Some Examples. Sign Up to get started. Please learn it to improve your word power. Numerical Ability . Q4. Rajiv's rank in CAT Exam is incredibly poor. A word used to refer to a man who excessively caters to, worships and submits to the most outlandish or outrageous demands of his wife – Uxorious 3. Solved examples with detailed answer description, explanation Exercise - 2 Section A Spotting Errors. List of one word substitutions with Hindi meaning,List of 504 One Word Substitutes with Hindi Meaning. One who comes from a village and considered stupid : Bumpkin: One who compiles dictionary : Lexicographer: One who cuts precious stones : Lapidist: One who deserts his religion : Apostate: One who does not care for literature : Philistine: One who does not respect something sacred or holy : Blasphemy: One who does not take definite stand : Evasive Cookie Policy This website uses cookies to ⦠Atheist: A person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods. September 11, 2020. open menu. The policy of extending a country's empire and influence A. Download. It is very important to write precisely and speak in a single word. in medicine. We can express it is easy way a thing … Amazon: Apple: Nook : Pothi: Smashwords: Kobobooks: Overdrive: Google: Print Book Listing. In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence. But, it is seen that precise words are always understood easily by all. A person who remains unmoved and unaffected by other people's opinions, suggestions, A place where weapons and ammunitions are stored, A short message added on to the end of a letter after the signature, A speech delivered without any previous preparation, A supposed cure for all diseases or problems, A thing that cannot be seen with human eyes, An animal or a human being that eats any kind of food, An assembly of hearers at a lecture or concert, Assembly or parliament in which no party has got clear majority, Belonging or pertaining to an individual from birth, Of a person who can use both hands equally well, One who does not believe in the existence of God, One who does not care for art, literature etc, One who does something not professionally but for pleasure, One who feels sympathetic towards human beings, One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views, One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain, One who looks on the bright side of things, One who makes an official examination of accounts, One who pursues some art or sport as hobby, Remarks which do not apply to the subject under discussion, Somebody or something with the same name as somebody or something else, Somebody who is considerably experienced in something, Something that has been determined beforehand, Something that is essential and cannot be dispensed with, Something that is quickly and easily set on fire and burned, Statements open to more than one interpretation, That which does not bear the name of the writer, The area over which an official has control, The branch of biology dealing with plant life, The custom of having more than one wife at a time, The period between childhood and adulthood, To explain something mysterious or difficult, To increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of a disease, To increase the speed; to hasten the progress of, To take somebody away by force and hold him or her prisoner, usually for ransom, Film and Television Institute Entrance Exam, Journalism and Mass Communication Entrance Exams. 6. A mole C. A hive D. A sanctury. For Microsoft Word and Office aficionados, the best possible free online alternative for their document editing needs is definitely Word online, which comes as part of the Office Online suite. Although free MS Word web app is not a full-fledged version of its paid counterpart, it allows you to open, create and edit Word documents online. Join now. Deism: Got birth and followed principles in a particular caste but telling, he is not god. Forgot password?Submit your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. The challenge is simple: lose the long list of changes you want to make this year and instead pick ONE WORD. New to Target Study? Anil's jounrny from ragas to riches in incredible. One word substitution - A paper written by hand Option: - Handicraft - Manuscript - Handiwork - Thesis. This expression is more powerful. English Language One Word Substitution Test 2. A person who believes in fate. Serenade. Theist: Belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. For example: A hater of womankind – Misogynist. Use it to prep for your next quiz! Verbal substitution is realized through an auxiliary verb (do, be, have), sometimes together with another substitute term such as so or the same.Example (134) shows the substitution of looks pretty good in the first clause with so does in the second one. Solution(By Examveda Team) The one word substitution is Atheist. A speech delivered without any previous preparation, One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain, One who looks on the bright side of things, One who does something not professionally but for pleasure, A book published after the death of its author, Film and Television Institute Entrance Exam, Journalism and Mass Communication Entrance Exams. Your Answer : Name *: Email *: (Required but will not be displayed) » Your answers will be displayed only after manual approval. Fanatic: A person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal. Atheist – a person who does not believe in God 4. A word synonymous with alcoholism – Dipsomania 4. It is truly said that Ramesh is a Psychologist. New to Target Study? 1. Who believed that the world was not supported by anything at all and that it is just a solid object hanging in space, and is kept in position by its equidistance from everything else? Autobiography – the life history of a person written by himself Like the word “Autobiography” can be used in place of the sentence “The life story of a man written by himself”. Join now. Verbal Ability. Do you know answer? 7. Log in. Education India, Colleges, Universities, Courses, Exams, Schools. Practice of a married woman having extra marital relationship. 25 Most Viewed Sentences one word substitution Get link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; Sentences Start with Alphabet - A. Home; About; Contact Us; Random Posts. Q3. One Word Substitution with Meaning 1. We'll ask some follow-up questions. Press "Enter" to skip to content. Word with the same meaning (a) Antonyms … A person who readily believes whatever is told to him/her. Mania for talking. Debtor: One who owes money to another. All trade marks belong to the respective owners. A speech without prior permission -Extemporaneous 5. Belfry. Moderate Questions. Related Words (02). An apiary B. Fatalist A person who is above hundred years. Search Brainy Lads . All trade marks belong to the respective owners. Bungalow. See the definition, listen to the word, then try to spell it correctly. Acrobat. "Dictionary of One-word Substitution: Vocabulary Builiding " E-Book Listing. An Introduction To English Grammar And Languages. Lechery . One Word Substitution SSC CGL & CHSL. ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION, Frequently Used now a days, Very important for day to day life, can be used while conversing with anybody. Word with the same spelling as another â Homonym (हà¥à¤®à¤¨à¤¿à¤®) Meaning â हमनाम. A One Word Substitution question requires you to replace a sentence with a single word. Change a few things up and try submitting again. One or Ones are the terms most commonly used for nominal substitution in English. A . Be the first to answer this Question ! whose author is unknown, A loss or damage that cannot be compensated, A man devoid of kind feeling and sympathy, A man who has too much enthusiasm for his own religion, A medicine to counteract the effect of another medicine, A person appointed by parties to settle the disputes between them, A person liable to be called to account for his action, A person supported by another and giving him/her nothing in return, A person who does not believe in the institution of marriage, A person who imports or exports goods into or from a country secretly because they are illegal. See the List of examples given below. Forbidden by law -Prohibit 7. Music sung at night below a person's window. Deist Q2. Education India, Colleges, Universities, Courses, Exams, Schools. Change a few things up and try submitting again. One who has unlimited powers-Omnipotent, Almighty 2. Journey to the End of the Earth, Class XII, English Core, Chapter … Like the word “Autobiography” can be used in place of the sentence “The life story of a man written by himself”. STUDY. 1. Oh snap! Communism B. Internationalism C. Capitalism D. Imperialism. Rekesh has go incredible craming power. âMy One Wordâ is an experiment designed to move you beyond this cycle. Heretic: A person believing in or practicing religious heresy. Sentence Improvement. The verb form means to use something in place of something else. Adultery. Your child may say a w or a y for an l ("yeg" instead of "leg") or use w for r ("wabbit" instead of "rabbit") or substitute an f for a th ("baf" instead of "bath"). Bookmark Like 1 Dislike 0 ⚐ Report. That which cannot be avoided one word substitution Get the answers you need, now! One word substitution One who can not be corrected. A book published after the death of its author, A cinema show which is held in the afternoon, A contagious disease which spreads over a huge area, A drug or other substance that induces sleep, A letter, poem etc. Home; English Verbal Exam; One Word Substitution Questions; Q1. Search. Easy Questions . Instead of saying "Ramesh is a scientist who studies the mind and the way that people behave. Academic Resource. The word substitute can be a verb and a noun. One word substitution One who can not be corrected. Fanatic: A person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal. Anthropologist – one, who studies the evolution of mankind 5. Posthumas A book written by an unknown author. However, remember that while doing so, you must not change the exact meaning of the sentences. That which cannot be believed : Incredible Word Usage: How to use word Incredible in Sentences? A word that is used in place of a group of several words. One word Substitution is one of the integral parts of vocabulary. Call upon God or any other power (like law) etc. One who cannot be corrected : A) Incurable B) Incorrigible C) Hardened D) Invulnerable. Back. From four possible alternative words you need to select the word that can be used as substitute to the given group of words.This type of questions are very important for … 1) Indefatagiable 2) indolent 3) ineligible 4) incorrigible: 410: 3 Previous Next. Solution(By Examveda Team) The one word substitution is Atheist. 2. one word substitution “One word substitutes” as the phrase indicates itself are the words that replace group of words or a full sentence effectively without creating any kind of ambiguity in the meaning of That Which Cannot … Download App. Download our full collection of 300+ important One Word Substitution PDF for competitive exams! Bookmark Like 0 Dislike 0 ⚐ Report. One who is out to subvert a government Anarchist . Anaximander. The noun form is a replacement for something which does a similar thing. One not concerned with right or wrong (A) Moral (B) Amoral (C) Immoral (D)Immortal. One word Substitution. Immovable - Which cannot be moved, fixed - Achal, aTal Heretic: A person believing in or practicing religious heresy. It simply means that a sentence has to be replaced with a single word. One Word Substitution : One Who Cannot be Corrected. One Word Substitution : D: One Word: Sentence Debacle: Sudden collapse - general break-up - violent rush. Directions (1-50) : Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words. Secondary School. Verbal Ability questions and answers section on One Word Substitution with explanation for various interview, competitive examination and entrance test. One Word Substitution QUESTIONS and Answers exams contains the questions from various competitive exams.These questions are the part of previous year paper.These kind of questions would be helpful in preparing for exams like IAS, PCS, UPSC, NDA, CDS SSC, RRB, PSC, IBPS : Exam Type: MASTER EXAM: Authenticity: 0: creator: Anirudh(39306) Create Question PDF . One who believes too easily -Credulous 4. Autocracy – government by one person 6. Enhance your vocabulary and learn new words related to one word substitution to boost your exam preparation. This not only makes the language easily comprehendible but also makes it beautiful. A place where bees are kept in called A. Oh snap! ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION. One who breaks into a building especially in order to steal â Burglar (बरà¥à¤à¥à¤²à¤°) Meaning â सà¥à¤à¤§à¤®à¤¾à¤°. Decalogue: Ten commandments. Audience – a number of people listening to a lecture 2. Quixotic: Trying to do the impossible, usually to help others, while putting oneself into danger. Centenarian A book published after the death of its author. 1. Difficult Questions. Price: $7.99. Asked by: Himanshu on Jan 16, 2017. One Word Substitutions - Q; Quack: One who dishonestly claims to have knowledge and skill, esp. History has proven that his "New Testament Notes" is one of the most important of Wesley's literary and spiritual legacies. That which cannot be believed. Exercises with answers and Explanations for MBA, Bank PO, SSC, NDA, CDS and Other competitive Exams. 1. People who work together (a) Worker (b) Superhuman (c) Colleagues (d) Expert Q2. One who is hard to please -Fastidious 3. Asked by: A Sai Jeevitha on Jan 21, 2017. Question: A place … Barnes & Noble: Amazon: Print on Demand [Series Name: 'English Word Power' | Book No: 13] This Book Covers The Following Topics: (01). List of One Word Substitutions One word can often express the idea of a phrase or a clause and can help in writing or communicating precisely. An entertainer who performs difficult physical actions. “One word substitutes” as the phrase indicates itself are the words that replace group of words or a full sentence effectively without creating any kind of ambiguity in the meaning of the sentences. One Word Substitution - English Aptitude Vocabulary Test : You will be presented a group of words. A child born after the death of his father-Posthumous 9. Answer : Option D . Defendant: One who is sued by the plaintiff. One Word Substitution In English Language, One word is used for more than one words, sentense or phrase are called One Word Substitution. Roots are nothing but the words from which the main word has been derived. At times we become verbose which is not required and we are required to talk or speak precisely. His "Notes On The New Testament" is still an authority on the Word and has a large sale today. Impudent girl â Minx (मिà¤à¤à¤à¥à¤¸) Meaning â ढà¥à¤ लड़à¤à¥. Aptitude Data ... One Word Substitutes. It is asked in various competitive exams like IBPS PO/ Clerical, SSC, LIC, CDS etc. Forgot password?Submit your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. One who can speak two languages (a) Bilingual (b) Polylingual (c) Polygamy (d) Oligarchy. Verbal Ability - One Word Substitution. Englishkitab >> Vocabulary >> One Word Substitutes-3 Full Index - englishkitab . One word substitution is a process in which people use one word to replace a wordy phrase, to make the sentence structure more clear. One who goes on foot (a) Machination (b) Pedestrian (c) Transmigration (d) Eccentric. A small house with all rooms on one floor. Sign Up to get started. Theist: Belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. One easy method of doing one word substitution is … A Person Who Does Not Believe In God : This objective type question for competitive exams is provided by Gkseries. A speaker who does not use more words than necessary – Laconic 2. The word one uses should be the word that best does the job. Incapable of being moved -Catatonic, paralysed 6. Atheist: A person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods. Generally, we speak or write in a garrulous way. One Word Substitution. Answer. Altruist – one, who considers the happiness and well-being of others first 3. One Word Substitution 1. Learn & Explore Assign. Directions to solve : Out of the alternatives given, select the word which closely fits each definition. “One word substitutes” as the phrase indicates itself are the words that replace group of words or a full sentence effectively without creating any kind of ambiguity in the meaning of the sentences. This also makes work more succinct, instead of convoluted. Log in. This area requires a good vocabulary to solve the questions well. Your Answer : Name *: Email *: (Required but will not be displayed) » Your answers will be displayed only after manual approval. Iâm not a supporter of replacing good short words with more elaborate and not exactly synonymous substitutes, especially if the only reason is that some may think them overused. Mother-Most Valuable Gift of God. TRANSFORMATION OF SENTENCES (ACTIVE/PASSIVE) COMMON ERRORS. Q1. Decelerate: Slow down. Anonymous A cinema show which is held in the afternoon. One who spend too much -Spendthrift 8. PLAY. Be the first to answer this Question ! Get one wrong? ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION. Quarantine: Confinement to one place to prevent spread of infection. One who shoes horses â Farrier One easy method of doing one word substitution is by using the root method. One Word Substitution SSC. In our other series of vocabulary, we have consolidated the lists of root words that will ease your preparation. Scientific Studies (03). List of some common one-word substitutions are given below. Excessive sexual desire. While Wesley did believe in sound doctrine, he did not believe in twisting the Scriptures to bolster his theology. One Word Substitution (Most Important One Word Substitution) One Word Substitution Most Important One Word Substitution. Price: $2.99. This process provides clarity by taking all your big plans for life change and narrowing them down into a single focus. English. Brainy Lads. One Word Substitution list PDF Facebook; Twitter; Telegram; Email; Whatsapp; Published on Saturday, June 04, 2016 By - Unknown. In English language there are a lots of single words for a group of words that can be used effectively to make the writing to the point that too without losing the meaning of the context. sorry we dont have answer. … Related Questions. The Following Section consists of English Aptitude Test Questions on One Word Substitutes. Part of a church in which bells hang. Spelling Bee Test your spelling acumen. Practice Answer a few questions on each word. The other way, we can say that these words are used to bring an effect of compression in any kind of writing, for example in business communication there are instances when we have to write a lot with in limitation of time and space, there these kind of words can prove quite handy. So, you must not change the exact Meaning of the integral parts of vocabulary by using the root.... 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