e.g., HC, HNO3. Chemical Properties of Acid and Bases 1. Activity 2.5 NCERT Class 10 Science, Chapter 2 Acids, Bases, and Salts. (a) Na and K The pH scale is used to measure how acidic or basic a solution is. (d) all of these. Question 8: Answer: Answer: > All acids have hydrogen ions, in it. 11. HCl is an example of (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D. 21. (c) vinegar The same is true for bases of a pH near 13. 7. OCR Combined science A: Gateway. Why do we use zinc granules for the test in the lab? The reaction between the ribbon and solution. Chemists use strong acids and bases to get chemical reactions in the lab. A gas evolved which burnt with a pop sound (d) Bases turn red litmus paper blue and sodium hydroxide solution is base. Instead we get hydrogen gas. Question 11: 28. Hydrogen gas is not collected by downward displacement of air because: (c) C (d) D. 32. 30. Acid + Water —> Highly exothermic reaction, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Acids Bases and Salts. (a) NaCl Question 1: (c) Granules has increased surface area for fast reaction. State the difference between alkali and base. They are called as amphoteric metals. > If an acid releases one H+ ion, it is called monobasic acid, e.g., HCl, HNO3, CH3COOH. The magnesium metal ribbon placed in the solution. For example, Mg metal will react with Zn2+(aq), Cu2+(aq), and Ag+(aq). (c) C (d) D. 31. (a) Zinc is amphoteric and acid reacts with base. (d) none of these. General equation for the reaction of an acid with a metal. Calcium carbonate is found in rocks such as limestone, chalk and marble. (a) an alcohol (c) it extinguishes fire > Arrhenius definition for acids: Substances which ionizes in water and releases H+ ions. Question 2: Acids react with active metals to yield hydrogen gas. (b) decomposition reaction In this article, we have given step by step procedure to perform an experiment which will help you understand the different properties of acids.Read the article carefully to understand the aim, apparatus, procedure and the reactions taking place during the experiment. The reaction when magnesium is … (a) carbonate Questions based on Procedural and Manipulative Skills. LAB -Chap 15: Properties of Acids & Bases ANSWERS IN THIS COLOR Purpose: Reactions in aqueous solution in which protons are transferred between species are called acid/base reactions.Several properties of acid/base chemistry will be qualitatively studied in this experiment. I begin with having students write down properties of acids and base which I … (c) bubbles of a gas ExperimentObservationInference Take a little amount of blue and red litmus solutions separately in two test tubes. CBSE Class 10 Science Lab Manual – Properties of Acids and Bases EXPERIMENT 2(a) Aim To study the properties of acids (dil. Question 3: Question 4: What are the metals (other than Al) which react with alkalies to produce hydrogen gas? > It turns red litmus solution blue. The gas formed is CO2. Electrolysis of water The H20 going in, the equipment for electrolysis, electric currents. Question 11: 18. (d) Both carbonates and bicarbonates release CO2 gas when reacted with acids. (a) filings (b) Acids release hydrogen ions. (b) it is explosive in nature Dil. Bases release OH– ions when dissolved in water. > Test for H2 gas: When a burning splinter is brought near the mouth of test tube releasing H2 gas, it bums with a ‘pop sound’. A student performed an experiment using zinc granules and sodium carbonate with sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid under different conditions as shown here: Question 7: (c) Calcium hydroxide (c) Lime is calcium oxide and water reacts with it to form calcium hydroxide. (a) Calcium oxide (b) Hydrogen is neutral. (d) pellets. Name the gas formed. > On splitting, the H+ ions can be replaced by positive ions like ammonium ions, metals ions and other metal compounds like metal oxide, metal hydroxide, metal carbonate and metal hydrogen carbonate. Hence to avoid burns acid must be added drop wise into water with constant stirring. The gas turns lime water milky. The metals combine with remaining part of acids to form a salt. Add few drops of HCl to each test tube using a dropper.Blue litmus turns red.HCl is an acid having pH value below 7. (c) Na2CO3 (d) Na2SO4. This is because the litmus paper is wet and therefore H+ (aq) ions are released by HCI gas. > Hydrochloric acid react with sodium carbonate to release CO2 gas. (b) milky due to the formation of CaHCO3 4. (d) Hydrogen gas is released which is colourless and odourless. (a) dil. What will be the colour of a blue litmus paper on bringing it in contact with a drop of dil. Get Free Access See Review This establishes that hydrogen production is a characteristic property of the reaction … > Acids can be categorized depending on the number of H+ ions released by it. [CBSE Delhi 2008] Hydrogen gas is released when aluminium metal reacts with sodium hydroxide. In this virtual simulation, you will learn the fundamentals of acids and bases and go through some of the ways they can be characterized and used in the lab. (b) Zinc metal The type of salt that forms will depend on the specific metal and acid which are used in the reaction. (c) distilled water 20. 3. For e.g., when sodium hydroxide reacts with zinc metal it releases hydrogen gas. > Chemical formula of sodium hydroxide is NaOH. 21. (a) no change takes place Answer: 9. Some reactions, Access the virtual lab and complete all sections of the experiments. NaHCO3 is used as an antacid because: (b) Heavy gas does not diffuse fast and stays at urface. The water reacting with the electric currents going through the equipment. Question 2: Aim Any particular metal in Table 2b wll not react with the metal ion in Table 2a that is to the left and below itself. What is the chemical formula of sodium zincate? (c) Lime is calcium oxide and water reacts with it to form lime water. Four students performed the reactions of dilute HCl acid and a solution of sodium hydroxide with zinc metal and solid sodium carbonate separately. The scale runs from 0 … 27. Question 5: On adding zinc to HCl solution, the test tube becomes warm and the reaction is exothermic in nature. Question 2: Activity 4 in this program has an abbreviated set of metals with HCl(aq). III. and Neutralization Reaction (4 Lab Lessons) Background. CBSE Class 10 Science Lab Manual – Properties of Acids and Bases EXPERIMENT 2(a) Aim To study the properties of acids (dil. Name the metal with which NaOH reacts to release H2 gas. Its pH is more than 7. 13. This leads to the evolution of hydrogen gas. The litmus paper tests the acid or base due to the release of H+ or OH– ions in aqueous state. > The acidic property is seen due to this H+(aq) ions/H3O+ ions. Explain how? Question 9: Answer: ii. Answer: 34. (a) Carbonates release CO2 gas when reacted with acids. In this activity students react a limited range of metals with three different acids and isolate the compounds formed. 1. He would observe that the colour of the zinc granules changes to: When zinc metal reacts with hydrochloric acid it releases hydrogen gas. and Neutralization Reaction (4 Lab Lessons) Background. Answer: Answer: We hope this CBSE Class 10 Science Lab Manual Properties of Acids and Bases helps you in your preparation for CBSE Class 10 Board Examination. Metals and Acids. On making the contents react in both the test tubes, hydrogen gas was formed in both the cases. An independent (test) variable changes so that the, experimenter can see the effect on other variables. Reactions of acids with metals Acids react with most metals and, when they do, a salt is produced. 8. We cannot collect the lighter gas by downward displacement of air. 12. (d) white. Theory (d) it burns rapidly. (c) hydrogen gas is released with NaOH solution This preview shows page 1 - 3 out of 6 pages. A substance X when dissolved in water releases OH ions, X is Acids and Bases React with Metals Acids react with most metals to form a salt and hydrogen gas. NaOH) by their reaction with Litmus solution (blue/red) Zinc metal Solid sodium carbonate Materials Required Test tubes, test tube stand, test tube holder, cork, droppers, boiling tube, match-box, burner, […] (c) both (a) and (b) 20. Carbon dioxide gas is collected by the upward displacement of air because: 1. The lighted candle will burn with the pop sound. Reaction of Acid and Base Reaction of Base with a Metal. (a) Cu (b) Zn (c) Fe (d) Pb. (d) Na2CO3. An example of how using this “group meeting” format for my action plan involves a three day lesson on acids and bases. (d) it is heavier than air. Development: i. 29. Question 6: Metal carbonates such as calcium carbonate (chalk) react with acids to produce the gas carbon dioxide. (d) the reaction mixture turns green. Question 8: Question 10: (a) carbon dioxide (b) hydrochloric acid > Not all bases react with zinc metal to release H2 gas but sodium hydroxide solution reacts with zinc metal to release hydrogen gas. (a) supports combustion Aim To study the properties of acids and bases (dilute HCl and dilute NaOH) by their reaction with (a) Litmus solution (Blue/Red) (b) Zinc metal (c) Solid sodium carbonate. HCl Answer: > If an alkali dissociates (splits) completely into ions it is called strong alkali, e.g., sodium hydroxide. (c) hydrogen (a) Reaction of acid and base is a neutralization reaction and forms neutral salt. Hydrochloric acid (a) carbon dioxide Acid X reacts with sodium carbonate. (a) brown NaOH doesn’t react with sodium carbonate. 30. Answer: (b) Calcium carbonate Answer: (b) SO2 Answer: (c) sulphate Lime water is They reported the possible reaction by (V) no reaction by (x). For example, zinc metal reacts with … List and explain your controlled variables, independent variable, and, List your controlled variables, independent variable, and dependent variable for each, experiment in the chart below. (a) it neutralizes HCl in our stomach Handle hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solutions very carefully. (d) Sodium bicarbonate. What are these metals called? Electrolysis of water The H20 going in, the equipment for electrolysis, electric currents. 9. Question 12: (b) bicarbonate Fill in each section of this lab report and submit it to your instructor for grading. 34. But few exceptional cases are there. Hence, it combines with water to form H3O+ (aq) ions. Zinc and lead metal will produce hydrogen gas when they react with alkalies. Zinc granules have increased surface area so that reaction occurs fast. HCl) and bases (dil. Answer: (b) strips When Acid Gets Mixed Up With A Base:- When the acids get mixed up with a base, the reaction is … When zinc metal reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid, the gas evolved In each row, predict the reaction type(s) for each chemical, reaction. Phenolphthalein turns red or pink in basic solution and remains colourless in acidic solution. The metals which react with acid and alkalies to produce hydrogen gas are When sodium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid the gas evolved is: Shake the solutions and reaction mixtures carefully without spilling. (a) Litmus solution (Blue/Red) (b) Zinc metal (c) Solid sodium carbonate. GCSE. 11. The metal used is What are the products formed when NaOH solution reacts with zinc metal? 19. Sodium carbonate reacts with acids to give (a) milky due to the formation of CaCO3 (c) Zinc metal displaces hydrogen when reacted with acids. > Hydrochloric acid reacts with metals to release hydrogen gas. He would observe that no gas is evolved in the setup: The right set of observations is that of student: When a metal reacts with an acid, it generally displaces hydrogen from the acids. (c) NaOH Magnesium metal and hydrochloric acid solution The ribbon and lab materials, the solution. Hydrogen gas is lighter than air and it will easily escape in the air. (b) hydrogen gas is released with dil HCl (c) both (a) and (b) are correct For example, Ag metal will not react with Cu2+(aq), The zinc metal commonly used in the laboratory for doing experiments is in the form of Name the ion released when alkali (bases) dissolve in water. NaOH reacts with zinc metal to release H2 gas. Theory Hydrochloric acid (d) sodium hydroxide solution. Blue litmus solution turns red in first test tube. Neutralisation Reaction: Acids and bases react with each other to produce salt and water. Y is an acid. Hydrogen gas does not show any change with the litmus paper because: I. Answer: 4. Acids have a pH below 7; bases have a pH above. (a) A (b) B (d) hydrogen gas is not released in any case. Reactions of Acids and Bases with Metals. (d) Zn and Al. 2.2 ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS (c) the reactions of dilute acids with metals and how these relate to the metals' position in the reactivity series; England. 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